I did not introduce myself as well, so I might as well do it now
I am Robin from France, I bought S2 a couple of days after trying the demo, because I was really hooked by the quality of the game!
I am a member of the Nopi Drift team, but I am more of a racer than a drifter, which I do only to let the steam off (even if I think I got quite the hang of it

). It started by drifting for show, but I found that racing provided a much more tangible competition and a higher level of adrenaline

I am a lonely racer, no racing team yet, and I don't really plan on joining one/asking to be part of one. Maybe will I be invited, which I doubt as there are plenty of better racers than me and I love racing under no flagship
I had a G25, which I can't use untill June 2009, as I moved to the United-States for a study year in the University of Washington. So I'm stuck with my laptop's touchpad (yaaaaaaaay

). I spend more time studying the tracks and my racing skills in the pure sense, so that I'll be able to get even better times with the G25 (I'm improving all my pbs and my average hotlaps by now

IRL, I am training for the RACE Essec 24 of 2010, which is a 24h team endurance kart race between french universities. So if any French or European people listents to this and is willing to sponsor my team, I'll be glad to have as best results as possible to ensure the best promotion of our sponsors