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S2 licensed
OK thanks - will try it again at end of month when I get paid.
S2 licensed
Ok - im gonna bump this because I still want to upgrade my license >_>
Unable to upgrade to LFS S3
S2 licensed
After Selecting "Visa" option, entering my address - the payment system does not proceed any further (it breaks before I can enter my credit card details) - it just response with a Non Recoverable error message.

I don't even get to enter my credit card details. See attachment. I cannot use PayPal with my bank.
S2 licensed
1: Its not NFS
2: Its not NFS
3: Its not Grand Touriscrap
4: Cake is a Lie
5: Custom Skins
S2 licensed
Quote from [Audi TT] :Why can not I select a skin with the name in Chinese, or Japanese?
Please remove the auto-connect to the server, if you are disconnected the host because of vob-mode.

Probably because those require whatever is trying to read their paths to have the ability to process "MULTIBYTE" characters in the unicode table.

Unlike most languages, Japanese characters tend to have 2 or more bytes per character instead of one, and so reading a string expecting only english or single byte character paths or such - will result in inaccurate return of characters...

In otherwords - either your OS is not configured/enabled to support unicode paths by default ( such as those sold in Japan ), or the software does not support Unicode-Multibyte characters when reading from file.

Don't confuse this with Kana characters visible in game - they are just sprites ate the end of the day - as how most Font Rendering takes place in most games - however the game engine itself supports Multibyte characters within the game itself.

Basically - it could be that - even though LFS supports communication in any language via support of unicode, the IO operations that read from disk probably don't when Multibyte characters are encountered.
S2 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :LOL @ GT and Forza being racing sims. I've seen better physics in a toilet bowl than those 2 games combined.

You ever seen a crash from either of these games? Pathetic

LFS is a racing sim considered to be a Simulation

FORZA and Gran Tourismo are considered "Realistic" and not "Simulations". They are NOT racing Simulations - they are just Realistic Racing Games that are designed to appeal to the general gaming world, and not towards those that want absolute realism..
S2 licensed
Best possible connections from US - EU/UK will never be below 200 ping, from my experience the 6 years I spent in the US.

And so kicking with a 200-300 MS ping range will guarantee the people overseas will be kicked. This inst just with LFS , any game were you a long range connection like this - it will be a problem, regardless of ISP.

South Africa also is minimum 200 Ping just to maintain a connection to the EU or the UK.

They have only major ( reliable ) 2 lines ( only one of these confirms to be fiber all the way ), that connect RSA to the international community - of these two , one runs over land through Africa, the other sits 5KM below the ocean. And connecting to EU stupidly routes up the easy coast instead of the longer and more direct line up the west - which Telkom Assholes tend to try and monopolize for themselves. Beleieve it or not - but RSA often sometimes even has worse connection to Australia than to the EU in some scenarios and provinces.

All other cables are utter crap down here. Most ISPs "buy" access to lines which are predominantly controlled through Telkom. Almost ALL ISP services are going to end up in Telkom's hands sooner or later - and they - being known to be one of the worlds most expensive Telecommunications entities comparing what they actually offer their clients to other ISPs - and also their outright attempts to discredit or downsize other local entities - as the majority of the Telecommunication related cables in this country belong to them.

There is no true alternative, the only way to possibly escape a connection that WILL go through telkom no matter what - is 3G, and only a couple of services are able to do it without Telkom, bypassing them entirely - but then again , wireless internet thus has additional problems especially to those who live in valleys, mountainside or hillside( facing away ) - or in remote areas.

The oceanic line is a piece of shit, and Seacom break it 5 times a year. This is the line used by personal and private internet users, and WACS tend's to be getting the better and bigger clientele , thus greatly disadvantaging the general population, especially those to the west.

The "better" overland line, is "intended' for bussiness use only - for some reason. However when the seaboard retards screw up 5 times a year as usual - then the entire country is clogged on the remaining Overland International Line, while in my work I have seen this line to be reliable - the distance cannot compensate for quality in any way , regardless of the available current technology, you are still cramming every ISP in RSA on it.

So anyone setting such limits (below 300) are greatly aiding to the prevention of overseas drivers from joining and racing on such servers.

Lag only becomes unbearable above the 300MS range... so if such limit exists I would suggest raising it. In my experience lag for RSA gamers only jumps and holds 300-400MS and if they are downloading at the same time, it would be impossible for them to maintain a 200-250MS ping otherwise.

I guarantee this: When I was in the US for 6 years, I never had a connection to any EU servers lower than 200MS. Average was around 250.

And right now - I am in South Africa - were LFS, and all other "games" , never have a ping below 200MS.

If I'm in Japan, it's a bit worse.

200-250 MS is bearable, and don't cause major problems... and recent changes in LFS have actually helped to make the pain less obvious... and it can only get better...

On the note about ACE - that is far from excellent - that's the unreliable line with a bunch of repeaters that cant last more than "months" near the southern tip - and was under repair more than 3 times last year. only actually reported a couple of the events and remained "no comment" for the remainder of the issues on this area.
Last edited by CodieMorgan, .
S2 licensed
Quote from racer autov8 :So I mean when these sirens are selected in car setup like selecting open roof, the sirens look like in this picture: (deleted) then the horn are siren and when pressing 9 it's start siren... I wonder... What you guys think in my idea?

No - this is a racing simulator.

That kind of feature would only used by server's with certain extra capabilities scripted in - such as cruise servers.

It would be better to instead have maybe server side scripts that can add certain abilities to certain cars/players that would trigger a server side resource stream instead ( such as a siren noise ) - for such purposes that have absolutely nothing to do with racing sims.
S2 licensed
Load up your TimeMachine.exe - execute. Set Computer year to 2009.

The release of Scirroco will feel like it's just around the corner.
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :I must confess, that WoT is the game that totally moved me out of LFS after selling my G25. I've been playing for 2 years now. I've dome 11k battles so far. 54,4 w\r. RU region.

What I've achived so far: (JS-7, JS-4(sold), T110E5, T110E4 (researched already, but I won't be buying it as will be cut down in 0.8.0), T-54, Object 261(researched only), AMX 50-100 (researched only), Lorraine (sold for now).

Germans: KT and VK4501A researched, waiting for some event to come by.

LT: T50-2, VK2801.

As for premium tanks: T2LT, Tetrarch, Pzkw B2, Churchill, T-25, T34 (got it for free:razz

Tanks that are left in the garage for fun: Hetzer (permanently!), SU-5, SU-26.

I'm at 9.5K battle - getting close to 10K

- the EU guys see it as IS - not the russian way ( The EU guys that say JS-7 and KW-2 annoy the shit out of me - when they are marked as IS-7, KV2 - good thing u are on RU server - you have a good excuse to ).

But I have: ( I only wen premium twice in my entire WoT History - but bought prem tanks 3 times )
E100, VB4502P, Ferdinand, Panther2, GWTiger . The rest I don't care about much - for now.

As for my premiums:
- Type 59
- Lowe
- Type 62 ( MM hates you )
Last edited by CodieMorgan, .
S2 licensed
I did a full 80 lap run without issue ( the issue I had in previous patch ) did not occur. In total my run on the server was somewhere over 120 laps.
S2 licensed
Every now and then I notice I get DCed without the timeout bar capping off. (normal ping and while all cars around me appear to be visible).

It is just a random disconnect without a laggy timout - encountered initially in 0.6B. I am still unsure of the cause.

I'm looking for the same issue in B5, but hoping it might have been resolved accidentally with this patch.

It's hard to catch this however in some submittable evidence. Looking for a way to reproduce deliberately.

Ill linger on one listed test server (assuming that with hopes that this might reappear( and maybe appear in logs? ) with hopes the cause could be found ( assuming it isn't my ISP being an ass to me ).
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Does anyone else play this?

I do. I have a tier 10, tier 9, a shit load of tier 8s.

Clan Wars is hell BTW.

Been playing well over a year now.

EU Server.
S2 licensed
I saw this on Kickstarter.

I didnt support it.
S2 licensed
I would tap Inouva if I found her. My tentacles are currently bored.

We ran out of schoolgirls. Al 2500 tentacles are getting hungry =/
S2 licensed
Quote from Rhama :I guessed all this mylord.
But your pride is not rly the issue here.
From a user's perspective, who has dealt with mods and forums 'rules', and got the opportunity to catch the essence, the deep thoughts of your team mate victor, and of the lfs pillar users, that move was quite stinky.

For it is your duty too, to minimize confusion on what is hacking, a tool, not an intent. Instead of that even your team mate seem blind on this, and its fueling hate and wrong behaviours on forum and servers, wich you or any poweruser here NEVER moderate. A /modified tag is not enough, and even has nasty side effects like the zoo syndrome. (weird beasts in the cages, sounds medieval yeah)
I would have helped if i felt the community was worth it, wich u guess is not the case, at all.

U did a good job with LFS, but its long ago now, its spirit needs care.

Your just a hater.
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Sorry for hijacking your topic Tommer:

On the topic's name, topic... I also experience lots of Wheelspin with the BF1. When I'm lifting throttle or braking slightly.

This usually ends up on me slamming into the surroundings of the track, because the car slips away from me.

Does anyone know a tip on what to do to a BF1 setup to prevent that anoying wheelspin?

Wheel spin when lifting throttle on BF1?

I think you mean Engine Braking, locking the rear wheels up when you lift throttle? There is a setting for that.

Spinning while braking : Shift brake balance forward until you find a good result. You can do this without pitting the car - it's a live adjustment.
S2 licensed
Quote from sshhaabb :Is this the end of LFS?

Only Cruise Servers?

You, my friend - are blind.
S2 licensed
This brings up the fact that LFS would probably greatly benefit from GPU physics of Scawen ever decides to implement it.

For example, CUDA?
S2 licensed
Bicycle:dogrun:. So that my dog can race me around BL1.

I don't have a dog.
S2 licensed
Why the hell are people still posting in this thread.

Go eat some burgers instead.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I dont really understand why it is necessary to compute anything more than 1000 times a second because of the speed of the internal timer - there has to be a better way. Locked speed physics are certainly easier to work with in a computer game when dealing with physics, but why lock it over 1000fps?

Personally I try to do all my physics with delta timers and software driven interupts for division and multiplication where absolutely necessary. Which is much faster in runtime as physics only need calculating the once every frame update - rather than several thousand.

The way I code things is having each object update themselves independently from frames in their own threads - at their own rate. Regardless of FPS. I found that with this ( multithreaded ) approach a single object can lag without killing FPS ( dependant on thread's load, and priority ). Rate can be controlled with either interrupts per cycle or by sleeping ( the thread ) .

It also means each object is running it's own infinate loop for updating. And requires care that the thread must be manually destroyed by itself ( checking application state - such as a "I Must Now End" variable) or by forcing global termination some other way.

The great part about it is - FPS is less likely to be affected by complicated calculations in game object updates.

I never put update math on the same thread my rendering code takes place on. (In my projects)
S2 licensed
The Airplanes
S2 licensed
This is why my Web Development remains permanently Private Source.
S2 licensed
Trolls :bananalla