Impressive job. I tried to find a rank somewhere, but I don't know where you got that figure from. Is it an iRating rank or something? How do you know you are 132th?
Another question. How are the season standings calculated? Because looking at Luke Mclean for example, he has the best stats in this seasons skip barber standings as far as I can tell but is only 50th?
I think it's all about respect TBH. LFS is a simulator based on real racing. Because of this, the drivers who are able to put in fast laptimes whilst driving the car in a sensible, realistic style which would work well IRL are respected by many people. At the same time, the guys who are able to put in times which are as fast as possible within the virtual environment of LFS are equally impressive. They just don't gain as much respect, from me at least, as I don't see it to be the nature of LFS, a *real* racing simulator. I cringe when watching some of the WR's uploaded to lfsworld.
Complete muppet. If you listen he changes up into 3rd gear with the throttle wide open at probably 70 mph... The wheels were probably spinning at 140 mph, so disaster was inevitable.
What steering lock do you use? It looks almost like you are using a mouse to steer, or 40 degrees on a wheel (lerts anyone? ). Nice lap, but you would have a much better connection to the car with more steering lock IMO.
Thanks for the suggestions regarding my stuttering issue guys. FTR I currently have v-sync off (I hate steering lag more than anything else in a sim) at have had the fps capped to 85 fps, which is perfect for testing / qualifying sessions.
I'll have to try the sound thing after the Easter break when I get back to my rig.
That's a very good point actually, the setup I think is the main issue (especially not being able to change the open diff).
One more thing about iRacing, why is it that no matter how far under the limit you drive, the tyres ALWAYS produce a tyre scrub / squeal sound??
It's underpowered, geared too long, unstable under braking due to the open diff, oversteery on corner entry, understeery mid corner, oversteery on corner exit, and has horrible tyres which feel like they are made from plastic.
Edit: I'm getting some stuttering with iRacing during the races, partically at the corkscrew, which makes things interesting. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm getting framerates around 70 + normally, so it's not like my PC is struggling to run it. I'm gessing it's lack of memory, and the HDD is having to muck about with the pagefile or something.
Edit 2: Regarding the Skippy, I like cars which are tricky to drive and rewarding, especially the LX6 in LFS, but the Skippy is really just a tub of crap.
BTW, so much for the predicted field spread this year. In Q1 the fastest and slowest times are seperated by just 1.7 seconds, and in Q2 the top ten seperated by just half a second.
I'd say the best thing they could do would be to allow the continued use of owned content offline after your subscription to online racing ends. They could bring in a sensible condition for this, i.e. a minimum subscription initially of 6 months in order to keep access to the service for offline use if you stop paying. I can't see how they would lose money from this, as I can't see many continuing their subscription just to drive offline. It would attract more members though I'm sure, making many more of us consider it.
I'm just wondering the deal with the adjustable front wings.. Are the allowed / able to adjust the front wing several times in a lap? I mean, if they could reduce the angle on the long straights to get some extra speed that would be a massive advantage despite the extra work it would mean for the driver.
So this is why Mclaren are behind everyone else with development. They have been spending all their time and money on advertising and making fake films. It's impressively done, but com'on. lol.