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S2 licensed
Very nice work sir!
S2 licensed
Im trying to attach the zip to this post but its not letting me. PM me your email address and ill email it to you.

I would advise also trying to edit your wind sound. Try replacing it with ones which use no frequencies under the 200hz level, or just filter the default ones to remove any freqs under that. That should stop your Buttkicker from activating with the wind noise. The free editing program I found wouldnt let me do that, so I cant do it for you im afraid.
S2 licensed
I remade the skid/crash/gravel/grass sounds in LFS to include 40hz sine waves in them. They are what I use to activate my home made 'butt kicker' and the system works reasonably well. Mind you, mine doesnt react to wind noise so it might be a little different to yours? Youre welcome to borrow the sounds if you like. Let me know via PM and ill attach them as a zip to this thread.
Last edited by dynofiend, .
S2 licensed
Its the skid pan (wet grip) area which is equipped with water sprayers. I wouldnt have thought it would be open in Rockingham as its not part of any of the circuit configurations, isnt linked to the track apart from with small access roads, and is relatively small. It would also be useless for any 'fun' unless it was a real 'limited grip' area...

...which if you ask me is an interesting idea!
S2 licensed
Hi Scawen, just wanted to say thanks for the test patch. Some great ideas and will hopefully reduce the number of fixes needed to any future updates. Everyone wins!
S2 licensed
Thank you for the compliment!

Unfortunately, the way the XRT dash is textured, there is very little you can update on it. If you meant the XRR, then this dash is shared between UFR and XRR, so installing it updates both.
S2 licensed
Now updated to improve the aliasing around the curved edge of the display. The screen shot is still the old one though as you get the idea
Hi Res XFR dash
S2 licensed
Again, another low res dash was spoiling an otherwise excellent interior, so I remade it.

S2 licensed
Hi res ones are made from photographs of real cars, edited to fit. Resizing the original does not make it higher res, it just makes it bigger.
S2 licensed
Wow! Quite an accolade, thanks

Im working on improving the aliasing on the edge of the display, so ill post up a finished version soon.
Hi-Res XRR/UFR dashboard
S2 licensed
I know Karl Morytz released one of these a little while ago which was excellent. But I wanted one which was a little less clean and precise. Not too many race cars have such a beautiful dash. This one is based on the original texture but is scaled up and has a few extra bits and bobs, as well as being less aliased than the original.

Hopefully it will do the trick for anyone that just wants a slight upgrade and a touch more realism!

In the screenshot the display looks pixelated a bit, but its not like that in the game?
Last edited by dynofiend, .
S2 licensed
I like the idea, and id like to have a go at this, but the default interior is too low res to bother with, and any nice high res ones are restricted from editing by their creators. Find me a high res FXO interior and show me that the creator doesnt mind it being edited, and ill have a go.
S2 licensed
Quote from lap traffic nz :I live in the wrong country / timezone and the only low ping servers I usually find are demo crash fests. I enjoy FBM BL1, but can't stand the constant dodging of wrong way driving, XRG drift king wannabees spinning every corner. Admittedly my accident avoidance has increased as a result but I'm really wanting good clean races.

It's come to the point that I've taken up cruise servers trying to find clean crash free driving, sadly its much the same unless I wait 'till late at night when I'm usually 3/4 drunk (friday and saturday nights) and the chances of better competitors improves.

My solution is that all LFS racers need to move to New Zealand so I can have better races and learn to race correctly against proper competitors...

Get yerself over to great bunch of guys and plenty of racing being planned for 2011.
S2 licensed is a great site with plenty of organised races and low ping servers. We have a pretty large contingent of Aussie racers joining in, and every one from super fast aliens to LFS first timers racing as well. New 2011 series are under discussion as we speak so why not pop on in?
S2 licensed
I rather liked it
S2 licensed
Quote from scipy :Was just testing FZR for something and noticed that killing the ignition while the car is moving (while keeping the throttle fully on) has no effect on fuel consumption. In fact, the car consumes fuel at the same rate as if it was doing actual work.

Agreed, this can be true with some carburetor engines which work on Venturi (as long as the throttle butterfly is open air is coming through and sucking in the fuel - even if the ignition is off), but surely modern racing cars have ECU's that turn off the injectors when there's no ignition.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Youre not wrong, but I cant see the merit in correcting this bug. Its a racing sim, and killing the ignition whilst racing, and keeping your foot down, with the car in gear, for long enough for fuel consumption to be an issue, is simply never going to happen!
S2 licensed
Great work, really nice!
S2 licensed
HID bulbs should not be used in housings designed for normal incandescent bulbs. The extra light produced causes the reflectors to become overloaded, and light is scattered in a way which is not the same as with normal bulbs. Youll basicly dazzle people coming the other way. Projector lights might be different mind you, not too sure about those.

With your hi/lo beam question. Some h4 kits ive seen have a rotating reflector on them which allows the switch between hi and lo beam. Some have two capsules, but you lose the ability to do a quick flash due to the warm up period. Having a design that uses two bulbs and one ballast would still suffer from the warm up period delay when switching between bulbs, so that wouldnt help either.

Ive never seen different colour temperatures used in the same bulb housing.

Basicly, unless you have a single HID capsule (with a rotating reflector that moves damn fast) that can act as both a hi and lo beam, and you want an HID hi beam, then you will lose the ability to do a quick flash.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :I think this means that the VWS will not have the option to turn off the driving aids, as the real one would also have them turned on all the time.

You know I think you may be right. Scawen doesnt say that the Scirocco will have a limited setup 'option', just that it will be limited setup, and that he is considering introducing a limited setup 'option' for the existing cars. This further reinforces my belief that VW pushed for a safe and limited version of the Scirocco, and will not authorise its release until such time as that is achieved. Why else would you limit the setup options of a new car

Still, thats just my opinion of course!
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :...but we couldn't get the Scirocco to drive as safely as a real one does while restricting ourselves to a realistic setup). So, releasing the Scirocco has been out of the question until the tyre physics system is quite close to reality.

If someone can tell me why its important that a car behaves 'safely' (presumably with accurately modelled ABS, ESP, TCS systems) in a racing sim, id be very interested! The first thing any racer is going to do is turn all of those systems off! Maybe its VW secrectly pushing for the safety angle and refusing a general release of the Scirocco until the car is 'safe' to drive, in case it detracts from their corporate image of building safe and predictable handling cars!?
S2 licensed
These look great! Is there any chance of comparison shots at all?
S2 licensed
Just look at that roof and tyre sidewall texture. Perfection!
S2 licensed
I could be a d*ck and point out that its none of the above, and is actually a dds file...
S2 licensed
Dont know what all the fuss is about. The scariest and most ludicrous days in F1 were the 1.5 turbo days. V8/V10/4 pot boost, who cares?

The cars will still go just as fast and will still make a ridiculous noise. Just more like a Group B rallycar than the current V screamers which cant be a totally bad thing.

The engineering challenge that the current engine configuration offers, will just be redirected into (lets face it) more accessable and useful technology. Performance capping will allow the lower teams to mix it with the big boys, whats so bad about that?
S2 licensed
Nice! Not sure that itll look quite as good with the other cars that use the same wheel textures mind you

Whats the gator fabric based on? Not leather is it?