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Government Explained...
S3 licensed an alien:

If you ask the right questions the answers are not always what you'd expect...
S3 licensed
@Dave: it may be a bit extreme at this point in time , let's see if the admins can manage it first...
S3 licensed
From what I read you agree that it is for most part left to luck?
S3 licensed
Since you want to use the 10H’s race rules and you allow us to discuss it, here are a couples of thoughts:

First I think endurance races above 6h should not use SC as it makes creative strategies pointless, no short stints to try building a gap to allow for the extra pit stop and no long stints to try saving one.. always the boring 1h stints…

Second, using time penalty during the race and SC is hash on the drivers, say that you have 10sec added time penalty and manage to build that gap to win the race, then 10min before the end of the race SC comes out, your effort is reduced to nothing. And also you are resulted to fight time as you have passed the driver 10sec before. As driver I prefer to take a longer DT penalty and get on with my race.

Also when you use multiclass or not and the SC is out, what is the point of letting everyone unlap themselves… In the 10h we’ve seen both GT2 and GT3 being allowed to do so and I couldn’t understand what was the point, without talking about the time it takes to do it…

SC should not be used as an instrument to keep the livestream watchers happy!

My 2 cents…
S3 licensed
Strange to open sign ups so early before the event, I mean most of us don't know what we will do in RL in September and if we register now we could forget about it and plan something else...
S3 licensed
Unlucky day for us with two time out, but you were too strong any way, congratulations!
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomhah :Grats! Niklas will fit right in :-) He's an extremely friendly and nice guy, as well as being quick on the track

Hehe, the perfect combination isn't it?
S3 licensed
Quote from Feuerdrache :manager: {Framaris, François Maris}
viceManager: {Feuerdrache, Sascha Riegler}
teamName: Genuine Racing Pro
class: Pro
car: FZR
number: 08
- {Feuerdrache, Sascha Riegler, Germany}
- {krkriv, Krasimir Ivanov, Bulgaria}
- {DarknessPainF1, Joonas Koskinen, Finland}
- {Drifters Only, Robbin Heijerman, the Netherlands}
- {Dmt, Dmitri Tšubenko, Estonia}
- {TexasLTU, Klaidas Gasiunas, Lithuania}
- {Deutschland207, Dominik Engel, Germany}

manager: {Framaris, François Maris}
viceManager: {A3rox, Julien Schein}
teamName: Genuine Racing Am
class: Am
car: FZR
number: 10
- {Framaris, François Maris, France}
- {A3rox, Julien Schein, Belgium}
- {bossforce, Virgil Mocanu, Romania}
- {MrMakintosh, Gauthier Luc, France}
- {Mattydread, Mathieu Lonneville, France}
- {Ceskomasai, Bernard Leclercq, France}
- {azrael5, Ben Dubray, France}
- {TexasLTU, Klaidas Gasiunas, Lithuania}
- {N!ghtm@re, Niklas Gebauer, Germany}

Updated: Added Niklas to AM and Dom to PRO
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :Meh, too egoistic to race with anyone else in the same car, outside MoE.

I'll skip this one.

Not sure what you mean? it is single driver champ...
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Shame you guys changed the race day from last season. Now it clashes with a lot of OLFSL races and I already committed to that season and the other Sundays I'm not at home.

We haven't changed the race day for GT1 Challenge which will have more seasons later, GT Masters is a bit different with longer races. Sadly it is hard to make everyone happy....
S3 licensed
Quote from Denny12 :LoL, TRR will drive FXO

With XRT at 0%, the FXO 3% is with XRT at 1% are you surprised? Niki likes to win, why should he take the slower car?

Balancing is not right here....
S3 licensed
I mean like the numbers of readers...

RAM and HDD usage were caused by the new evolution of prefetcher called superfetch (which is still the same in win7, but newer optimized version, also updated in vista now) and the search service which was caused by a bad default indexing of files (default indexing is better in win7 and easier to config)... new tech needs time to mature...

That folder is called winsxs in win7 and it grows the same way as Vista, this has been done to insure compatibility and allow the system to rollback drivers and so on when something goes wrong.... mine is around 9GB now...

Well configured windows 7 install should boot around 15sec max with good ssd, so I am not surprised at all... haven't done much testing on Vista with SSD though...
Last edited by Framaris, .
S3 licensed
I am looking for the link tot he livestream for today, can't find it, has it been posted already?
S3 licensed
Personally I use Autoruns ( ... ysinternals/bb963902.aspx ) to manage the startups, but it would be too long to explain everything here... What I can advise you is to download the guide for your windows version and to start configuring/tweaking it properly (very easy to use and understandable for most pc users):

If you want to know more about windows services, here is the best resource I know:

Also you can find other guides for your graphic cards and firefox here:

Dave: the story about Vista was made by all those journalists who wanted to boost their stats, most of it was bull.. at the time we've worked a lot on this subject, and my friend at even write an article on the subject:
S3 licensed
A cook told me once, when ppls go eating to a restaurant, what they always remember after it is the can be average, but if the desert was great the restaurant will be remember as excellent!
S3 licensed
need me to change the name? no airio needed?
S3 licensed
Need one of ours?
S3 licensed
Let's not forget how it use to be and what it was to be a driver in 1929:
S3 licensed
@Bmxtwins: I am not worked up at all mate, you’ve understood me the wrong way, I was just curious of the strategy behind the drivers removal. Just joined up on this in a friendly way, I was not implying that you should use an other system than what you think is best for your team… thought it was nice to exchange experiences a bit…

@edge3147: sounds like you have lots of experience and you know what you’re talking about. I’ve been gaming since 1984, managing gaming teams/servers and websites/forums since 95, I’ve been a RL racer, managed a Moto rider for years and still managing a Moto team today… And after all that I believe I am still an amateur and I am always happy to learn from experienced ppls like you!... Sadly you can’t resume team building with making rules, you also need a vision and that’s what ppls want to follow!

@Tommy: Of course you’re right, I never said it was wrong to kick some ''bad'' members, I just wanted to discuss the inactivity rule in general….

Hard to have normal discussions without hurting someone’s sensitivity on this forum, that’s why I contribute so little here…

Fram out!
S3 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :

So I guess that the conclusion I take is that this rule is made to make sure that all of our drivers participate a bit more in the team.

Ok this bit is what I was looking for here, so it works as a lever to keep ppls active… I think it is dangerous to result in twisting harms to achieve your objectives… stimulating and motivating works better!

In my view there are other ways of keeping ppls motivated, the first is to keep objectives within the capacity of the team, e.g. when you chose a league it should not be too far above what the team can do, too many teams are way too far off pace in major leagues and that tend to kill motivations. So planning is important, like for a race you have to find the pace of the team and work your way up step by step, don’t place the bar too high. I don't say we are an example, but look how we have started, the first years was dedicated to public racing and organizing open amateur series (Dailycious series), to develop relationships between drivers and evaluate each other’s driving abilities, second year we’ve entered a few amateur leagues to see how we would be pace wise and to learn the ins and outs of endurance racing, third year we’ve entered some bigger leagues with the most able part of the team. Small steps (with mixed results and lots of ''learned'' lessons) insured that we have worked our way up without too many deeps…

Another important thing is that drivers need to feel part of the team, they should never feel like an instrument. When I've created R2R I've decided that the owners would be its members, meaning that I am the leader, but I can be democratically demoted if I don’t do my job properly (that keeps the leader on its toes and gives everyone a sentiment of appurtenance ), also every decisions are taken collectively (It is our team so we all work for the good of the team). Initiatives should be encouraged and everyone should be allowed and motivated to contribute in other ways than driving… Many ppls have talents which can be useful to the team, some don’t even know about it… You really feel part of something when you can contribute and your efforts are rewarded!

Communication and maturity, it is not easy to manage ppls coming from different countries, with different mentality and ages, so respect between members is very important, leader should always handle problems internally and maturely before or right when they start. Leader have to show example and be consistent in their actions, you can’t ask drivers to act maturely if the leader act childishly… Ambiance inside the team is key!

As for GenR, I don’t consider us being a top team in any way, I think we make a good challenger at best and that is a very good place to be as we have less pressure. That said we all suffer from the same problems like inactivity and contrarily to what you said, most don’t warn me before, but I accept that real life has priority and I presume they all have a good reason for it…

And to close this non sense of mine, I think it is easy to give the fault to the absent drivers. as I see it, most teams die because of their ''leaders'' making wrong decisions or losing interest… keep that in mind!

Sorry for sharing my 2 cents here....
Last edited by Framaris, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :I'll explain. Because we want to grow as much as possible, we need to make sure that the members are here to help with the team's growth by racing, being active with practicing, helping out in organising events, well, pretty much doing something useful in league racing instead of faffing about in public servers and doing nothing in the leagues.
I can tell you that at the end of last year, half (or almost half, 45-50%) of the team's roster were inactive. Only 5 or 6 out of the 20 drivers in our roster were available/willing to race in leagues, and the rest was doing nothing, either they were away from LFS or just doing nothing for the team.
So at the beginning of 2012, we put a rule that drivers who were idle for over 90 days would be removed from the team without warning, and that's how we've been acting so far. We bring in drivers who want to race and be involved in leagues, if they race and are active in the team and interact with their teammates regularly, then they earn their spot in the roster. If they end up joining the team only to go inactive without saying anything, they get kicked. Obvious exception is if they tell us they're going on a long holiday.

THX Rui, I think I get your point, but still I can not see in what way inactive drivers interfere with your objectives, I mean I use a site like this ... /Last%20Lap%20Motorsports to see if I need to recruit or not, the only rule we have is that the inactive drivers are not allowed to complain about decisions which have been taken when they were not there. Of course I am not telling you how you should do it, but I've seen many teams doing the same and I always wondered what were the advantages in doing so?
S3 licensed
I think you evaluate the size of your team on the numbers of active members, but I don’t see why the inactive members could be a problem, I mean a team should be like a family and you don’t remove your brother from the family because he didn’t show up for a year. And I think everyone is very happy to see him if he comes back… It is not like it is costing money to keep them on the team list…any way I don’t get it, so could you explain why plz?
S3 licensed
Hmm, sad for motogp, maybe he wants to move to the more competitive Superbikes?? (wishful thinking :razz
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Thanks for the heads up, re-uploaded it and it seems to work now.

THX, downloaded!
S3 licensed
For some reason the download link of the last updated pack seems broken: ... mp;stc=1&d=1312309326