Grand Theft Auto V
(1980 posts, started )
Quote from Bose321 :Please stream.

I'm not sure if my calculator supports streaming...

God I hope handling doesnt suck ass.
Before this gets taken down. +18 content. More like fake +18 content..
Them tits made out of concrete. GTA5 handling doesn't seem to be really good..More like super duper arcadeish, but meh.
I'm watching some streams, and the handling reminds me of Big Rigs...
Ok, they ****ed up the driving part....
>Arcade driving physics
>LFS forum

Did anyone actually expect simulation-class physics in a GTA?
Quote from PeterN :Did anyone actually expect simulation-class physics in a GTA?

No, but compared to GTA IV, it's a massive step back.
Quote from JackDaMaster :Also there is a NASCAR oval in Vinewood and a dirt track near Harmony.

awwww yeaaaaa Ill just hijack the race cars then on PC when it comes out
Omfg they ruined teh carr handling!!!!111 this game suxxx!!!!! They should cancel the gaem!!!
Tested it here, the physics are waaaaaay worse and easy, you just can't loose control anymore, even with one rear tyre blew, the suspension looks almost rigid, it look like crap climbing and dropping off the sidewalk
I've seen enough videos to judge the physics. Subsequently i cancelled my pre-order, and i was buying an xbox 360 today just for gta5, thankfully i hadnt picked it up yet. Thanks Rockstar for saving me money! .

Thats how bad the physics are.
Yeah, I am no longer getting a PS3 and GTA V.

I'll just wait for a PC (if it will come) and hope that it's modable.
It's not like the driving is the most interesting thing in the game..

Quote from Boris Lozac :It's not like the driving is the most interesting thing in the game..


Lol true. how ironic.
Excitement turned into dissapointment as soon as I've got to drive a car for the first time. Yes, they made it alot more arcadish. The worst part is the susspension, it might have been to soft in IV but now its way to stiff. Wheels absorb all the bumps while chassis nearly doesn't move. What's more ridiculous - you can control your car during jumps with the left stick. When you flip your car, you can press left or right to flip it back on the wheels.
Now the real bombshell - you can do burnouts with tracked vehicles. How even I dont what.
do go on...

Quote from Boris Lozac :It's not like the driving is the most interesting thing in the game..


In GTA V perhaps...

But 99% of what I do in GTA IV is driving because it's fun. I'm sure most people around here mostly drive around.

Seeing this just disappoints me. It's not only the driving though, it just doesn't live up to the hype.
Shame about the handling. It's still probably loads of fun with friends over mp but I doubt I will buy it before it's properly moddable on PC. Hopefully there is enough people around to make a good overhaul mod for the handling.
Wow, talk about an overreaction...I guess I should do the same and just forget about a game that I've been waiting for nearly 2 years because the driving physics look bad. I'm most certain that they'll be fine.
Quote from nathan246 :Wow, talk about an overreaction...I guess I should do the same and just forget about a game that I've been waiting for nearly 2 years because the driving physics look bad. I'm most certain that they'll be fine.

it doesn't look bad, it is bad, the xbox version has leaked, and loads of people tested it, I tested it also, and I say it is crap near GTA IV's physics
Quote from nathan246 :Wow, talk about an overreaction...I guess I should do the same and just forget about a game that I've been waiting for nearly 2 years because the driving physics look bad. I'm most certain that they'll be fine.

The only one that is over reacting is you. You're ona forum of people that appreciate good physics. If the drving in a game, that always was about driving, is not of interest for you, then fine. Nobody was out to destroy your little perfect world.

Grand Theft Auto V
(1980 posts, started )