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Quote from Intrepid :iRacing's business model could be a stroke of genius, or them just having delusions of grandeur and totally underestimating the opposition.

We now have an online data analyser in LFS at zero cost to us. How can iRacing seriously suggest we should continually pay for their service, when LFS is pushing what is possible with an online sim at a fraction of the cost?

LFS is still failing on a few fronts. Sure, it's getting there but how long would we have to wait? What if iRacing could truly offer everything you've ever wanted out of a sim, right now?

What if it has excellent physics (not unlikely as the trickiest thing in car physics are tyres and I hear iRacing has done its own tyre tests for the exact tyres of each car and that's an area where LFS still struglles), car setup limitations exactly as they are in real life... what if the cars are every bit unsuspected driver's cars (think Mazda MX5, Lotus 7), the tracks are properly bumpy and challenging compared to LFS' dated, rather boring content (bar a few specific configs),... what if it has good graphics and yet the graphics efficiency needed by a racing simulator, allowing it not to crumble when there are cars on 3 or 4 screen like LFS does (aaah, the irony), and what if the netcode builds on NR2003's already legendary netcode to produce the best online racing we've ever seen?

As it stands, that's not unlikely. Keep in mind that a very serious sim is very very expensive to develop. Laser scanning track surfaces isn't cheap. Nor is tyre testing. That's why your content is so expensive. And they're the ones providing the servers, making sure racing quality is up to scratch and everything - that's why your monthly fee is so high.

If iRacing offers all that, it would really be worth it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Leprekaun :does that not defy the concept that we're all human, that we're all the same?

We are *not* all the same. To say that we are just because we're of the same species is completely wrong. It's something that you'd hear from someone trying really hard to be politically correct and not offend anybody. There are so many things that could be different though and no matter how hard you try to change certain traits you never will. It's somewhat an evolutionary thing I think, and while over the last 2000 years life on this Earth has been getting progressively easier people that have grown up in different cultures have grown up somewhat differnetly. Here are some examples:

Some people are wired to think analyitically. Their brains tend to analyse detail more and try to recognise patterns. Others react more instinctively - just think, scientists aren't exactly known for great reflexes, are they . While an analyitical person could, after trying and trying and trying lap after lap hook up just as fast a lap as the instinctive person, he will never be as consistent. Mistakes take time to process and by the time he reacts to one it may be too late. That's my problem in racing for instance - I push for a few laps, and I fall into a pattern,... once that happens I start occupying my mind with other things around me - any distraction really. Then I make a mistake and react too late.... hello, wall. If I force myself to focus on the racing I eventually start thinking about focusing on the racing, not actually focusing. It's just how I am. Sim racing is great for some fun on the side but I know I'll never be able to do it in real life professionally and I'm okay with that.

Another big thing is ability to concentrate intensively for prolonged periods of time - a must in racing. This isn't the same thing as sitting in a class for 3 hours and still paying attention by then end. Concentration there is not completely permanent. In racing you need to be able to conentrate for an hour and a half at least on the same thing and never let another thing slip past your mind. 90% of the time I fail at that too.

Then there are also balls. Would you recklessly push a car to its limits, risking life and limb for hours at a time? I wouldn't... in sim racing I do, but that's not the same because I'm not risking much at all.

Furthermore we all have our likes and dislikes, you can't force yourself to like something that you don't really like. I like racing but I'd never be able to do it in real life because of the aforementioned reasons. Just because I like it doesn't mean I can ever be truly good at it. But that's okay. I've found something that I like and that I am good at and I'm pursuing that.

Back to being great though. Only you can answer your question for yourself. You need to ask yourself about what your character traits are. How you react to things subconciously. You need to ask yourself if your character is suited to racing. This is a hard question. Racing is easy to fall in love with and love is always something people will lie to themselves about. Don't answer me, answer yourself. Make sure it's the right answer. The consequences will be dire.

You're at the crossroads in your life. You need to pick a path. You bertter make damn sure that what you pick is something that you are good enough at in order to make yourself enough money - not a fortune, enough... enough for you and a family. You also need to make sure that what you pick is something you enjoy. Just think, you'll be doing it 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, ~45 weeks a year for 40 years. That's a lot of hours. Doing something that you don't enjoy for that much time will be torture.

Why is it so important to make the right choice now? Sometimes you don't get to make the choice again. Let's say you pursue racing. God forbid (though I'm not religious), you can't put food on the table with it. What happens then? If you realise this at 19 or 20 there's still time to make a U-turn (pun not intended) but if you realise it at 23? Just to put the food on the table, you might end up doing something that you don't like for the rest of your life. You'll never starve to death. You'll just curse the day you got into racing.

Anyway, like I said. Think about it very seriously and answer it for yourself.
S2 licensed
A big thumbs down for silly Safety Car pitting rules.
S2 licensed
GREAT improvement for Demo!
S2 licensed
Notice that Kimi is 2.5kph slower at the speed trap than Massa. It's quite likely that as it's his engine's second race they've tuned it down to make it last.

Also Kubica had race pace in Australia, just bad luck. And in Malaysia, Kubica cleanly outran the McLarens.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed ... -regrets-team-statements/
Oh and he just shot himself in the foot!
BMW's marketing team goes mental in Russia
S2 licensed ... to-huge-russian-billboard

Is that style or what?

The billboard is 15m tall, give or take, judging by the pictue. The article says 1.5acres surface area, which is around 6000m^2 so it's about 400m long.
S2 licensed
Jakg - the article clearly states that it'd be an LM (of which there are only 5). What makes you think otherwise?
Lewis Hamilto to receive McLaren F1 LM if he wins the title
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Nope, not the same thing.
S2 licensed
Even more disturbingly, Tristan has a Bebo profile.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :But when we talk about tyre physics, we mean things like force combining and slip simulation

So what do you know on the matter? Because I wouldn't dare comment on it in my own words, even if I had played both, and Todd's given me key pointers to watch out for. LFS' tyres definitely have some flaws. You completely dismiss the possibility that GT can do better in these areas based on the fact that it's marketed for the masses. The fact of the matter is that it's actually not unlikely that GT will have better tyre physics than LFS. Sure, the aids dumb it down but you can turn them off.

Most people in this thread have missed the sole true reason as to why there's still a market for niche games such as LFS: organised racing. Good luck trying to find a good race online with balanced cars in GT, nevermind a proper league.

Instead everyone's just signing the same song about simulation vs arcade. But look at Forza 2 - its underlying physics actually feels very good and as GT is one of the main PS3 titles, they better make it at least as good.
S2 licensed
Ah, but you can be sure that the Renault team have been hoping that once Alonso's back he'd want to rebuild the former glory. Or at least put some effort into it before flirting with other teams.
S2 licensed
Mythdat, it's enough to so much as hint that you might be looking for another team, after only two races with the current one to show lack of loyalty and discourage the whole team. I've seen at least 5 websites suggesting that he did this. No matter how much they take his words out of context, they can't just blatantly lie. If you have half a brain on you you should be able to suss out what's subjective and draw your conclusions from there.

Tristan, sure thing.
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :I'd like to see him in BMW (but that won't happen), or go to DTM

F*ck off. If he goes to BMW, I will hack both my ears off with a blunt fork. Seriously, Alonso is such a disruptive influence to any team in which he doesn't get what he wants. It only took two races for him to start bitching at Renault. Can't imagine that making the team feel any more motivated. I'm sure both BMW and Ferrari see just how disasterous it could be for their teams to take Alonso in. With young stars such as Vattel and Rosberg, I don't see why anyone would consider Alonso if they've already got an experienced driver.

If Alonso screwes up his shot with Renault he's going home. And if he continues to bitch, things might just end up that way.
S2 licensed
Some poll result percentages don't add up to 100
S2 licensed

The percentages add up to waaaaay above 100%.
Other polls seem fine though.
S2 licensed
No, I can tell you for a fact, they're not. They're still working on Racing Legends, getting things done bit by bit. Expect it in 2050.
S2 licensed
Oh yeah, my bad. Still, Tristan shouldn't stain Racing Legends' name... that promises to be something when it's out.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Racing Legends. Same as GTR but with different models, none of which are vaguely realistic.

That's Grand Prix Legends. Racing Legends is due out in 2050.
S2 licensed
Yokohama? They're fairly cheap compared to the rest, very highly rated for grip in the rain (especially under braking) and good on the road. The only thing is they don't last all that long... and the A6 is a heavy truck.
S2 licensed
If you want a realistic game with an even better car and track selection and better sounds, go and buy Forza Motorsport 2 (for XBox). A certain someone I know reckons that the tyre model is probably better than any PC sim. And the sounds and everything are all top notch. If you take the aids off and get a wheel, I'm sure it'll feel like a proper sim.
S2 licensed
Brilliant episodes in season 3: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 18/22 is not a bad success rate.