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And no, I've got no idea how much 8 oz is. Use proper units, stay hungarian.
Twenty of these:
Yesterday, radiator + traffic jam = boom!

the plastic part where the top hose fits to blew away from the radiator and broke off quite a section of the top plastic part too, which looked like this.

Not so good, so i rang my good friend, who does banger racing, and 15 minutes later i was at his yard scavenging through whats next to go on the track for radiators, mondeos, no good, i needed top hose left bottom hose right but they are top hose right bottom hose left so thats those out of the question, granada ones looked to be an all out bastard to remove and were a bit narrow really, so that only left one option, a rover coupe, so i asked him, does it have the k series engine, or the decent honda one, reply was honda, a fellow jap lump, pipework was the right way round, oh but wait, this is a sealed radiator as such, with no filler cap on top of it like the 5 has, so he said, well just take the rover header tank with you and plumb that into it as well , so thats exactly what i did!

Temporarily repaired, does it look sh!t, yes, is it a bodge, yes, is everything held in with cable ties, yes, is it the only mk1 mx5 to now have 2 header tanks, yes, but, most importantly, does it leak, no, which is all that matters!

So hopefully the correct radiator will arrive early next week, although the first job once i remove the rover one will be to pressure wash the engine bay to get rid of the total rusty mess that has been caused by it going pop, it looks totally disgusting!
If my experiences are anything to go by, chances are your head gasket will go pop soon. As every vehicle I've owned (and a fair few I've come across at work) had pressurisation issues in the coolant system before a head gasket going pop.
Cheers for the heads up, ill order a head set just in case, altho this had a cracked and repaired rad for ages, plus the core was obviously rotten as a peach, just look at how brown the water was lol, i reckon the rad was partially blocked, coz before the temp guage would go up to mid way and stay there in normal driving, but altho it would move slowly up to just below a quarter, it would go from there upto mid way within about 4 seconds, you could watch it just whizz up there, but with this radiator in it steadily goes up to temp, and the heater is also baking hot now, mildly warm was the best i got before, so im praying that was the problem, ill probs change the thermostat while im there too.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :supahcharga'?

And no, I've got no idea how much 8 oz is. Use proper units, stay hungarian.

lol kb 10 deka

Quote from hrtburnout :Twenty of these:

ur almost right !
got this :
(i didnt do it,i had a little different idea,but its done now.looks better in person)
Attached images
Quote from e2mustang :ur almost right !
got this :
(i didnt do it,i had a little different idea,but its done now.looks better in person)

That is 50hp per colour.
That coolant looks like crap. What is that?
the car is an mx-5 and the coolant was full of rust, the car blew its clutch last year and spent a good few months parked up, the radiator rotted out resulting in the under bonnet explosion.
e2mustang, I were always wondering - your M3 is a proper euro version, imported from Europe, or that USA spec with 240bhp?
Quote from Agniz :e2mustang, I were always wondering - your M3 is a proper euro version, imported from Europe, or that USA spec with 240bhp?

its a usa spec. originally it was a `92 325i but i put `97 m3 everything in it,there is no 325 part in it except the clutch slave cylinder (thats why i call it a 97 m3)plus i tuned a lot so im around 300+ hp,but coz i have very short ratio gearing i get lots of torqe and its very quick. of course the top speed is not high,but i dont drive that fast anyway
Ahhh its so pretty

I love those colors so much!

I got lugs and a rotary waxer today for my birthday gifts to myself lol yay

This weekend I will be putting wheels back together for a short while and starting to lathe out the barrels on my wheels! Then once done the centers will get primed! And also have to repaint part of my wing lip, I burned off some paint with our huge rotary :/
This is my BEAST!
I joke haha,
It's only a little 1.4 1996 Mk3 Golf. Goes pretty well and handles very nicely!
So far its all i can insure (curse you expensive uk insurance!), but at some point i do plan on getting a GTI and then a VR6.

I've not really done that much to it in the 3-4 months Ive had it. Only noticable thing on the outside is 4300K Low Beam HID's and the blacked out front indicator/drl/foglights.

Besides that its mainly just the sound system on the inside with a couple other bits and bobs. Planning on building a twin sub enclosure soon as i need to get some experience in for doing it for a few friends builds. Found some slightly better wheels for it, 16s with low profile tyres, will look nicer on then these. Same color as my petrol cap. And ive also got a front grille the same color too. It's not as nice as majority of the cars on here, but its my baby and i love it .
whats the insurance at?
id pay 1300€/year for my mondeo ('93, 90 hp)
but, insured over my mother, i only pay 250€/year >_>
Quote from Migz :So far its all i can insure (curse you expensive uk insurance!)

I'd have thought being on the islands would bring down the costs as car crime isn't such an issue.
Buy a decent car that less chavs drive and crash and your insurance will drop drasticly....
another mod, not sure if i like it or not yet, will be easier to tell once its dried, and the tarpaulin tent kind of arrangement can be moved lol

they dont look too bad...and ewww...a peugeot in the background! jk
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :they dont look too bad...and ewww...a peugeot in the background! jk

*psst* thats a citroen saxo
I cant stop, suicide bootlid now lol

Personally, i like it, its not exactly all that solid atm tho, hinging mechanisms that i have made only have 4 bolts each side, they will be seam welded in at some point to finish the job properly.
That looks like a rocket launcher lol.
Btw, why is the insurance in the UK so expensive? I can insure a 200hp car for 230€ a year here. And I'm 18...
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :whats the insurance at?
id pay 1300€/year for my mondeo ('93, 90 hp)
but, insured over my mother, i only pay 250€/year >_>

My first year of insurance was just under £1000 (€1125 or so) and thats only third party fire and theft! This year its £806 (€906) and thats still not fully comp! ('96, 60 hp)

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I'd have thought being on the islands would bring down the costs as car crime isn't such an issue.

I think it is a tad cheaper, every time i use online uk insurance comparison websites they come to several grand every time. At least over here its under a grand. But if i get a bigger engined car at all, it'll be too much for me to afford.

Quote from Scrabby :Buy a decent car that less chavs drive and crash and your insurance will drop drasticly....

It was all i could afford at the time, it was either that or a choice of ragged to near destruction Saxo's! And i've only ever seen one golf driven by a teenager between the age of 17-20 and he wasnt chavvy. The only few chavs ive seen driving them are 20+ driving banged up about to fall apart GTi's. Might be a chavvy car over there, luckily doesn't seem to be here though.
Quote from Scrabby :Just bought these from the UK... Gonna fix them up nicely

Good luck, 3 piece wheels scare me shitless...

Lightweight? Sure, not anymore than two piece wheels. Sure you can play with them more, but SOOOO much can go wrong if not sealed properly. Just more to go wrong with them.. :/

Finally got into painting my grill black and removing the tape, wheels will go back together tomorrow and will begin to polish up the lips, gonna be a long day tomorrow!
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