The online racing simulator
I'm so stupid ^^

The problem was the setup.cfg of the lfs-server. I didn't uncomment //insimport=29999

How do I start LFSLapper on linux with wine? I have the LFS server running but when I try start Lapper with "wine LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg" I get
Wine failed with return code 1

Im very noob on wine and followed the guide to get it going.
You have to start LFSLapper with mono, thats a kind of Windows-Emulator too.
Quote from Noxi :How do I start LFSLapper on linux with wine? I have the LFS server running but when I try start Lapper with "wine LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg" I get
Wine failed with return code 1

Im very noob on wine and followed the guide to get it going.

idd try with mono you shouldnt have any probs with it then

just read through the readme's and posts on page 3 & 4 of this topic theres some helpful hints and tips

hope all goes well
I downloaded and installled mono Linux Installer for x86 (All distributions)

but I get "command not found" when trying "mono LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg"

I use Debian and Im not sure that mono release works with Debian?

I have seached but have not found any other installers that are for Debian...

If anyone that also uses Debian know if that is the mono to go with, that would be helpfull.
Quote from Noxi :I downloaded and installled mono Linux Installer for x86 (All distributions)

but I get "command not found" when trying "mono LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg"

I use Debian and Im not sure that mono release works with Debian?

Did you install it as root? I think if you install mono as root, the paths are not modified and you have to do it manually. I always install mono as normal user somewhere into my home directory.
I use same mono installer and Debian distro, so there should be no problem with that.
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :Did you install it as root? I think if you install mono as root, the paths are not modified and you have to do it manually. I always install mono as normal user somewhere into my home directory.
I use same mono installer and Debian distro, so there should be no problem with that.

I installed mono as LFSHost user. Even if I place myself in the /mono-1.1.15/bin dir and run mono from there with the path to LFSLapper, I get the
mono: command not found

I hate being a noob... hehe. Thank you all for your help

I installed it again as another user, in home/user/mono dir.. same thing.

Should I get a respons from mono when I just type "mono". All I get is "mono: command not found".

Is it possible to run both mono and wine at the same time or can that couse a conflict...?
Quote from Noxi :I installed mono as LFSHost user. Even if I place myself in the /mono-1.1.15/bin dir and run mono from there with the path to LFSLapper, I get the
mono: command not found

By default Debian distro does not include current directory in the path.
So if you run it within mono-1.1.15/bin directory, try with ./mono

Otherwise mono installer should put the path to mono to your .bashrc script. You may have to relogon so it gets executed again.

./mono: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Hmm... did something go wrong with my installation of mono...?
I have a problem with the /spectate on idle in that it won't set the player to spectating.

When I am the only player on the server I can use the /spectate command from the console and within the game but when I sit idle in a race it just loops round saying "xxxx is idlling - spectate in xxx seconds" but never does anything except report Parameter Is Not Valid in the console.

Any ideas?

Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 8.4 KB - 401 views
Quote from Nelsdir :I have a problem with the /spectate on idle in that it won't set the player to spectating.

When I am the only player on the server I can use the /spectate command from the console and within the game but when I sit idle in a race it just loops round saying "xxxx is idlling - spectate in xxx seconds" but never does anything except report Parameter Is Not Valid in the console.

Any ideas?


Just change this line:

OnIdleAction2 = /spectate {Username}

Many thanks for your reply - that has solved the problem and is working great now
ok, I was missing a lib libglib2.0-0 - The GLib library of C routines
thats why it wouldnt start... it was not installed when I installed mono.

But now when I do: mono LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg I get:
cannot open assembly LFSLapper.exe

Can it be that I dont run xwindow, I run only text mode? Is xwin needed?
XWindows are not needed. From where did you run mono now ? Did you check if mono can be run from everywhere ? Then go to LFSLapper/bin directory and run it: mono ./LFSLapper.exe ../cfg/LFSLapper.cfg.
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :XWindows are not needed. From where did you run mono now ? Did you check if mono can be run from everywhere ? Then go to LFSLapper/bin directory and run it: mono ./LFSLapper.exe ../cfg/LFSLapper.cfg.

Yes, now I can run mono from anywhere.

If I type:
LFSLapper/bin$ mono ./LFSLapper.exe ../cfg/LFSLapper.cfg

I get:
cannot open assembly ./LFSLapper.exe

If I only type "mono" I get:
Usage is: mono [options] program [program-options]
--aot Compiles the assembly to native code
--debug Enable debugging support
--profile[=profiler] Runs in profiling mode with the specified profiler module
--trace[=EXPR] Enable tracing, use --help-trace for details
--help-devel Shows more options available to developers
--config FILE Loads FILE as the Mono config
--verbose, -v Increases the verbosity level
--help, -h Show usage information
--version, -V Show version information
--optimize=OPT Turns on or off a specific optimization
Use --list-opt to get a list of optimizations
--security Turns on the security manager (unsupported, default is off)

After I got mono to work with adding some lib's I now reuploaded the LFSLapper.exe and now it works, no more assembly error

Thank you so much for the help!
Hmm, another mono question, hehe

How to start LFSLapper and keep it running? I use Putty to log on to the server, but when I have started LFSLapper and closes Putty I also close LFSLapper?
Quote from Noxi :I use Putty to log on to the server, but when I have started LFSLapper and closes Putty I also close LFSLapper?

Quote from filur :Screen

But wouldn't nohup command also do the trick?
I loged in as another user and used sudo to start LFSLapper with my lfshost user and ended line with & to run in back, then I could quit putty and LFSLapper was still running
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :Interesting...
But wouldn't nohup command also do the trick?

That looks so much simpler than my way...
hi there all

im wondering if anyone has had the prob with ppl reversing in the game to get greater scores.

if so can someone help me out i dont know if it will work but ill ask

automsg= /rcm_ reverse | /kick [username]

somthing like this would be a great addin to the great working programe it self i have tried this already but its not working anyone got some other hints i should try

even if its a spectate atm ive just put the min speed up to 70km/h but its easy to get passed if you know how

thanks to all who can help


Hi MonkOnHotTinRoof

Gwendoline ask me If it is possible to add in the database the top speed reached during a hot Lap? I say it's possible but i do add a new line in the PB file due to the specification of this file. I think it's not a good idea because one info is in one line, and if i add a new line all applications reading PBfile are desynchronised.
I think the solution is to make a modification of structure in PB file and put all info of pilote/track/car in one line. Then, in the future, when we add a new field, the application reading one line can't use whitout modification this new field and aren't desynchronised.

Quote :

Quote :

What do you think about this modification? The racer name must be quoted to prevent bad splitting of line ( because if racer have '|' in racername ) or you can also do 2 line, first for racername, the second containing the data to prevent this desagrement
Quote :

I don't think everything in one line will solve the compatibility problem. And quotes can also be present in Nickname I think. I will just add another line and make converter from old pb file to new one. I am making some other things, like acceleration measurements (time required to get from 0 to 100 km/h) and some smaller improvements...
All results should go to database really, cause its difficult to add new things and keep it fast otherwise... However, it's quite some work to do to port it there.
when an other application read PBfile, it's make a loop to get all line

loop to end of file
read racer
read car
read totaltime
read track
read split1
read split2
read split3

[/INDENT]end loop

If you add a line in your PBfile, the new line come in racer in the second iteration of loop and all the data are corrupted.

But if you have one line the prog who read your pbfile can look like this

loop to end of file
[INDENT]read line
racer = find_field(line, 1 )
car = find_field( line,2 )
totaltime = find_field( line,3 )
track = find_field( line,4 )
split1 = find_field( line,5 )
split2 = find_field( line,6 )
split3 = find_field( line,7 )
[/INDENT] end loop

in the future, if you add one or more field in your PBfile in this unique line, a programm can read your PB file without modification. in this case, the user can update Lapper without change anything on his web site .

I hope you understand why it's better.
i understand your point of view if you don't want to change the specification of your file . It's your program, not mine



LFSLapper - Another Insim Mod
(616 posts, started )