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S2 licensed
Glad i left them when i did. Im worried to say that so far TalkTalk have been just as reliable as PlusNet were.
S2 licensed
My first car. Pug 306 1.4 LX.
S2 licensed
At least hes honest
S2 licensed
FEAR online?
Americas Army?
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :EA has been a longtime partner with Dice as far as I know... I don't see much of a difference to be honest

Didnt know that.
EA buys Dice
S2 licensed ... ml&src=rss&rpc=22

When will EA get the hint that they are CRAP!

Please devs, never, ever sell yourselves to EA, as it seems they are trying to buy out all the competition. If LFS ever goes to EA i WILL be suicidal.
S2 licensed
Of course id much rather be entertained by the mint, or some other ring in and win quiz program

ITV are getting worse, first they screw up the cover, now they dont cover. What next, no F1?

Please ITV, let the BBC cover it, then there will be no breaks.
S2 licensed
THis is how it went for me:

-Demo came out, played that for years
-S1 got released, i didnt have any payment methods so it died off
-As S2 came otu i tried the S2 deno and enjoyed it so used my dads card to buy it
-Played a shed load
-Im dying off a bit now do to work and uni, but im still about.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT : ... ources/faces/photo_8.html

Gotta Laugh ... LOL!!!!

I tried not to LOL, but couldnt help myself
S2 licensed
What does scawen look like
S2 licensed
Quote from Leifde :Starkey's Bridge... was that just after the old hairpin? I was by the old hairpin pretty much all day Sunday

In which case i probably walked past you, i was right next to the spark plug thing.

Few attatchments of some pics i took, and a link to an F1 launch i caught on video on Saturday.
Last edited by Stellios, .
S2 licensed
Been dead for 2 dys so far, along with:

Whos your ISP?
S2 licensed
Im tempted to get this like, but im saving up for a car.

S2 licensed
Stuntcar racer - as a kid id be addicted to it on the Amiga

GTR2 - Got the demo and im hooked to it

Need For Speed Road Challenge - The PC one, the racing was fun, and the police chases were immense.
S2 licensed
Yeah, when they almost raced each other into the wall was spectacular to watch, and really well controlled.
S2 licensed
I went down for the weekend, very nice weekend. The F1 car stole the show for me, but the meganes were definately produced the best racing IMO.
S2 licensed
Scooby doo, but the old ones, not the crap that they call scooby doo today in the remakes.
S2 licensed
Ive just got talktalk in, and its not as bad as i expected, albeit not the best. If i got my way it would have been zen or nildram going in, but my dad pays for it.
S2 licensed
Ill always stop where i am and look left and right to make sure im not going to hit anything when pulling out, but if im knackered then i just go back to the pits unless im close enough to crawl back myself.
S2 licensed
I like the way nothing is mentioned about engine freezes or that split rear wing and our views on it.
S2 licensed
In theory its a good idea, but if a vote is started againt youthen the people will want you off the server so will just do a standard kick. Could be a good option for admins though.
S2 licensed
Already a year, then again, only had a licence since September.

Happy birthday LFS. All raise your glass to the devs
S2 licensed
I love it, but i feel it needs to be made mroe clear the mandatory pits are required at the start of the race, maybe put a big message across the screen before the lights go green at the start saying they are required.
S2 licensed
Sorry if i sounded offensive there mate, it wasnt supposed to.