The online racing simulator
The English Language
(28 posts, started )
The English Language
Why is it that so many people come on this forum and can't string a complete sentence together, and I don't mean the normal guys n' gals that post here. The ones I mean are the folk who type out some amazing pile of sick that it usually takes you 5 minutes to even make head nor tail of it!!

Sadly 99.9% of these are people from predominately English speaking countries.

What gets to me is that I can understand posts from people who come from other countries, who are not predominately english spoken of course, better. Even if it is broken english it seems to make more sense. Is it really a sign of the times that while every other country is trying to step into line with globalisation and pretend that they are one world, and that our own decadent society is just decaying before our very eyes?

I'm sorry for the gripe and moan, its just reading the post in the general discussion about A Fake/ Liar In Lfs ! ! ! sort of got my back up.

I know theres not much we can do about the general quality of posts, but at least they could try a little harder just to make it a bit more legible, its bloody hard going!!!!
Granted we aren't all perfect (I'm certainly not), but at least a little effort would be nice, I'll agree.

Sadly, this isn't a new request.
#3 - CSU1
Take a bloody chill pill!!!1eleven , thats just the 'younger' members of our community arsing around.

Although I don't disagree, posters dont usually adapt this way of writing on the internets after a while
#4 - JTbo
Sir, it is just our age, soon we will find out that it is completely useless to understand what kids are saying as their language is completely different from ours yet they call it English, same thing that has happened to our fathers and their fathers, I'm afraid

Or then their concentration is even worse than mine even I do have slight problems with that one, 15 minutes is how long I can concentrate to one thing then I need to hop to another, can't imagine how bad it might be with some whom can't concentrate even time that it takes to create one post, must be really a problem.
What? "younger people", these folks are either in school or have just left school, shouldn't they have actually learnt how to even talk english?!?!?!

I've seen people who can hardly even type a word of english do better, including the fact that they appologise for their lack of enlgish skills, but it somehow seems more legible. Don't get me wrong, I know txt speak on the good old mobile, but some of what these folks are writing is nearly unintelligable, and thats coming from a guy who barely scraped thro his English o-level (long time ago I know)

I live in a community which is very secluded, Shetland, the most northerly island in the UK, and we have a different dialect from the rest of the UK, even though we are thought of as Scots, we have norwegian heritage, but that has never stoppped me from a least trying to make an effort to type out something that is legible to the human eye!!
#6 - JTbo
'Everything ready on plate' I guess that is the problem, many don't even know how to try to do better as everything has been so automatic and ready for them, no need to try. Some even look like they would been made of soft rubber, there just is nothing happening. Thankfully there are many decent young people around
#7 - wien
I think the reason non-english speakers seem to have a better grasp of the language sometimes, is that the ones who skipped school a few too many times just don't end up on english speaking forums. They don't know the language well enough. Instead they all seem to end up on native language forums, wallowing in their own horrible, horrible ways. Unschooled english speakers of course wash up in here from time to time because they, at least on paper, know the language.

I personally can't stand most forums in Norwegian because of the extremely high kid/unschooled moron factor, and I assume it's the same for many other non-english speakers. We come here to be able to have a reasonably intelligent discussion, without having to break of the Enigma device to decipher posts.
Not the first of these threads is it

I suppose every language is rotting from the inside. It's firstly due the lack of giving a dam about anything and secondly I'd blame the Finnish government who funded research of mobile phones in the 80's which later made the mobile revolution and txt-messages so popular and common. It's the ultimate plan for tear down the English, and the western world.

Several years ago I managed a ski rental shop. It was absolutely mind-boggling to have young children from all over the world -- not just Europe -- converse with me in beautiful English. Impressive in a way that few things are. Granted, these kids were the beneficiaries of a high socioeconomic status; but the American kids were as well. The American kids were much the same as the illiterate crazy-eyed children you'll see at any Wal-Mart, except they wore more expensive clothing. It appears to me that wealth and culture are more strongly dissociated in America than they are elsewhere.

I'm unceasingly amazed by the number of people that write English as a foreign language here so brilliantly. I can converse with people in Spanish if they are kind and treat me like a slow person, but I wish that I could communicate with the effortless fluency that many of you do.

Yet wishing won't get me there. I suppose what I really need to do is start studying languages again and then find some poor forum to practice corresponding with.
Quote from skiingman :
I'm unceasingly amazed by the number of people that write English as a foreign language here so brilliantly. I can converse with people in Spanish if they are kind and treat me like a slow person, but I wish that I could communicate with the effortless fluency that many of you do.

Yet wishing won't get me there. I suppose what I really need to do is start studying languages again and then find some poor forum to practice corresponding with.

I know what you mean. I too wish I had stuck in at school and learned to converse in another language, instead of the little titbits of words and phrases I have picked up over the years. I guess its just a situation thats endemic of the times that we live in, and there is not a lot we can do about it, I just wish that some of these people would at least try and make an effort to at least be a bit morein touch with people so that they can communicate on the same level. They are always complaining that their voice is never heard, but its kind of hard when you can't really understand what they are saying!?!?
I loled when i saw that thread. I dont think he knows what the word "punctuation" menas.

because you know its very hard to read a thread when sombody doesnt use any punctuation and types in a big run on sentance also when sombody doesnt use any capital letters or anything it gets annoying even if they dont spell anything wrong its just really hard and annoying to read when they dont use indentations comas or even periods or at the most question marks which doesnt make sence because that just means they are asking a question kthx bye
but. whats rong wid bad languarge or gramar , sum peeohpil cant speaket pwopper inglish or spellllll, and fayel to understand the baysicks of comars. whyill meanning too put full stopps,

*and yeah, also some of the foriegn (non english/us) people talk very good english
Just a little snippet that I heard on the news this week.
Apparently, during a debate in the House of Commons, one of our illustrious Members of Parliament commented that it should be compulsory for primary school children to start learning a foriegn language.
One of his peers then remarked:
"It might be a good idea to teach them ENGLISH first!"

Sad, but so very, very true
Quote from Bladerunner :Just a little snippet that I heard on the news this week.
Apparently, during a debate in the House of Commons, one of our illustrious Members of Parliament commented that it should be compulsory for primary school children to start learning a foriegn language.
One of his peers then remarked:
"It might be a good idea to teach them ENGLISH first!"

Sad, but so very, very true

Ha ha ha, yeah, I heard that one too! It is so true, especially coming from a country that is supposed to be the leader of the english language (if not the propogater).

Sigh, where will this all end? And I heard that Polish is now the second most spoken language in Birmingham (And I'm not getting at poles, they have as much right to be here as I do to be in Poland under E.U. rules) but I bet that they can speak and write their own language better than some of our kids!
Quote from LFSn00b :Most of them doesn't want to talk english.

I have an A in english and i like to write and talk english. In fact, My finnish language is going worse, and i think i soon talk only english...

Well, then you should know it's written with capital like all languages in English. And what, native speakers don't like to speak? Huh?
Doesn't bother me in the slightest, when they type out their CVs in their very own special version of English, it makes it easier for people like me to get the job. Of course I'd never apply to be a bin-man, but you get the general idea.
Do I write It bad? Yeah I know, I can't even write Spanish with the " ´ "
Quote from LFSn00b :Most of them doesn't want to talk english.

I have an A in english and i like to write and talk english. In fact, My finnish language is going worse, and i think i soon talk only english...

I was the same way in school. Now that I've lived in the US for a few years, unfortunately my German is deteriorating... But at least I can speak English well!
I am always forgiving to non-English speakers on this forum if their punctuation, grammar or spelling is not quite right. To someone from let's say Estonia, it is their second or possibly third language.

But this txt speak, 1337 sh*t has to be not tolerated. If someone spoke like that in the real world, they should get their a** dropped kicked.

So for the ones who make posts or threads like they are using a phone or a blackberry: Please stop. Your sentences are confusing, and I will make it a point to mock and/or ignore you.
We all make spelling mistakes, but I expect people to at least have a go. Especially those who's native tongue is English.

In 10 years I expect the English language will be a messy hybrid of text message abbreviations and l33tspeak. The way the majority speak and write now will seem like some sort of ye olde Shakespearian dialect to the next generation.
Nice post /\/\

How funny would it have been to have had that picture as the one and only reply to the 'liar/fake' thread before it got locked?
That was what I was thinking of That character always cracks me up!
#25 - JTbo
Quote from JamesK :

Lady has eaten a whale or whale has eaten a lady, most disgusting nevertheless and the words of hers so wrong thus no one will understand her.

The English Language
(28 posts, started )