The online racing simulator

Live for Speed Game Hosting


When you create a host it is not immediately started. This allows you to first configure it before you start it via the host management pages.

You can configure every option of the dedicated host software, either through the web interface, or in-game, so you are in full control of the host.

You can also ban IP addresses from your host through the web interface.

Another often used option is the InSim interface. InSim is always enabled, but you must manually set the IP addresses and ranges that are allowed to connect.


We store your replays for 3 months and logs for 7 days and make them available for you to download and view. They will be deleted if you delete your host, or your host is purged after 30 days of inactivity (while switched off).

If you would like a permanent host, you can rent one here.
With just a few clicks, our fully automated system will have your host configured and up and running.

Subscription hosts

You can rent hosts on a subscription basis. That means you pay in advance for a certain period of time: 3 months, 6 months, or a whole year. You will receive a billing notification two weeks before a subscription period is about to end, allowing you to renew it by making a payment, if you wish.

Semi Annually
15 slots N/A N/A £5.00 / 12 months
47 slots £5.00 / 3 months £9.00 / 6 months £15.00 / 12 months
79 slots £7.00 / 3 months £12.00 / 6 months £20.00 / 12 months

In-Game Temporary hosts

You can create a free host from within LFS itself (Multiplayer... Start new host). A free host will keep running as long as there are people racing on it. The host will shut down after being empty for 5 minutes, or when you click the "end host" button on the main menu.

You can run one of these in-game hosts per LFS account.

When an in-game host has been created you can manage it from within LFS via the "options" button in-game (if you are an administrator) and also from this website in the Your Hosts section.