Hmm... why go for the Turbo edition, when you know there will always be a GT3 GT2 version out in a year or so?
Quote from srdsprinter :Hmm... why go for the Turbo edition, when you know there will always be a GT3 GT2 version out in a year or so?

Actually according to the FAQ this is the top of the range model and there's a strong hint there that there'll be other wheels based on other models for less later
#28 - JEP
The shifter of the 911 Fanatec look's like a toy ..

Seems like it has some nice features over the G25 like, if I understood right, a programmable LCD (I'd like to play around with some outgauge apps for that :P) but overall doesn't seem anything special... Difficult to know much from that crappy "review" though. Either way it is unlikely I would be buying one personally as I already have the G25.
Kegetys summed it up right there. I think the only thing that will topple the G25 overall will be the FREX wheel, which is still in development. But who knows how much that will cost?
Quote from mcintyrej :Kegetys summed it up right there. I think the only thing that will topple the G25 overall will be the FREX wheel, which is still in development. But who knows how much that will cost?

The Frex wheel (as opposed to adapter) isn't going to be a cheap mass produced wheel, there are quite a few high quality companies producing wheels vastly superior to the G25 already.
I was also lucky enough to be selected to beta-test the new Fanatec wheel. I should be getting mine in a week or so. I'll try and write a nice/honest review, as well as a in-depth comparison with the G25.
Quote from ajp71 :The Frex wheel (as opposed to adapter) isn't going to be a cheap mass produced wheel, there are quite a few high quality companies producing wheels vastly superior to the G25 already.

care to name a few?
the only ones i can think of are ecci and vpp both of which have a number of flaws
and maybe the force dynamics wheel which could be sold seperately in theory
I just hope people will give the wheel a fair chance. It seems like it's getting shot down just for wearing an expensive badge, even though the wheel itself seems to be of good quality. That youtube review was a bit biased nonetheless, and I'd definitely like to hear more about the strength of the FFB from proper simmers!
check this

edit:i was late lol,the review was comfusing enough,so we all wait the beta testers in these forums to say their views!
Quote from Jertje :I just hope people will give the wheel a fair chance.

Yeah me too. I still haven't bought a G25 because it only has two face buttons and the shifter looks like a piece of crap. I'd really love this wheel to be a viable alternative.
Quote from Shotglass :care to name a few?
the only ones i can think of are ecci and vpp both of which have a number of flaws
and maybe the force dynamics wheel which could be sold seperately in theory

Apart from that, they are all much more expensive than the G25
Quote from ATHome :Apart from that, they are all much more expensive than the G25

thats not too much of a problem though
id be willing to pay quite a lot for a 900+° wheel that turns a lot faster than a g25 without waking up half the neigbourhood like both of mine did
as long as the only flaw is the price id pull out my wallet without much hesitation
I have to say, that kid doing the review really doesn't seem very bright.

And boy is he biased. Maybe it's true, but I cannot possibly imagine that the Porsche wheel is better than the G25 in EVERY regard.
Someone at rscnet described that "review" pretty accurately: "That guy must work for FOX"
I left a comment on the video, should be on there soon
I left 2 comments. Neither one appears on the list
Quote from pine-fin :I left 2 comments. Neither one appears on the list

Youtube commenting system is a bit retarted, just wait few secs after posting your comment before refreshing or changing the page.
I'm interested in this wheel, because it has the good point of being nearly wireless, but the review posted here was a "tiny bit" biased, so i'm looking forward to some of your comparisons.
#46 - Jakg
Beta Testers keep it until 15th of February.

Frankly i think that it's still too early to make a comparison.
Quote from deggis :Youtube commenting system is a bit retarted, just wait few secs after posting your comment before refreshing or changing the page.

The vid sucked, he didn't review the wheel well at all. From what I saw though the Fanatec wheels paddles are plastic, the pedal design loooks to make it impossible to heel and toe, gear stick clicked and looked extremely cheap.

I did like the LCD display and more buttons.

look for ward to reading some proper reviews from you guys.

I also posted on youtube, it said pending approval so i guess it has to be approved

Porsche turbo wheel costing more than G25 - Real
Fanatec making a better wheel than Logitech - LOL
Logitech is without a competitor for long… long time in the ff wheel market.
I don’t think that G25 was the best they could do… nor it is good in general… there is just nothing better to compare…

I know fanatek made pathetic wheels till now but it is not rocket science orsomething… if a company take it seriously, they can easily make a better product.

I am disappointed from the build quality of the internals of my G25…
After less than 6 months the cogwheels inside sound terrible especially turning to the right… and also I can see some deadzone growing up lately… (Less than 1degree but still noticeable)
Actually I feel the wear at the feedback mechanism grow faster than in my old DFP… and now there are less cogwheels and the motors get less stress cause they are not forced to spin that fast as the one motor did in the DFP.

I am not saying that fanatec’s 911 is a better wheel as I don’t have a clue really… I am saying that it could be.
My rant on youtube

Your just some silly porsche fanboy the g25 if i had a car i would put my g25 wheel on my car 911's are rubbish infact look at the thread.
The G25 is the best mass produced wheel for that price. Try it on a game called Live for speed for pc the G25 will be the best. Wireless is not the best cause it may get disrupted at least my wired G25 will not get affected by other things. That porsche wheel looks like plastic and even flimseyer than a box.