The online racing simulator
Drift Setups Thread
(279 posts, started )
newbie drift demo
Hi GUYS!, I'm just gonna say that I'm new to LFS and u know that I can't afford licsences to unlock it. I'm just wondering that (I'm using XR GT with a drift setup on it. I only use keyboard and it drifts too! well mostly.) what kind of adjustments i use because i changed the adjustments for trans., camber, tyres, tyre pressure, everything. Tell me. I use XR GT with drift setup and i use keyboard and also the track that i always use is BlackWood GP.... And also CAN A DEMO LICSENCED GAME add mods whenever i downloaded and put it on the right place? PLS i need to know.
Quote from SMG5 RO :Schwitz it has been a while man,did u got that job?

nice job reviving an almost 9 year old thread Face -> palm
Quote from Pukyy :nice job reviving an almost 9 year old thread Face -> palm

thats exactly why i replied?? Face -> palm

Drift Setups Thread
(279 posts, started )