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S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :That may be, but if people want to race against each other using the same view they shouldn't be prevented from doing so just because another person has an old PC. Every game has this issue, not everybody's PC is going to be up to the task. It's great having server-side options so that those who would like to use these features or who are able to use these features, can use these features.

Maby you`re rigth, but still the Lfs world will be more polarized. We will have an "upperclass" (stiff upperlips) who will tell the rest of the bunch "You`re no real sim racer"

I get depressed when I see the guys defending the "inside view". They got the ball for free, an I and a lot other, have to "pay" to learn the game another time

So this debate is not so much about inside views, as it is about discriminating people, as I see it
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :i guess all the people who don't like cockpit view can protest by not joining the servers that force cockpit view then. or they can take a day or two to get used to it.

A day or two !????
I just tried cockpitview, and narrowed the FOV to fit my needs. I couldn`t get around As North, without disasters. I drove three laps, and went off 2 - 3 times every lap.

I have absolutely no feeling with the car/road and I have driven my own cars since 1977, so I know a little about sitting inside a car

I don`t protest against the inside view - I Protest against the antisimulation, because inside view STINKS really bad
It`s simply not good enough, for the time beeing

I would want a tripple creen solution, but I really don`t have that kind of money. Then I would sit inside the car
S2 licensed
Quote from Doorman :Interesting poll, one of many on this subject over the years and if my memory serves me correctly the all got more or less the same result
Checkit Seems like only the tiny(noisy) minority will be upset by this option.

This doesn`t count.
Maby the few "cockpit view" guys, are more keen to vote for their view

You have to choose a random population, and ask them

And statistics lies.

Every fourth child born, is chinese - Only get three children, when living in europe

10% of all traffic kills, are made by drunk drivers- Aha ! 90 % are sober.
It`s safer to drive drunk
S2 licensed
Quote from Doorman :Well done Scawen. Now give servers an option to deny restart voting DURING a race and all will be bloody marvelous!........Please.

I can second that
No restarts !
S2 licensed
Quote from Syfoon :Perhaps a new view should be added, say a "Bonnet view". Centre of the car, just in front of where the windscreen would be. For certain things, wheels view could be disabled.

A bonnet cam would give us wheels drivers the same sort of position we're used to, but we wouldn't be able to see where the wheels actually are (Unless it's an LX or single seater).

Just thought, forced cockpit in single seaters would stop me using the custom camera placement I use (TV style onboard front facing).

/me shuts PC down so the pub gets a visit...

Bonnet it is
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :well nobody ever said lfs was a democracy. i drive from true cockpitview so this makes no difference to me.
ALL HAIL life co-dictators SCAVIER!!!
in scavier we trust.


Explain to me, how you can get a real cockpitview, on a flat 15 - 21" screen

When I sit in my irl car, you cover at least 160 degrees. When I look at my 21 " screen, the visible area is about 40 degrees !?

How can you have a real view, in the game ?

Its impossible, and NOT real simulated.

Also you see the interior much much to sharply - Do you see the interior in your car sharply, when driving ?

The best simulation, is to watch just outside the windshield, seeing the thing that covers the motor (I`m Danish and can`t remember the name for the motor covering thing)

In openwheelers, it`s ok. You can argue for the lx4, 6 and uf1, as they are driveable with inside view

I think the physics are the most important thing, in a race simulator, and then let people decide for them selves, how they want to see the surrounding world.

This is not at step forward for Lfs
S2 licensed
If some teams, doesn`t show up, you can call on us :

Team Look

A one week old danish team.

Drivers :

John Holme (Astro_BJRL)
Allan Didriksen (Alland44)
Dan Josefsen
Frank Sonne (Franke)
Lasse (LasseVP)

The team consists of the two really experienced (Allan + John)drivers, and three new drivers. We hope to grow in the future

We know we are to late to join BOTT, but if a team suddenly decides not to participate - Call us
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :FZR is doing 31's and 32's i believe danny.

15 Cars Confirmed. 2 Cars Uncertain. 4 Teams Unknown. 2 Cars Out.

Mercury Racing - Told, no reply
Spider-Web Racing - Not contacted
Unity Racing - not contacted
Speed Core - uncertain
FIB Racing - Not Contacted

Den Blaa Avis #2 is in
S2 licensed
Quote from Slopi :Please specify if this is an upgraded copy of LFS or a fresh install. Ty

I have updated from patch w48.
Patch x problem
S2 licensed
3 times I have experienced the following problem.

I go to an x server. When I have logged on the specific server, I only have a picture of the ongoing race/qualifying. No sound and no control over Lfs. I can`t press a key !?

I wait for some time, and the sound comes - Then the ability to press buttons and participate in the race.

2 times I had no FF on the server with problems

I can do nothing, for 30 to 60 seconds on a server !?

I have no programs running in the background, only the xp firewall and no antivirus, because I don`t surf on that computer. Its my Lfs computer, and its just used to race on


I don`t think I saw the downloading of skins snd helmets and so, the last time i logged on a server !? Could it be, that there is a bug, allowing me to log on, and then the programme downloads skins and helmets in the background ? I don`t know, but I think it migth be so !
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
Quote from evans :This kind of argument has a name that I can't recall, but it's the same as saying this to your mother:

"A bird has wings. A bird is alive. You don't have wings, therefore you are not alive."

And come on Tommy, could you please just consider, next time you want to post, that there are a million + 1 variables in physics, and so building your argument on only two of those will not always be true?

You mean "Erasmus Montanus"

"A stone cannot fly - You cannot fly - Therefore YOU are a stone, dear mother"
S2 licensed
The blue flag, in Lfs, is out allready when a car comes near you. If you notice ordinary IRL motorsports, they first give you the blue flag, when it it obvious, that the weak party (the car which is just to be overtaken) not are allowing the faster racer to get by him

The Lfs flagrules is far from perfect, but most of the danish Lfs society, takes it as a first warning. "prepare to get overtaken by the faster racer" it means, in our race book

We say to people, that they shall not make room in "dangerous places", such as chikanes or tigth curves. When its safe to let the upcoming racer pass you - That is the time and place

I would instantly ban a "blue flag - Let me pass" guy from my server. Its not good behaviour.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Pff, I'll sue you

Hehe !
It was a clear way of telling about the new thingie. Thats why I copy/pasted it into the danish forum, so ppl could get an understanding of it

I forgot your name, but I will go correct it now

Have done as i told you :
S2 licensed
Quote from Renku :

I will go credit Android in the danish forum now
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :You must have copied and pasted it from somewhere.

Yes I have. I used it in a danish forum, but forgot to mention the author
S2 licensed
One can use alkind of music - from classical to rap

If you want a "certain mood" in your movie, the music plays a big part.
Some music is written for the uf1000 and other music for the Bf1.
S2 licensed
Absolutely no boosting

Maby we can put an atomic bomb, up in the as. of the uf1000. When ignited it will get a little more HP
S2 licensed
Somebody wrote this yesterday. I can`t remember who !?

The more preload you add, the more the car will behave like with a locked diff during the change from being "on power" to "engine braking" (or the other way round). A clutch pack LSD without preload completely opens up (read: it's like a open diff) if there is no torque acting on it, which can have a very bad effect if you were relying on the stabilizing effect of the LSD.

So, it mainly affects you during the short time after braking for a corner, where you're almost not on the throttle yet (neutral load on the diff). If the car is oversteering in that situation, add preload. If it is too hard to turn and understeers off all the time, remove preload.
S2 licensed
I have bougth two racing games, the last month. One was Rfactor and the other was RACE the WTCC game. I allready own GTR2 and Toca Racedriver 3.

I feel "at home" when i drive Lfs - None of the other games (I will not call any of them simulators), gives me the slightest feeling of beeing in a real car. I have often told why i "fell" for the Lfs simulator. I have tried all the other "games/simulators" and none of them caugth my attention

Then I found the Lfs demo, and was instantly caugth by the physics of the car. What the heck was this. Not a game, this was really hard and drove like the real cars I have owned. (Ok - Only the smaller cars)

I had never dreamt of me, "playing" a cargame (read simulator, when we speak of Lfs) on my computer. This year i hit 50 years on this planet, and I`m sitting by my Pc, driving Lfs, far to much. I will hit 100.000 miles soon and I am not getting the least tired of this simulator

Many call us Lfs fanboys (I must be a fan man ) but I don`t care.

A large percentage of the danish Lfs community, says that Lfs is not developing fast enough. MAN ! Lfs is the best, and if we look close on what we got now, and think of the status = S2 Alpha ! Then we can expect many, many goodies in the years to come

Lfs is = You go east, you go west - But stay at home, that`s best !

/Alland44 the fan"boy"
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :

He say potatoes, she say potatis, potatoes, potatis potatoooes

I don`t know why I chose the potormac thing. I must have mixed up som internal images. In my language it is asfalt Not even close to the english word

The important thing is, that my fronttire did sink into the po... eehh toma.. the road thingie
S2 licensed
The other dba team consists of

Team Den Blå Avis #2
dba Allan Didriksen (Alland44)
dba Martin Sinkjær (Attila)

Car is most certainly the FXR
We are working on, getting at least one more driver in the team
Last edited by alland44, .
S2 licensed
There can be only one !

Electric Ligth Orchestra - "Roll over beethoven"
S2 licensed
Quote from sinkoman :I've been playing the LFS demo for the a bit of time now, and have been REALLY wanting the full version, and of course, a wheel to compliment the game.

But just the other day my PSU went out on me (my fault for not wrapping all the stripped molex' that I was using to power some electronics stuff), so now that a bit of my budget will be spent towards a new PSU, i'll prolly need to decide between either upgrading to S2 now, and just playing with a gamepad, or getting a wheel now (most likely a MOMO), and upgrading to S2 later on down the line.

Which would you guys take?

I also was wondering, if I were to buy an S1 liscense, will I basically be playing the S2 engine with all the S1 cars and tracks?

Because i'd be more than happy to compromise and purchase S1 with a wheel, but only if the compromise is in the cars and tracks, and not in the physics engine itself.

You`ll have so much more fun with a wheel, that this is the most important option. Better S1 with wheel, than S2 without

But buy both !!!!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :potormac? Would that be tarmac?


Forgive me, not being an english native speaker
Tarmac it is