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Quote from ColeusRattus :Brilliant? Looks like he got a stroke, which isn't really fun or to laugh at. It's quite tough seeing someone becoming a dribbling shell of a human being within moments. So pray that won't happen to you or somebody you love.

Been there and I agree. Watching someone break down like that is not what would press my humor button by far.
S3 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :Ever hear of Karl Marx and Marxism?

I'd suggest you read at least a summary of what Marx's political philosophy was about and how it has influenced western society - you'll likely be surprised. If you have and your comment is to be taken in a different way than negative, then ignore this post and accept my apologies for being predisposed to taking it as mentioned in the same way as someone would a disease or a malignant action.
S3 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Yeah, supermuties are kinda wimpy in Fo3...

Yeah the "simple" super mutants are kinda disappointing unless they got decent armament, but even then a couple of critical headshots with a .44 magnum is all it takes. The Master and Brute variants are more interesting - ran across a squad of them holding a bunch of captives in a run-down church; they had me pinned in there for a good few minutes with minigun cover fire, pretty dramatic stuff.

On a different note, being a bit biased by reviews that spoke of the opposite, I'm rather surprised about the amount of quests you can actually solve without resorting to violence. Also, in the quest-related subject, I found the game much more enjoyable after using a "remove quest markers", especially in quests were there's a number of possible locations you can find someone in or you're following some vague description. And yet another thing I like is that all the delivery/recovery quests that I've gotten so far in Wastelands seem to have a twist to them and they're not just the typical run-of-the-mill "fetch me some socks".
S3 licensed
More fuel for your paranoia:
hundreds of lighters x 10 extra cents = tens of euros

... where do you think they're investing those euros?
S3 licensed
One thing I just read in the boring sections of the manual I was browsing through: harder difficulty level = more XP and loot levels are the same as normal level too apparently - the only thing that changes is that opponents are tougher (take less damage/have more HPs)... that blows... I should switch back to normal level or I'll be reaching the level cap way too soon.

Re: armor - 100% condition combat armor goes up to 32 - what has changed though is that you don't have different defence rating for different types of weapons, which is a pity. To balance it out in a way they introduced the attribute/skill modifiers.
Last edited by xaotik, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :On a sidenote, I really don't understand how anyone in a "freedom loving country" can use the term "liberal" almost like a swearword.

Same way "conservative" gets used. It's part of the simplified dual choice system promoting healthy polarization and social division. Every member is armed with a set vocabulary and the possibility to use a complete catch-phrase up to 10 times per publication and then let loose in the forums and commentboxes of the web.
S3 licensed
There are so many things, little details and hints of "stories". You can tell that all "places of interest" or even some of the more generic-looking-at-first wasteland scenery has been touched by some designer.

One of my fav little areas is south - a small park, I forget the name - it was also the place I confronted my first Deathclaw for this Fallout. Fun stuff as a game glitch in VATS and collision detection blew him a few miles away after a critical strike. Took me a good trek and some searching to find that body and get the claw I wanted.
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :...
'Gay Agenda'
The gay agenda ...
The agenda mimics ...
The gay agenda pushes ...
the gay agenda fights ...
the gay agenda fights ...

You do realize that agenda means a set of goals or topics?

I've heard way too many people (predominantly Americans, and if my memory serves me right mostly from people who will stoop so low as to identify themselves completely with a political party of all things) using the word "agenda" as both implying a negative thing and as if it describes a cabal, a coven, a cult or some other nefarious gathering of people scheming in the dark. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's been used as a catch phrase and has lost it's meaning completely.
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I'd like to see you look a Marine in the eyes and tell him he is losing the war and that it is another 'nam

lets call this a tie.

Ironically, I've been looked in the eye by a Marine and been told it's a losing war and likely another 'nam. We get boatloads of them ever so often passing through town since there's the NATO base here.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Spoilers below....

Burke blows his brains out AFAIK.
What's cool is though that you can screw everyone in the Megaton deal and wipe out both Megaton and Tenpenny tower. Hee hee.

If you shoot the weapon out of their hands then you can rush to where it fell and pick it up before they do - if you blow them away, no matter where their weapon falls you can always retrieve it from their inventory, which in turn is amusingly available by searching any fragment of their body or even their ashes if you blast them with an energy weapon.

Seems like a patch for the PC version is incoming - perhaps it will solve some of the random CTDs:
Last edited by xaotik, .
S3 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Why is it always the leg that has all the major vital organs in this game? (Im in the beginning, just left megaton) I killed 2 raiders with 2 shots out of a 10mm.... in the knees....

It's not so much vital organs as the fact that they run out of total hitpoints no matter where you hit them, which I find a bit flawed - but I guess the alternative would be more complicated.

Best dungeon crawl I've been in so far has been the Dunwich Building - at the southwest-most of the map; it's the first dungeon I've actually had to use the flashlight (well, pipboylight) in. Fantastic atmosphere.

PS. Don't miss out on the audiologs - the first bunch can be found on a chair to your left as you first enter the building.
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :It makes no sense to call Massa "shit" to me either.

Reportedly he does have three colours of shit on his person at any time though which can be extracted via calcitration.
S3 licensed
Oh, well we're back to McLaren then - although perhaps due to the sportscar they made in 1992 that probably invalidates their entry in this list as they could be classified as a "manufacturer" so it's down to Williams as bbman said originally.
S3 licensed
The Overseer is who keeps your Vault safe. The Overseer is great and you must obey him for he wants only what's best for everyone in the Vault.
S3 licensed
Not unless it was in self-defense and you didn't kill the deputy.
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :^ Okay, I'm starting a new game, and I'm trying to not kill the Overser.....ideas how?

Dialogue - one of the options you get ends with him standing in a corner calling for his guards and you can just walk out on him.
S3 licensed
Quote from jibber :Why are you blowing them up? Disarm and sell them!

Because I like setting off chain reactions that lead to enemy sentries.
S3 licensed
Quote from MR_B :Can the question be written correctly?

To correct Xaotik, Mclaren won the constructors in 1998, but not in 1999.

True, I was referring to the WDC since I can't understand what exactly the OP is actually asking.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :children get oversexed by keeping sex away from them thus turning it into something dirty they get from the internet or tv at night (the tv bit probably not in the us)... the less of a deal you make out of keeping the topic away from them the less oversexed theyll end up in their teens

Can't say I agree with that train of thought since that's what being a teenager is about.

We never had "that talk" with my parents, we never had sexual education at school until we got into high school - sex as sex didn't even come into the picture until I was into my teens. I recall my first crush and walking back from school with a girl when I was 6 - but it wasn't sex-related, I had no idea what that was and I can tell you if I did it would likely gross me out severely and thus miss out on having a simple beautiful memory.

However, some time ago with my gf we had to sort of babysit a pal's 8 y/o daughter for a day. I had never heard so many sexual innuendos and "dirty" jokes in a such a short period of time - in fact, if they came from an adult I'd likely tell them to put a lid on it as it got real old real fast. And ofcourse she, thankfully, had no idea what it was all actually about - she was just repeating and trying desperately to appear adult. And no, she wasn't taught all of that crap from her dad - it came from her peers and from daytime TV.

Why should the technocrats ruin things for kids like that? Why kill it for them? The media is already doing a great job of that as it is. It's obvious that for the most part the educational system, and today's educators, make a mess of teaching things that CAN be taught - so why trust them with this?

It'll just fit right in place with the whole "oh your kid isn't paying attention in class, they must have ADD and need medication" dogma. Robotize those kids - kill the beauty in everything before it's too late because it's the easy way out for the adults.
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Is there a way to view your karma or not? I want to know what mine is. I know it's evil, I'm wondering HOW evil

Check your pip-boy, boy. It won't have a karma point reading, however it has an alignment title.

Quote from DieKolkrabe :Hmm, does the BB gun you pick up at the start of the game....serve any actual PURPOSE? It doesn't seem to kill the Vault guards, as opposed to the pistol that rips through 'em

It's good for blowing up mines and not losing any useful ammo.

Only nag I have so far is again relevant to difficulty. My character is level 5 now, and due to finding it all way too easy previously I've set the difficulty slider to "very hard", however he still managed to take out a whole squad of power-armored militant types that got on his nerves (including one guy with a gatling lazer, which is pretty damn impressive in action) dug into a bunker they called Fort Independence, off by Fairfax - not to mention he's practically swimming in ammo, stimpacks and antirad meds. And he isn't even a combat-oriented character - all his skills and attributes are oriented towards being a sneaky science-savvy handyman. I guess/hope some survival-oriented mod in the future will remedy this.

@danowat - punch him out, that's your only disabling option (unless there's some sort of stunner/zapper weapon which I haven't seen), anything else will likely kill him.
Last edited by xaotik, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :OT, but isn't it the 100 year anniversary since women were first allowed the right to vote?

And ~140 since slaves were disallowed their one and only right.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :but maybe he also pops over to Viry-Chatillon to work on their engines too

Only when he's not sorting gasoline molecules based on octane rating.
S3 licensed
Quote from JeffR :Gay couples do get preferential treatment that polygamist don't, such as the domestic partner laws.

That's because polygamists are genetically predisposed to be bad at arithmetic and can't work out that if they get an odd number of spouses they'd be able to form several couples (including themselves and one of the spouses) as per the domestic partner law and get the same benefits.
S3 licensed
Amazing what game-logic does to people's reasoning:

"I don't wanna kill him, so I'll blow his legs off instead - hopefully they won't have coded bleeding-to-death in there and he'll make it."

The only way to disable someone without killing them I found was punching them out. But that either takes a lucky roll or a high strength and hand-to-hand rating.