Quote from danowat :What upgrades does your mugen have?, I can do setups, maybe if I can a car up to the same level, I can work on a setup.

The point is...

I don't know if i chose the right upgrades.

I used all the racing stuff and the full weight reduction etc. But the engine is untouched. No power upgrades. The power is somewhere around 160kw. I've watched some of the fast guys replays, and they seem to run power up to 190kw and more.

As for the setup... i am not really great with them, but i can make my cars go faster with some changes usually.

What i really would like is...
An integra, with the exact upgrades and setup, used by people in the top ranks. But i don't know yet how i can check those things in forza. All i've found out is that i can watch the telemetry when watching the replays from them.

PS: Not getting bored of hotlapping... it's good fun.
I'll have a look at a mugen when I get time, I have a VIS integra that does good laptimes.
So, are any of you having a few online races today or what? It's sunday...
Everyone kicks me I don't know what for reasons, once there was some free session, drifting and stuff, i chose my max.tuned Hennessey Viper and soon as I selected it, I got kicked And not just once, just for selecting same car in other servers I got instantly kicked.

I don't talk very much, but when someone says to me something or asks me, i will respond.
I haven't played online yet. I just expect all those sessions to be full of wreckers, or to have damage off, which takes all the fun out of it. I'm used to LFS racing and I think you don't find that standard of racing easily on Forza2 multiplayer. So that's why I'd love to join a session with some of you guys, at least then I know I'm racing with people who will try to be fair and clean.
I have had a fair few sessions online, all of them pretty good, I would just dive in if I were you, it's worth it.
Agree with that. It's good fun most of the time. Of course you get to meet a few idiots from time to time, like anywhere else... but mainly it's decent racing.

BTW, danowat,
There is a guy at the forza forum, named "hadoq", who seems to have a car with the same kind of design that you've made for the Toyota 2000gt. At least he has a picture of it in his sig... ;-)
Made a new "skin" for the 944 Turbo!

jibber: Now that reminds of something.. what could it be...
Hehe! Well, i guess i can't hide my old style...

Skinning is a pain in the arse tho... compared to LFS.
So does anyone wanna have a race tonight? im rather bored, my GT is sPuZ200sx btw, who wants to have a few goes around the nurburgring with me?
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Well i know many people who have registered themselves in UK and it works fine. But what i know is that there is two places under memberships to enter redeem code, in one place it works and in other it doesen't (says that it's not valid code or smth).
So maybe try again and tell me step by step of where you entered it, and if any error comes, write what it said to here, too.

Free XBOX Live FTW!!

Just wanted to say thanks, after reading your comment I tried it again in the marketplace tab, and it works Free stuff FTW Till payday anyway.
lol, its hard finding a race at 2:30 am where i dont get kicked, is anyone else up to doing endurance races yet? They are bloody hard
Done about 3 of them, actually pretty good fun.
Wow, three? I must be really impatient then , i was racing in a competition event in career mode earlier today, and i was about to start the last race, when i accidentally restarted my progress, i got so angry lol
I've done a handful of the endurance races. If you get the right difficulty they can be fun. Too easy and it's boring, too hard and you get left well behind.

I also used those to progress while I was busy moving house, using hired drivers. Set up the car, start the race and get clearing
Warning if you try this though. (1) The AI pit stop strategy is appalling. They pit on like lap 26 of 30 after driving a handful with heavy tyre wear and nearly no fuel. (2) if you use the 55% winnings driver, he turns on all driving aids so you get even less cash than normal.

P.S. Yay for having a net connection at home again!
Anyone playing forza today?

my bro's friend left his 360 at my house & i cant stop playing it.
There a couple of online tornys which are looking quite competitive.
Im doing the D class one in my liittle MR2 . 1.03.07 to beat

Anyone wanna join me for a race?

my tag is steffery
I find the Forza online a let down, probably because LFS is my first online racer and so easy to use. Everyone trash talks before the race starts, and then the race starts and plenty of them crash. Then there is no fun. I also find the races often take forever, despite being super short distance. I am absolutly disgusted with the online because when the server has 7 people, someone tends to insist on waiting 20 minutes so one person might come. Then no one ever comes and finally the race starts.

I am loving the offline though. By my dream cars, paint them to my liking, tune them, and enjoy them. They need to improve the online a lot.
Hmm, i think the online is brilliant for things like the Auction house really good how you can sell your cars and you bid for them, also the tourments etc..

The let down's is the server list pretty poor really not enough information about the races

Overall basicly the game in Career mode is much better then the online mode.

I have this game on Xbox 360 btw..


Sadly it seems like most online games set it up to have no collisions and that means you're pretty much just hotlapping with distractions.

I've had a few decent online games though, it can just take a while to find them. I still recommend D-B class races over anything else though
Online is just too clunky and hit and miss to be any real fun, I have had some good races, but they are few and far between.

TBH, I prefer the offline side of it, although the AH is pretty good, even though it's spammed to hell with the same crappy designs and anime porno shite.
I'm still playing it offline now and then, but not so much lately to be honest as I'm playing LFS more frequently again.
Anyone fancy an organised race on either Wed or Thurs evening?.

I am so sick and tired of LFS I can barely bring myself to start it up, let alone play it, but I still need my online racing fix
I'd be up for it, depending what time. Usually i'm "ready to play" around 9pm during the week. GMT+01 that is...
Sounds good to me.

Forza 2, pretty bloody good infact........
(698 posts, started )