The online racing simulator
Playstion network "intruded"
(344 posts, started )
Quote from sinbad :How else does prevention work, if not with the threat of punishment?

Psychological help, and help to get out of the way of life you might be in?
Most people end up worse after prison because they have no chance to get back to a good life..
If they didn't piss Geohot off...
Quote from RasmusL :Psychological help, and help to get out of the way of life you might be in?
Most people end up worse after prison because they have no chance to get back to a good life..

If all the crimes in the world were committed by poor people, or by the mentally ill then I might agree totally.
Prison should seem like a bad place to end up, that's the point.
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :If they didn't piss Geohot off...

It's not even about Geohot anymore. Him and Sony have come to a mutual agreement that means he doesn't get sued and gets left alone.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It's not even about Geohot anymore. Him and Sony have come to a mutual agreement that means he doesn't get sued and gets left alone.

He didn't get sued, but he lost. Anonymous vowed to mess with Sony because of this and well...
He didn't lose. They settled out of court. Anonymous is a bunch of ****s anyways. They think they're doing things for the greater good, but in reality they're just making themselves out to be a bunch of bell ends.
Quote from Becky Rose :I've heard this said many a time, but i've never heard anyone give a reason why.

I would argue that it would be wrong for me to lock you in a cell for 6 months with Big Tony, but if I smack you in the face it's ok for the government to lock me in a cell with Big Betty.

So if it's ok for the government to answer a wrong with a wrong, then why is it not okay for a member of the public to answer a wrong with a wrong?

The entire judicial system is a system based upon revenge, not prevention.

Therefore, a second wrong makes an earlier wrong righted.

You're not suppose to question these things. I'll have to think of a reason in the morning.

On topic: I can't see Sony being as lenient with the public anymore. They are certainly going to be more strict about "stuff" in the future, to prevent this from happening again.
Quote from Becky Rose :I've heard this said many a time, but i've never heard anyone give a reason why.

I would argue that it would be wrong for me to lock you in a cell for 6 months with Big Tony, but if I smack you in the face it's ok for the government to lock me in a cell with Big Betty.

So if it's ok for the government to answer a wrong with a wrong, then why is it not okay for a member of the public to answer a wrong with a wrong?

The entire judicial system is a system based upon revenge, not prevention.

Therefore, a second wrong makes an earlier wrong righted.

But it's a carefully considered wrong, as opposed to a spur-of-the-moment, "I'm going to ****ing have you for that", lashing out. What if your punch is harder? Should they be allowed to hit you again?

You've said yourself many, many times on here that in a fight or other violent situation, a careful, considered response is the last thing on anyone's mind.

So no, I don't think you should be allowed to punch someone in the face just because they've done it to you (although the provocation of the initial attack on you should be considered when deciding the 'other wrong' - but this is again my point of a considered punishment) just as I don't think you should be let loose with a gun and an address if someone tries to murder you.
Anon never has been or ever will be... the " anon " their portrayed to be, sure theirs plenty of hacking groups out their but their the hot topic atm.

Honestly, theirs only 5-10 elite in their, the rest are just helpers and as far as i see it, trouble makers.

but thats the 4chan code; troll err'thing.
I think its funny when people get all butthurt when they can't steal things anymore.
#61 - DeKo
Quote from flymike91 :I think its funny when people get all butthurt when they can't steal things anymore.

What part of using an advertised feature that has been taken away counts as stealing?
Quote from DeKo :What part of using an advertised feature that has been taken away counts as stealing?

Coooome onnn.. It was a useless feature anyway. And as someone wrote, NO ONE forced you to install newer firmware that removes the feature, you could happily ran slowest Linux rendition until PS4.. without PSN, but hey, no one forced you..
On the other hand these idiots are ruining experience for millions of people that can't play their games online now, i don't care if they burn the SCEA boss'es car, but this is no way to prove their 'point'..
#63 - DeKo
I don't like what Anon are doing, but they are not doing it because of the OtherOS feature, it's all about the way Sony are chasing Graf_Choko and Geohot for modifying a console that they own.

What next, are Intel going to start sueing people for overclocking?
I think this has more to do with illegally downloading games than anything else.
Personally, I think it has more to do with the fact that people with Jailbroken PS3's were able to hack the Trophy system and systematically unlock all their trophies.
And I, Halfass-ly respond with 2 highly uneducated words and a symbol to appear cool amongst fellow PC gamers, and friends alike, Hoping I do not get infractions while R-O-T-F-Ling.

Console Fags.

That is all.
Quote from TehPaws3D :And I, Halfass-ly respond with 2 highly uneducated words and a symbol to appear cool amongst fellow PC gamers, and friends alike, Hoping I do not get infractions while R-O-T-F-Ling.

Console Fags.

That is all.

That shows your level of intellect.
I don't see this issue here. It allows people to get outside and do something with their lives during break.

As for Sony claiming they pulled the plug, it just seems daft. If you claim to be attacked by a external source that's hellbent on getting revenge, then don't you think they wouldn't attack your customers? I think whatever did it (Anon or etc you guys were ranting on) managed to take it down themselves and Sony is just trying to cover up a bigger wound.

Not much of a console gamer anymore although i would like to own a PS3 just to take photos in GT5, or own a 360 for it's content rich Live.
Quote from TehPaws3D :And I, Halfass-ly respond with 2 highly uneducated words and a symbol to appear cool amongst fellow PC gamers, and friends alike, Hoping I do not get infractions while R-O-T-F-Ling.

Console Fags.

That is all.

I have 2 words too that will make me very cool among friends...

Make Sandwich!
Quote from Boris Lozac :I have 2 words too that will make me very cool among friends...

Make Sandwich!

Coolest man alive.
Im dying to get some racing done on GT5 online, atleast this gives me time to work on my extremely crappy B spec level.
Whoever has done this should realise that Sony can do whatever the **** they please with their system and just face the fact that there's nothing they can do to stop Sony.

And do they honestly expect to achieve anything from this? To Sony this is just a minor inconvenience that can be fixed with time and can be prevented in the future. Think what Sony could do if they find out who is doing this.
#73 - DeKo
Quote from flymike91 :I think this has more to do with illegally downloading games than anything else.

Wow this forum really is full of egocentric short-sighted idiots...

I think Sony does have the power to fix it because well their Sony...
And I th9ink its fairly safe to say that whoever did this deserves a good slap in his or her face
from every PSN user who just wants to enjoy their Sony playstation product.
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Wow this forum really is full of egocentric short-sighted idiots...

I think Sony does have the power to fix it because well their Sony...
And I th9ink its fairly safe to say that whoever did this deserves a good slap in his or her face
from every PSN user who just wants to enjoy their Sony playstation product.

That's assuming it was an deliberate attack. As someone already said in this thread, they can be having some serious technical difficulties. It's actually far more likely they have a genuine breakdown because there's no way a bunch of hackers can hump you hard like that.

If you ask me, I think Sony kind of deserves this for all the DRM crap and GeoHot cause

Playstion network "intruded"
(344 posts, started )