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S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :These cars would not of aquaplaned as the water level never went above ride height.

The excuse that the track is to slippy is a bonkers thing for a race driver to say. Yeah, it's wet, deal with it, it's the same track for everyone else!

The drivers were not worried about the grip, they were worried about the visibility, like less than 10 metres, and fair enough too. The lack of grip just compounds the problem as you wont see anything happening infront of you till the last minute, and the lack of grip means you cant take avoiding action. Infact you can see from Rosberg coming off that this is exactly what happened. Any dry race and Rosberg could have avoided Webbers trundling car. Incidentally I find it amazing that anyone on here can blame on Webber! The stewards and commentators (who know a hell of alot more than anyone on here) certainly didnt blame him in any way shape or form!

Aquaplaning is not just to do with the cars ride height. There are two sorts of aqauplaning at work. Too much standing water and the tyres float on the top the same way a skimmed stone skips. The other (ride height related) is that the spray buffets the underside of the car to such a degree that it lifts the car up slightly. The water does not need to be deep for this to happen, there just needs to be enough spray.
S2 licensed
Potentially you would. Two things though, sub frequency response at very low Hz is generally poor unless you have a really, and I do mean really, good system. Something like a logitech is unlikely to reproduce anything audible under 40Hz even though the speakers tech specs say it can, simply because it will be so quiet. Also, even if your sub does end up reproducing the sound, it wont matter. If anything, it would add to the experience. Most crashing and skidding in real life would be accompanied by such thumps in the low frequency range.

I think its fair to point out that my terminology of using a sine wave is probably wrong. It makes it sound like I would want a simple tonal sine wave playing along with the sound file. Rather the idea would be to have a 'boom' or 'thump' noise but at a very low frequency in the sound file.
Last edited by dynofiend, .
Sound File Idea for the Buttkicker
S2 licensed
I have read peoples experiences on here of the Buttkicker, and overall the feedback was one of slight dissapointment.

The problem seems to stem from a lack of sounds in the game which trigger the device, in fact most people commented how only the wind noise seemed to generate a response.

My idea is to augment the sound files for the barrier collisions, and all the skid sounds, with an ultra low frequency (say below 40hz) sine wave, which you could then set the Buttkicker to respond to. You could make the signal louder in some files to make the Buttkicker respond differently, so say make the signal louder in the heavy crash .wav when compared to the light crash .wav. You could also vary the signal within the wav to simulate bumps, so within the skid sound files, you could make the car feel like it is going over lumps and bumps.

There is real potential I think to bring an extra dimension to the game in this. Heck it would probably even work for those people running a decent speaker set up as the sub would thump in a similar way to the Buttkicker.

Now I dont have a Buttkicker, or the ability to edit .wav files, but there must be someone out there willing to give this a go?

S2 licensed
I had a go at redoing the McDonalds shopfront as the logo was a bit stretched. I did it on the standard dds file rather than the one Shaun has done so it wasnt spoiling his work. Just an option for people I also redid the Big McDonalds logo and the HMV logo as these were coming out stretched as well. There might be others which are stretched, but those ones stood out a bit more than the others for some reason!
Last edited by dynofiend, .
S2 licensed
Anyone got a live link for these gravel sounds?
A few updated adverts for Fern Bay
S2 licensed
I got fed up with looking at the blocky, low res scaled up beer advert in Fern Bay (you know, the one thats like 40ft high), and decided to replace it with something else. While I was there, I also redid a few of the other low res looking ones, and also copied and pasted some other peoples higher res trackside adverts to replace one or two others.

The only ones I made myself are the Bacardi, Caribean Air, Welcome to Jamaica, and Kingfisher ads. All the others are the work of other talented individuals who I am afraid I dont know the names of but whose time and effort creating the adverts I am recognising, and not trying to take credit for!

Anyways, it makes the FB driving experience a little bit nicer now!

Feel free to edit the ones ive created if you want them a bit more sun damaged or whatever.
S2 licensed
Closest youre gonna get is probably something like Westhill or Aston long courses. Maybe drop some barriers so there are no run offs, job done. AX layouts are always going to be ridiculous.
S2 licensed
This is one of those packs where you may not notice it immediately, but it just helps to immerse you in the game if your wandering eye might catch the obivoulsy pixelated edge of a low res tree. Its like on low res, your brain is constantly reminded that you are in a game. The longer you can fool it for, the better!

Incidentally, I noticed one tree, JA TREETEST1A, doesnt fit onto its trunk very well, so I had to replace it with the original one
S2 licensed
Sorry mate, I dont have a server access any more. Thank you for uploading though
S2 licensed
'File does not exist'
S2 licensed
Dont leave us hanging
S2 licensed
cheers dude, trying them out later
S2 licensed
I think the texture you are looking for might be ?
S2 licensed
This WIP is simply brilliant! The final missing element to making LFS look amazing.

Good luck with your work
S2 licensed
Great work, ive chosen the Blackwood one and added a generic shadow that seems to fit most cars without looking too odd. Hope you dont mind
S2 licensed
Running checkdisk seems to have helped a little. Its still a bit buggy. If the game minimises, or windows is switched to midgame, it crashes, and it will not run in 'windowed' mode either.

I can put up with this for the time being though.
LFS failing to respond
S2 licensed
Have had a search and not found a similar problem which has been resolved.

Im running Windows 7 64bit on a Del studio 1555. It has an ATI HD 4570 card. I often play LFS using an external Dell 24" monitor, but the problem manifests even when not using this.

Rather frequently, perhaps one in 10 times, whenever I load up LFS, it gets to the main menu screen and hangs. Rebooting the machine and rebooting LFS does not work, and LFS still hangs. The only solution I seem to have found is either running a system restore to an earlier time, or by uninstalling LFS, rebooting the machine, and reinstalling it.

The machine itself occaisionally has problems with Flash enabled websites, but other than that is fine.
S2 licensed
Id have thought any soft suspension setting with stiff front anti roll bars would produce that sort of effect?
S2 licensed
How about these? A Peugeot 106 XSi in blue and grey, a modified XSi, and a black 106 Rallye.

I can also add dirt/mud layers on any of the skins if required?
S2 licensed
fixed it!

downloaded this thing called DXTweak2 from here

ran it, clicked on 'device defaults' then 'apply'

everything now works as it should and i can run brake and throttle on seperate axis.

S2 licensed
tried all that, nothing quite so simple.

The axis bars in the LFS control section are on/off. But when moving to the windows control panel, selecting the sidewinder device from the game controllers. The axis are smooth within the game controller app. Its like LFS doesnt recognise the pedals properly.
S2 licensed
i have this exact problem with the throttle and the brake.

In the sidewinder app control panel the pedals respond perfectly, but in game they are digital, ie on or off.

Does anyone know of a solution?
S2 licensed
Finished this one off now, a silly one, feel free to use
S2 licensed
Going to live in NZ with the missus (she is a kiwi)
S2 licensed
True, but theres a big difference between suffering cumulative damage from a high kerb, to being launched in the air by an invisible force. I dont think that a bug like this can be ignored as a 'feature' when the whole aim of the sim is to be as realistic as possible.