I saw the video and is amazing to see how LFS team works for the benefit of the community
#527 - Woz
Its good to get a new car (I would have preferred another tintop tbh) and the other changes.

I have to say though that I doubt the new V1 series will be that big IRL TBH. The A1 series has not grown that big and that has country based teams which makes it easier for people to get behind and support drivers. This will be another minor F? series.

The driver selection using LFS as a filter is very interesting though.
Quote from gp4racer :I saw the video and is amazing to see how LFS team works for the benefit of the[ir customers]

Can't wait!
Why is everyone on about the racing line? Why can't it just be a debugging tool for Scawen? That's probably all it is!
Quote from Woz :Its good to get a new car (I would have preferred another tintop tbh) and the other changes.

I have to say though that I doubt the new V1 series will be that big IRL TBH. The A1 series has not grown that big and that has country based teams which makes it easier for people to get behind and support drivers. This will be another minor F? series.

The driver selection using LFS as a filter is very interesting though.

It will just be an entry level grass roots thing I rekon. It would probably be a feeder to the FBMW championship.
Quote from Mithras :The smallest things amuse me

You must have a good laught when taking your shower...
After reading about 18- pages of comments I'd like to say i'm not to sure if i'll overwrite my existing LFS patch. I want to ask the DEVS one question. If the new single seater was never added in this patch, what would've been added, and would this patch been released around the same time of this patch Y? I know the community is excited over this new Patch Release and the new content, it's been a while since we seen an update and considering it'll be around Christmas time when it's released makes it alot better. Well once again thanks for the time and hard work DEV'S I'll be looking for the release, but I'm still keeping patchX, I'll just down load the new patch on my second hard drive.
Quote from Leifde :*stares at video downloading at 284kb/s* QUICKER, QUICKER!

Jeez lucky you, i'm downloading at 39kb/s....

I so can't wait for this to release, if only we the players had a nice x-mas gift for you devs.
Quote from AndroidXP :How did the Michelin tyres have any influence on LFS' tyre model? Afaik, the only thing we have from them is a tyre sidewall texture.
(PS: couldn't care less :razz

yea yea yea, I couldn't care less....

I was under the impression back then that Scawen had help from Michelin with data to improve the tire physics in patch... er... whatever it was, S? We've had so many patches if you ignore the "no patch forever..." threads.

Quote from Mithras :No, I was talking about the little things, like engine stalling, clutch overheating, improved damage and crash physics, stuff like that.

Yes, I know. Engine stalling, how that affects me, I can't figure out, I don't have a clutch. Clutch overheating, same thing. Damage and crash physics, there is no mention of that. The gearbox simulation is something that affects everyone and will be a remarkable improvement, I imagine. But so far, that is all I see from the video and from discussion on the forum that is good, for me.

And, though I am not a fan of open wheelers, I'm happy to see the car will be implemented. I would imagine the research gathered from test driving and from working with the car is where the gearbox and clutch improvements are coming from.

Just not an eye popping patch compared to others that I see so far. But we don't know what else there may be, like has been said before.

Actually, if I think about it, it means less racing for me. Any of the MIA racers in my timezone that will come back for a while will be in the new car. The majority of the current racers will probably be flocking to the new car. I'll probably give it a go for a few laps, but SS is just not my cup of tea, no matter how many they put into LFS.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Why is everyone on about the racing line? Why can't it just be a debugging tool for Scawen? That's probably all it is!

Also, if it IS there, I hope it's SPR/Hotlap Replays only, which is the only logical place for it TBH, or at the worst a Single Player feature only, sort of like the new reset system? (Which Scawen put in IIRC to make it easier for shows with LFS, which might be the purpose for the Racing line too?)
Quote from TypeRCivic :After reading about 18- pages of comments I'd like to say i'm not to sure if i'll overwrite my existing LFS patch. I want to ask the DEVS one question. If the new single seater was never added in this patch, what would've been added, and would this patch been released around the same time of this patch Y? I know the community is excited over this new Patch Release and the new content, it's been a while since we seen an update and considering it'll be around Christmas time when it's released makes it alot better. Well once again thanks for the time and hard work DEV'S I'll be looking for the release, but I'm still keeping patchX, I'll just down load the new patch on my second hard drive.

That makes absolutely no sense. You're not going to install the patch because it's not a fantabulously huge one? What?
I encourage anything that can help people drive and race better online. I think it should be a server enabled option, like resetting. I think Scawens vision is of 2 types of servers, beginner and hardcore. The best place for people to learn about LFS is online, so we need servers that train people to get used to the game. Otherwise the game won't grow, and nor will the sim racing community. It is just a game after all.
Quote from MAGGOT :That makes absolutely no sense. You're not going to install the patch because it's not a fantabulously huge one? What?

He did not say that, he is probably making new installation for new LFS, that is what I will do too, nice to compare then
Quote from JTbo :He did not say that, he is probably making new installation for new LFS, that is what I will do too, nice to compare then

Makes sense. I guess I'm just tired.
Great work.. I like that ideal-racing line.. Thats the same thing as they have in Forza motorsport and nfs pro street right?

Good for learning the tracks Can you enable disable that in all tracks?

also curious about the physics.. those UFR's at the end of the movie seemed to look more realistic when it comes to suspension bouncing.
I always do that anyway, since the time I installed a test patch 10 minutes before a league race and it crashed my game. That was the fastest download and install I had ever done. I just chucked all my skins folder into the new bit, now I have like 4 LFS folders. One with High-Res textures for screenshots, one with default stuff for videos, another for my main online racing and then an old copy of the pre S1 LFS demo.
Quote from trackah123 :Great work.. I like that ideal-racing line.. Thats the same thing as they have in Forza motorsport and nfs pro street right?

Good for learning the tracks Can you enable disable that in all tracks?

also curious about the physics.. those UFR's at the end of the movie seemed to look more realistic when it comes to suspension bouncing.

God i hope that race line stuff is in offline play only (even then it lowers the credibility of LFS)

Good aid for new users and could be used solely for training purposes ?
The line that shows the ideal-racing line is a really good idea but as mentioned before only if it can be disabled. Good to train but in a race I would find it cheap and unrealistic as you wouldnt have a green/red line showing you an ideal racing line in real life.
In that case it should be an admin option

Ideal Raceline On/Off.

Something like that i think?
Quote from trackah123 :In that case it should be an admin option

Ideal Raceline On/Off.

Something like that i think?

And clientside; if host has it enabled and you have it disabled, then you don't see it.
perhaps make it an option if you have under a certin number of miles?
No, becuase then we'll have a bunch of cruise wankers going "ZOMG! RESET MILES KTHX CUZ I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!"
Ideal racing line, bad idea IMO.
ehh another single seater?
Why not? =]
Without a rear diffuser, it's gonna be much more fun. Even Scawen crashed it =P
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