Shhhh baSh0r thats meant to be a secret

@Shaun I am well aware that Storm-servers are by far cheaper than 500 Servers. as you state: £5.50 for an 11 slot server (at standard prices) at 500 Servers where a 47 slot server at Storm-Servers is £5.
I simply cannot compete with that sort of price and im not going to get into a "its only X amount with person X" Simple fact is, I cannot afford to rent server space at the same prices you can. I'm not ashamed of that. Where prices can be reduced i do so. Back in the day it used to cost £15 to get a 23 slot server. As time goes on it is getting cheaper to get the same / better equipment and network reliability than it used to be, Which is why currently a 23 slot server would cost £11.50 a month instead of the £15 it used to be. In another 6 months time it could well be less.
I will never know how / why you are able to charge so little shaun. As i have said before the simple fact is that I cannot afford to do so and can only wish you luck in your endevour, as i would hope you would wish me luck in mine.
Sorry everybody for going off topic, But i felt the need to get that off of my chest.