Ive noticed that when using my DFP in LFS, if i want to try and do a bit of left foot braking whilst simultaneously keeping some throttle applied, all that happens when you dab the brakes is that the amount of throttle applied, reduces. So you cant have both the brake and throttle depressed at the same time.
However when using the same wheel on my PS2 in Grand Turismo 4, you can press both the brake and throttle at the same time and the machine detects each pedal seperately.
How can this be, and is there a way of seperating the brake and throttle axis on a DFP when using it in LFS?
What about if you have pitted, and are unlapping yourself by overtaking the slower racers who are now technically infront again? The blue flag shows on your screen once you have retaken them and are pulling away.
noob line? Think youll find most wheels used by professional drivers have one too mate. And any car with more than one turn lock to lock benefits from one, ie any car apart from single seaters, not just rally cars.
updated with a bit more repaired damage to the front, proper BTCC style Infact in the recent c'ships the teams have colour coded gaffer tape for running repairs that dont spoil the colour schemes!
sorry, dont normally hijack, but how exactly is calling someone Canadian, racist? Firstly, last time i looked, Canada was a country, not a race. Secondly, since when has inferring that you crash into a UF1s bonnet, been intended as a insult of some kind? And thirdly, in order to insult or abuse someone, there needs to be some kind of insult or abuse, for example "All Canadians are idiots". You can't insult someone by saying "You are Canadian" If that skin said, "If you hit here-you are probably called Mark" would you expect all people called Mark to find it insulting?
Anways, back to the topic, great skins people, love the ROFL dinosaur
its incase you have a little fender bender or a stone chip on your lights that cracks them, it helps hold the glass in place and stops the bits from falling onto the track and causing mayhem. Really you should extend the tape over the bonnet and bumper to hold it all in but most people just put a cross over the lights themselves. Ive lost count of the number of light units ive cracked and chipped on track!
i have to have a fairly deep sunstrip on my little track car. I have no flip down visors and because ive fitted buckets i now sit about 6" lower than the standard height. Most race cars sit the driver as low as possible to reduce the CoG and as a result have mahoosive sun strips. When on track, especially at this time of year, they are essential!
be my guest , i made three layers, a dirt layer, a shading layer (which gives the in game cars a more 'rendered' look) and a layer which has some fake damage to the front right corner of the car.
my advice is dont make too much dirt because it still 'reflects' like the paint would, so large amounts look wrong.
i dont think i have the time to do many of these, they are very time consuming. I think Bean0 is going to do some more though. One of the hardest things is finding photos to work from!
A tribute to the late great Will Hoy, his 1991 BTCC Championship winning BMW E30 M3. Sponsored by Listerine and the fantastic 'Clifford' the dragon. These cars were what got me into motorsport, and i intend on making a few different liveries from the early-mid nineties from the BTCC. Decided to add the dirt as i really think that it adds to the realism of the game if all cars have a little bit of grime on them.
funnily enough, for me, the decision to buy a full licence, had nothing to do with a forum, or about other people who have also bought a licence, and more to do with the fact that i liked the game
i made this one last week sometime, no previews im afraid so youll need cmx viewer. The only thing i dont like about it is the colour of the bonnet and the reflections of the paint, make the dirt on the bonnet reflective so i need to change that part