(13603 posts, closed, started )
Quote from anttt69 :are they still forcing you to purchase DP & Rad if u want to run in that series?
also have they given you split times yet?

not sure on the purchasing but it was my understanding that multiclass racing was coming to iracing as an official series WHEN you didn't have to have BOTH or all cars. Split times is supposed to be coming in this build I heard at the cost of some engine update, which will come next build.
Still a long way to go before anything worthwhile then? Have you ever noticed how iR love to release new content & make a big hoo haa about it but take ages to bring any decent updates to the sim. (multicar being minor)

The money train rolls on. :sleep2:
Quote from anttt69 :The money train rolls on. :sleep2:

It doesn`t matter to me. Very cheap hobby to have...
Quote from anttt69 :Still a long way to go before anything worthwhile then? Have you ever noticed how iR love to release new content & make a big hoo haa about it but take ages to bring any decent updates to the sim. (multicar being minor)

The money train rolls on. :sleep2:

I'd disagree with you....... every 13 weeks we get updates! That to me is pretty decent! The updates I've been very happy with to be honest.
At least we get iRacing updates *cough* LFS *cough*.
It's hard to get a proper multi class setup in iRacing as it is, simply because the classes which would fit the Daytona/Radical/C6.R are either too slow or already popular.

I mean, you could do the Jetta and the DP/Rad/C6.R since the Jetta isn't too popular, but it's way too slow. Plus I'm sure VW would have something to say about that.

The V8 would complement the DP rather well I think, but that will most likely be quite popular on it's own and again you might run into legal trouble.

IMO the best way to decide would be to allow hosted races to set up the classes however they want. The good combinations would float to the surface.
Quote from anttt69 :Still a long way to go before anything worthwhile then? Have you ever noticed how iR love to release new content & make a big hoo haa about it but take ages to bring any decent updates to the sim. (multicar being minor)

The money train rolls on. :sleep2:

you're an idiot

you don't have to like iracing, but you hate it for really lame reasons lol
Quote from StableX :I'd disagree with you....... every 13 weeks we get updates! That to me is pretty decent!

Quote from SidiousX :At least we get iRacing updates

So even though LFS still has loads more features & freedom to do what you want, + every time iR release patch they are just playing catch up, you are quite happy to pay hundreds of bucks every year for a sim that lacks loads of basic features that we already have in LFS??

Its like paying them to develop an expensive beta. Until they release something that others sims dont have, iR is just another sim. I'm really looking forward to iR justifying its price tag.

I know a lot of you are quite happy paying for iRacing, fair enough thats your choice & i wish you well. I hope you enjoy seeing it develop in small baby steps. We can already see where their priorities lye.
Quote from spanks :you're an idiot

you don't have to like iracing, but you hate it for really lame reasons lol

Oh ha ha funny man, would you care to explain why my reasons are lame?
Infact id love to hear why you think iR price tag is justified.
It's justified because it's a free market economy. That fact that they're successful and growing means that enough people agree with it to willfully pay for it. "Reasonable" is probably a better word to use though because jusitification means that you're the judge, and therefore isn't a universal point of view. Clearly, it's not justified to you. It is to the growing membership of 20,000.

It is bizarre to consider how many people on this forum complain about LFS's content - "more tracks, more cars, blah blah"... It would seem that no matter what type of features are added to a sim first, someone will bitch about it. It also deserves mention that the people who scan & model cars and tracks are not the same people working on physics and graphics and so forth. That seems lost a some folks for some reason - iRacing has more than 3 devs.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :It also deserves mention that the people who scan & model cars and tracks are not the same people working on physics and graphics and so forth. That seems lost a some folks for some reason - iRacing has more than 3 devs.

I do understand that, but here's my problem. How come the car and track guys pump out new content every release, but we get hardly anything physics-wise? They were working on a new transmission model LAST build, but it wasn't ready, OK. Now apparently for this build they didn't work on it at all because that dude was working on split times instead(iRacing did say its the same guy). Seriously? Split times? What modern racing game doesn't have freaking split times by now? Its just frustrating seeing build notes full of camera updates every build, like that's supposed to make us happy. How about some upgrades to the actual physics of the game.
Quote from spanks :you're an idiot

you don't have to like iracing, but you hate it for really lame reasons lol

Nahhhhh, you're being the idiot.

Ant is making a point, even if he isn't expressing it that well.

Multi-class is the first real 'improvement' to their base model, but your not even able to use it besides what they allow you.

I've been with iRacing since beta, and how they started is not how they are working now. Currently, they ARE just releasing content. In beta they explained how the first bit of development would be to the core product, but I haven't really seen that.

Why would you release 10 cars and 30ish tracks in the past year or 2 when the core product isn't close to complete? To please customers? Doubt it. I defended iRacing the first 6 months to a year, because of the things they said at the conclusion of beta testing, but since then I believe it has all went down hill.

They introduced hosted racing, I thought this was a step in the right direction myself, but they have done nothing to make it worthwhile. At the moment its just 'pay $3 to have a boring race that you could just race normally'.

Why not improve this little bit to benefit customers? Endurance racing is popular in all sims, why not bring in some more customers by introducing driver changes and the ability to race for over 4 hours. Also, races such as the iTCC in LFS into a league on iR using (lets say...) the Jetta. Of course you cannot do that without paying for 2-3 seperate server slots. Another is Qualifying>Sprint>Feature, also including maybe a reverse grid for the feature. Sadly this is completely unavailable in iRacing, another detail missing from their core product.

It's disappointing to see something that has so much potential goto waste. A better interface for league racing would have me 100% iRacing, and I know I wouldn't be the only guy ready to make the switch. Another aspects such as the physics themselves are still lacking. The aero model in the oval series are still not correct, as the completely unrealistic 'draft lock' still lives. Also the tire model. It was very disappointing to see the 2 Pro series cars have a change in tire model right before the Pro series started, and strangely enough they both became easier to drive.

Nothing in iRacing has really added up as any sort of benefit for customers. Sure, the content is nice, the idea of scheduled racing is nice, but what it all evolves around is its core product. Their core product since beta hasn't particularly improved in my eyes, and many others, so saying "its not worth the money" is a decent arguement.

Anyways, I haven't touched iR in months, because it has actually got boring to me with all the releases of content (hope that makes sense). Having said that, unless the V8 Supercar has me wetting myself in excitement everytime I drive it, I probably won't be renewing for my 3rd year, because I feel 'it just isn't worth the money'.

@BBT: We (at least me) complain about wanting more content in LFS because it already has a great core product. It's very open to anything, and many have experienced everything it has in the past 5-8 years with all the content. There's nothing wrong with iR bringing out content, but they need to back it up with core updates, whether it be physics, or the recent split times addition (which should have came originally).

I left my laptop for 15 minutes and tried to come right back typing, so I hope this makes sense.
Indeed. LFS and iRacing are a pair of lovers which each have exactly what the other wants. Content, impetence for LFS, a proper interface, and many other core features for iRacing. It's a pity their lovechild will never come to fruition...
Quote from boothy :indeed. Lfs and iracing are a pair of lovers which each have exactly what the other wants. Content, impetence for lfs, a proper interface, and many other core features for iracing. It's a pity their lovechild will never come to fruition...

That's a good post Phil.

The only point I would contend is that "it's not worth the money" is an argument that's invariably stated like it's based on some untangible foundational truth that doesn't exist. It's never a decent argument to make claims that are highly subjective by nature as though they were facts.

It's equally frustating seeing small interface/logistical features overlooked in iRacing as it is to see physically simple things like brake temperatures missing in LFS (and iRacing for that matter).

It's a bit of a catch 22 I think. You're one of the only people I've ever heard of being "bored by new content". I would generally think that anyone considering iRacing who is new to sim racing, would be put off by having fewer choices of series. Probably tough to balance that with underpopulating them I would guess.

Does sound strange that the split times guy is the same guy as the transmission guy though, lol @ that. But to be honest, I personally couldn't care less if iRacing ever got split times added.

One thing that's always going to get on your nerves by the sounds of it is that iRacing is a developer run sim, not a consumer run sim like LFS. There's always going to be some inherent differences because of that. Endurance racing in iRacing is probably a long way off, if it ever happens at all - it's just not popular enough in general. It happens(happened?) in LFS because the community over some years made it happen. I'd be more than a casual racer if iRacing had true road cars with road tires like LFS does, and I'm not holding my breath for that either.

iRacing is, for me already a better driving experience in general. As far as the other flaws in both sims, of which there are a plethora, I find it unlikely that LFS has much of a chance to overcome a large percentage of them while I'm on the proper side of the grass. iRacing, whilst somewhat questionable in terms of pace given their resources, at least have the resources to advance and do actually communicate with the userbase about their intentions, and do in fact release things regularly other than allowing me to speak to users on planet xinguthyar (and it's moons) in their native language.
Phil, you and BBT both make points that I can agree with. I'm actually in a very similar situation. My 2nd year runs out in August or something. I hardly ever race in iracing. I enjoy testing and open practice. I can't even remember the $100 I paid to get access 8 months ago so it really doesn't bother me that much...I quite enjoy having the option of loading up iracing and blasting around some of my favorite tracks. The variety is what I enjoy...some people like new content.

Also, in case no one has noticed, the new cars that have been coming out have been progressively better every time. Sometimes those advances spill over to other cars, sometimes they don't. Eventually the old stuff will get updates. For now, it is all very raceable (on the road side) The oval stuff does seem to be missing on quite a bit of factors.

Ant, you act like you, and everyone else in iracing, is being ripped off. You can't be a victim if you volunteer. You also don't get to fly the plane just because you bought a ticket.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :That's a good post Phil.

The only point I would contend is that "it's not worth the money" is an argument that's invariably stated like it's based on some untangible foundational truth that doesn't exist. It's never a decent argument to make claims that are highly subjective by nature as though they were facts.

It's equally frustating seeing small interface/logistical features overlooked in iRacing as it is to see physically simple things like brake temperatures missing in LFS (and iRacing for that matter).

It's a bit of a catch 22 I think. You're one of the only people I've ever heard of being "bored by new content". I would generally think that anyone considering iRacing who is new to sim racing, would be put off by having fewer choices of series. Probably tough to balance that with underpopulating them I would guess.

Does sound strange that the split times guy is the same guy as the transmission guy though, lol @ that. But to be honest, I personally couldn't care less if iRacing ever got split times added.

One thing that's always going to get on your nerves by the sounds of it is that iRacing is a developer run sim, not a consumer run sim like LFS. There's always going to be some inherent differences because of that. Endurance racing in iRacing is probably a long way off, if it ever happens at all - it's just not popular enough in general. It happens(happened?) in LFS because the community over some years made it happen. I'd be more than a casual racer if iRacing had true road cars with road tires like LFS does, and I'm not holding my breath for that either.

iRacing is, for me already a better driving experience in general. As far as the other flaws in both sims, of which there are a plethora, I find it unlikely that LFS has much of a chance to overcome a large percentage of them while I'm on the proper side of the grass. iRacing, whilst somewhat questionable in terms of pace given their resources, at least have the resources to advance and do actually communicate with the userbase about their intentions, and do in fact release things regularly other than allowing me to speak to users on planet xinguthyar (and it's moons) in their native language.

The arguement "its not worth the money" is just a personal opinion. To me, it doesn't appeal to my interests. I want a simulator, with proper physics, and iR doesn't fulfill that yet. LFS doesn't completely either, but hey, its cheaper.

Give me brake temps pl0x!

Okay, so the 'too much content gets boring' comment wasn't too clear I guess . Basically, it's when you get so much of a certain thing, it just gets old and boring. Sure, the content is new, but its just content. I know its a crap way to look at it, but when you are paying to buy another track, or another car, it gets very repetitive. I use to be a 100% content owner after beta and up to about 6 months ago, but I was tired of it just being content additions.

Buy and eat pizza everynight and you're bound to get bored of it, same thing applys to iRacing's content IMO. Crazy comparison I know, but I ain't right in the head, so bare with me.

Oh, and iRacing has the resources for sure, but they have bigger pockets than they do hearts.
Quote from PMD9409 :The arguement "its not worth the money" is just a personal opinion. To me, it doesn't appeal to my interests. I want a simulator, with proper physics, and iR doesn't fulfill that yet. LFS doesn't completely either, but hey, its cheaper.

It is cheaper that's for sure, and it's still a good product that I fire up now & then.

Quote :Give me brake temps pl0x!

I know right? iRacing is trying to say it's not important, and for the series' they simulate maybe it isn't. I know it would be for a few laps at least, maybe not so much after that. But it sure would be for stock(ish) road cars on longer races on a hot day!

Quote :Okay, so the 'too much content gets boring' comment wasn't too clear I guess . Basically, it's when you get so much of a certain thing, it just gets old and boring. Sure, the content is new, but its just content. I know its a crap way to look at it, but when you are paying to buy another track, or another car, it gets very repetitive. I use to be a 100% content owner after beta and up to about 6 months ago, but I was tired of it just being content additions.

Most of what I have time for these days is doing some TTs. I don't look foward in the schedule, and it's kind of a surprize to see where my favourite cars are running that week... If I know the track well already, fire it up and go to town. If it's new to me, then it's a fun experience heading out the first time and learning it before I can do TTs on it. Just time to get my mind on something else, and the way iRacing does it I actually enjoy the fact that I only have a few choices (if I want to work on my ratings that is)... It's only a few choices of Car X and Track Y and it's a decision I don't waste 10 of the 40 spare minutes I have that day pondering. If I have a real hankering for some combo for some reason, there's always offline practice.

Quote :Buy and eat pizza everynight and you're bound to get bored of it, same thing applys to iRacing's content IMO. Crazy comparison I know, but I ain't right in the head, so bare with me.

but... wouldn't that be like... racing the same things, not new things, all the time?

Quote :Oh, and iRacing has the resources for sure, but they have bigger pockets than they do hearts.

I don't know. They interact more, write blogs, show insights into development, and genuinely at least seem to give a rats rear what the community has to say. I'd also venture a guess that a few people don't pump millions of dollars into a product that they don't genuinely beleive in, to create a niche market inside an already obscure niche market, thinking they'll just milk the cash cow with it.... that wouldn't make much business sense

Look at Eric's only real post on the forum... mhmm, big hearts (yes I know that's not fair, but it's just as fair as the point you just tried to make :razz
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :It is cheaper that's for sure, and it's still a good product that I fire up now & then.

Exactly. One you can always go back to without paying extra.

Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :
I know right? iRacing is trying to say it's not important, and for the series' they simulate maybe it isn't. I know it would be for a few laps at least, maybe not so much after that. But it sure would be for stock(ish) road cars on longer races on a hot day!

It's vital IMO, but some people think differently.

Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :
but... wouldn't that be like... racing the same things, not new things, all the time?

I could order a different topping each time, but I'd still get bored of "pizza".

Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :
I don't know. They interact more, write blogs, show insights into development, and genuinely at least seem to give a rats rear what the community has to say. I'd also venture a guess that a few people don't pump millions of dollars into a product that they don't genuinely beleive in, to create a niche market inside an already obscure niche market, thinking they'll just milk the cash cow with it.... that wouldn't make much business sense

Look at Eric's only real post on the forum... mhmm, big hearts (yes I know that's not fair, but it's just as fair as the point you just tried to make :razz

They might interact more, but I don't even know what that comment meant tbh haha. I guess I was shooting for the whole 'content vs core product'.
Quote from PMD9409 :I could order a different topping each time, but I'd still get bored of "pizza".

Yeah but for me now, it's more like "I'm sick of eating pasta, I'm going to try some pizza for a change" with LFS being by pasta, and I'm quite sure that iRacing is exactly that for most LFSers.
I'm hungry, goddamnit.
Who's up for some Pho?
Quote from Wilko868 :Yeah but for me now, it's more like "I'm sick of eating pasta, I'm going to try some pizza for a change" with LFS being by pasta, and I'm quite sure that iRacing is exactly that for most LFSers.

But that pasta has lasted me over 4 years, the expensive pizza can't last me over 2.

*I had to eat dinner during this convo, definately filled my stomach.

I feel like I've ruined the best thread in these forums! As well as going for the cheap joke, I was implying that I'm hungry for iRacing, but simply can't bite. If I had the money and the computer and the internet connection I would love to. It has its flaws, and there are many, but all the same... A healthy salad is better for you in the long run, and you tell yourself you're doing the right thing, but a trip to McD's feels great. It seems to be worth the money, however other games are better value for money, would anyone say?

I wanna stuff some calories down me without worrying about brake temperatures once in a while!

[/fit of remorse]
This thread is closed

(13603 posts, closed, started )