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S2 licensed
Going to be emmigrating in the new year, and its just another thing on a long list of heavy and bulky luxuries that i cant justify taking
DFP now on ebay, mint condition.
S2 licensed
Gutted to have to sell it, means no more LFS for me as well, but here it is ... e=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=002
S2 licensed
Best broadcast yet Becky, brilliant work. Smooth and very professional. Commentating was spot on, camera work was 100 times better than previous broadcasts and equivalent to coverage found on TV easily.

Constructive comments: I noted with some dissapointment that yet again drivers had changed their skins from previous races this season. The new skins look great, but from a casual observers perspective, it gives no continuity.
S2 licensed
You wont be able to recreate this sound on an XRT, the reason the CGT sounds like it does is partly down to the engine rpms which afaik go to about 10,000rpm.
axis reversing on its own?!
S2 licensed
Playing LFS today, and twice the brake axis reversed halfway through a race. No warning, just suddenly reversed so i had to hold the pedal down to limp back to the pits. Never happened before today. The pedal works perfectly, no jumping or anything.

When i go into the options panel to correct it, once it corrected it no problems, the next time i went to fix it and it made no difference reversing the axis, it just stayed the same no matter what i did, until i restarted the application.
S2 licensed
speed doesnt kill, but it reduces reaction times and certainly helps to kill once you hit something!

ive seen too many young lads (and ladies) mangled in car wrecks where the driver was showing off or just driving too fast. We like to think we can drive fast and safe but the reality is that the faster you go, the bigger the mess.

Speed will always fascinate people, but get over it, going fast on a road takes no skill, doesnt impress anyone, is pointless, and seriously increases the chance of you having an accident, and not walking away from it, not to mention putting other road users nearby in danger.

Going fast on a track takes skill, finesse, and control. Going fast on a public road takes big balls... and a small brain.
S2 licensed
Sorry, is this a weiner showing contest, i can join in too? Unfortuantely i fear that any speed under 120mph is going to mean my weiner isnt as big as everyone elses here
S2 licensed
black flags for cars that are very severely damaged but continue to try and race would be easy to do i imagine, and useful in removing some of the mobile chicanes that seem to prevail in the back markers
S2 licensed
wow, i was at prescott last weekend and the best my little 106 can manage up that hill is about 58 seconds, by my reconing the Veyron made it up in 48 or so, which is quite alot faster!
S2 licensed
i already did a very similar one from the previous years BMW entry
S2 licensed
hahaha love the monty python skin

heres another one i made in a fit of sillyness, half of it is a satsuma and the other half is an apple. Its going to be the basis of another race skin of mine when another fun UF race series comes around
Last edited by dynofiend, .
Nurburgring Decal
S2 licensed
I just made this and used it on the rear of my XF GTi skin which is a replica of my own car in RL. Should make a cool addition to any road car based skins.
S2 licensed
power boost, for people that cant overtake
S2 licensed
theres plenty of time before the green light to turn the wheel side to side and find out if the wheels are straight
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
looks like a great track still, bit of a lack of kerbs though! does that configuration include the old school corner, i couldnt pick it out from the footage?
S2 licensed
well, i reverted back to the original wind file, because when driving an open topped car the wind soundfiles volume is increased and used to create cockpit windnoise, so it sounded as if a bird was perched right on your head!
S2 licensed
i tried a number of ideas, i extended the original wind file (WindExternal.wav) using sound recorder, then mixed in some ambient bird noise. It works quite well, but only if you use recordings of a flock of birds, otherwise it sounds as if one bird is following you all around the track lol

The original wav file cant be much longer than about 16 seconds though, so you cant use anything that will be obviously repetitive. I used the sound of a flock of swifts
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :me like.

I'll give you a tenner for it?

a tenner, for two images!? DEAL
S2 licensed
yes this is my everyday car! Its a series 1 xsi with a GTi 16v engine, 283mm brakes, bilstein suspension, a smattering of group N parts and just about everything that can be cut down or removed, has been, right down to the wiring loom.

S2 licensed
Quote from ksa_land :Yesturday someone in the german forum posted a link to a new (at least for me) video portal which accepts even high quality uploads. It's called "stage6" and uses divx codec.

"The New Beginning" is already uploaded there like many other well known LFS videos.

when i downloaded the divX update which was automatically linked from this site, it infected my PC with a trojan horse virus called Generic4.PJR which manifested in a 7Zip.cfg file. Luckily i scanned it the following morning, but this is a warning to other users!!
S2 licensed
Sounds like they are emulating the A1 series. F1 needs something doing to it to make it possible to overtake, but powerboost buttons is all a bit 'fast and furious' for my liking.

What they really need to do is just reduce the amount of aero devices the cars have. Its these that always give the car infront in a battle the advantage of clean air, and the car behind in the turbulent air has little or no chance of getting enough speed or grip to pass.
S2 licensed
they can change the rev limit of the engines mid race, more rpm equals more power
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Its only illegal becuase the goverment cant put tax on a seed an deems it as illegal. IMHO

well, they manage to tax tobacco which comes from a seed, and VAT is added to fruit and veg, and flowers and plants that you buy from the garden centre, and also, funnily enough, tax is also added to, guess what... seeds that you buy there too! So i dont think your arguement really holds any water there does it! In fact, you can buy hemp seed as fish bait already in the UK, and amazingly, it has tax added on it LOL

Im guessing that you are a user yourself, nuff said really

Anyway, we're not in this thread to discuss whether it should be legal or not, it isnt, thats that!
S2 licensed
nice one mate

just a tip about your skins though, the yellow and blue blocks you have on the sides of the cars dont look all that good. You need to look at the shape of the car and break them up so they look more realistic.

More like this and the attached UF1 i did