The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )
(brt900) DELETED by brt900 : people will cry
that bit doesnt even ruin it im just telling you how i die of his god dam rpg
Why even put it in white text? WHY!!! some people can still read it due to there monitors. Take if off please. :/
Argh you...(*thinks of infraction*)...I don't know which of you is worse, I wouldn't have looked for white text if Nathan hadn't said anything

What's the point in writing the ending anyway? If we want to know, we can search google, we don't need you...

E: At least he's removed it've only ruined the game for 3 or 4 people...
Don't worry he has not actually ruined the ending that much, because there is more than one ending, but both envolve pretty much the same final mission with a few differences. I can't tell you fully why he has not ruined it without actually ruining the ending properly, but you won't be dissapointed if you read what he wrote because its not that important.
:wtf2: Don't try and confuse me lol!
Before the final mission you must make a choice, the choice is between greed and revenge. Depending on which you choose you will end up fighting a different person in the final mission. However the final mission is caused by an event that happens because of your previous choice. Basically he told you who one of those people you could end up fighting is, but didn't spoil the actual climax of the game.
Oh, that explains it...Thanks
Everyone needs to use small words in my presence, m'kay?
Got this game yesterday, and haven't even bothered with the singleplayer because multiplayer is so much fun. Co-op modes and all kinds of stuff you can do... never had this much fun in a game online.
Quote from Clownpaint :Will there ever be a PC version? I don't want to buy a playstation just to play GTA.

More people are on Xbox LIVE than the Playstation, and I bought the 360 just to play GTA... Playing at my friends first to try it online was enough to lure me into buying a 360, it was that fun.

I don't know anyone that bought GTA for the PS3.
Quote from Tweaker :
I don't know anyone that bought GTA for the PS3.

Me , because if it was for Xbox i wouldnt play, brothers all day on CoD4 aint good, and my Xbox is f+cked atm... 2nd time in 4 months... so.. that's why, and yes PS3 online sucks... you'll never play...
There's nothing wrong with the PS3 online. Apart from the uber-lag, the stats getting reset everytime you leave, and the Americans with their annoying squeaky voices. Apart from that, and the fact that something like 75% of people bought it for Xbox, there's nothing wrong

IV still has that stupid GTA car-spawning bug. I first noticed it in Vice City, I dunno if it was there in 3...basically, if you're driving along an empty road (or even if the cars in front are a good bit ahead), and you look behind you, when you look forward again, cars randomly spawn ahead of you, which is not good if you're doing 100+mph down the highway on a bike...that killed me 3 times today
Has anyone else played the multiplayer racing? If you thought demo servers had a lot of crashing...
I was hoping for (Mostly everyone I think) an in-car view and a first person view when walking..But I guess they took it out or never added it becuse of time
Whats everyones fav multiplayer mode?

I am loving GTA Race, mental, Carjack thingy, nuts when everyone is after the same car, and Cops 'n Crooks, a right larf.
Just got the last island. It was so much fun robbing that bank for the 250,000.

I really like just team deathmatch. It's fun to get a sniper and blow anyone down the street to bits.
Man i dont know to read the thread anymore until im finished so there are no spoilers, im a tad skeptical. But im still loving it

Looks like i shouldn't bother reading this thread anymore either. At least until i'm finished with the story. Seriously, stop posting spoilers guys.
i even think 16 ppl is enough online, image 64 or more
1. U would die EVERY 10 seconds
2. The game would become verrry laggy
3. U will constantly see explosions and thereby see Nr1 above
4. U will quit multiplayer
Apparently they have put a thing is place so if you use a cheat it blocks achievments, good thing really because why cheat, piss take on the first manny mission got to the last guy nearly had him dead would of been one more shot I sneazed and he killed me lol.
In previous GTA titles (Ahem, San Andreas), the solution to most missions was to run in with a big gun and shoot everyone. Which is ok. But in IV, I think that you have to plan a lot of stuff better. I'll put this bit in white, as it's a mission in the game...(but doesn't ruin the ending >_<)

The mission where you have to kill the 3 guys in the strip club, I died about 5 times trying to run in and shoot them all. But then I decided to just go in the door, fire a gun into the air, and hide. Next thing, the 3 of em ran out the back door, where I was able to intercept them with a quick shotgun blast. It helps to think!

This forum should have a proper "spoilers" feature like some other vBulletin boards have. It's basically a grey rectangle over the text to be spoilered, and when you select it it turns into normal text. Really handy, and better than white text
Quote from sam93 :Apparently they have put a thing is place so if you use a cheat it blocks achievments, good thing really because why cheat, piss take on the first manny mission got to the last guy nearly had him dead would of been one more shot I sneazed and he killed me lol.

Thats been like that for a while. If you put cheats in, it stops you from gaining them. Its only an xbox thing though. I personally like to use cheats, but only once i have completed the game i am playing.
I keep 2 saved games for that
If you torrent the 360 version, could you use it for the PC?
I thought of that yesterday too...if you got a 360 emulator, I don't see why not I haven't heard of anyone trying it yet though...

The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )