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Quote from bmwe30m3 :By your own standards.

What if someone's idea of doing something great for the world is mass genocide of a particular subset of the human species?

.. Cause that's happened. Many, many times.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Remind me never to go to Quebec. $10 minimum wage! That's retarded. Your insurance is cheap though. I pay $130 for my car.

You think $130 is expensive? Come to Ontario. Better yet, come to Toronto. I got quoted at $330/mo for a '98 Neon, parked in a secure, underground heated carpark with real security guards in a good area of the city, with a completely clean driving record and absolutely nothing of value in the car, ever (it doesn't even have a CASSETTE player ffs). Yea. I laugh at your $130. Laugh out of jealousy. Ha.

Of course, a buddy of mine pays $46/mo for his insurance in Regina (well, did, before he moved out here permanently. Now he doesn't have a car, like me, because no one can afford one).

That aside, I'm pulling in about $3500/mo on my paycheques right now. But, I don't get taxes taken off (contract), so you can lop that down to about $2600/mo. Then I pay $1700/mo in rent. Then $75/mo for my phone. Then $135/mo for my crap cable and internet. Then about $200/mo for food. Then, I have a girlfriend, so there goes the rest of it

It's actually kind of depressing; the cheques themselves are usually about $4000, after HST (as a contract worker, I have to collect HST on top of my rate to give to the government, which is about $455), and work expenses. But, most of that isn't really my money. Damn taxes.
Last edited by MAGGOT, .
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Maybe crime has dropped by half in part because we lock away a lot of the violent criminals for very long terms (I am against drug incarceration fyi)

Back in the 60's and 70's prisons were like revolving doors. A 'life sentence' meant usually 13-20 years maximum and a lot of violent offenders and murders were put back onto the street to kill again. That changed in the 80's, and along with liberalization of gun laws crime took a serious nosedive as evidenced in the graph posted earlier.

I still like the lead theory. It was interesting.

Quote :Of course it's also a good time to mention while we're on the subject of mass murder that cigarettes killed almost 450,000 people in the United States last year while about 300,000,000 guns killed nobody. Which mass murders do we want to punish? Is that technically mass suicide?

Yup, suicide. Maybe criminal negligence for anyone who dies of second hand smoke, but yea.
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Exceptionalism is measured with the imperial system, feet and inches. Please refrain from using your tiny inferior centiwhatevers in my opulent presence.

Ok, I admit it, this made me laugh. At least you can be a good sport about it!

Quote from flymike91 :Kev there are areas in many European cities where people like you and I are would not be safe or welcome at any time of the day and even the police are not respected. If you were mugged in one of these areas you could only hope that all they want is your cell phone because if they beat you to death no one could catch them.

And being a rational person, I would opt to steer clear of those places instead of going there and carrying a gun with me.

Quote from mythdat :I find it amazing that being so terrified in your own country that you think you HAVE to own a gun just to feel safe in your own home is considered a "freedom" and something that should be celebrated.

^ Agreed.

Quote from flymike91 :You're missing the point. The US has less violent crime and murder and is safer than it has been in a long time.

And that is bloody sad, frankly. The fact that your argument hinges on the US being a terrible place to live doesn't help make a case for you; it just makes it seem more and more ridiculous that you choose to live there.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Not that I need to worry about that stuff up here. The biggest fear I have is Starbucks closing down.

Ugh, Starbucks?

Quote from Racer Y :All these people from other countries whining about our gun laws.... Let them. They don't really have a clue. Most of what I've read from them are typical
rehashed responses. If we were to do something stupid like follow Europes's example, I highly doubt the gang bangers in my neighborhood will comply.
In fact, it would be the green light they've been waiting for.
When there is gun play in my area, cops rarely show up - even after being called. Why? Because they know they'll just get their asses kicked. So when I have to throw down with SSP or M13 or SEC or SWC, I'd have more faith in the bullet hose I have than a 911 call.
These anti-gun types don't have a clue about living like that. In fact, they need to stay where they are at and keep up the arm chair quarterbacking. Cause if they were to make the mistake of venturing out into my neck of the woods, they'd get one hell of a wake-up call.
Like I said, you make a gun law that keeps you from owning a gun, it's NOT going to stop me. And worse it's not going to stop the homeboys down the street one bit. All it's going to do is keep YOU from owning a gun.
Didn't we learn that with Drug laws?

Man, what a crappy place to live. And you choose to stay there? No wonder there's so many problems.

Seriously, though, that's like saying 'the Gov't should rebuild my trailer every year because I refuse to leave Tornado alley.' How about you don't live in a shite area?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Well isnt the gun control of mexico (ex what guns come across the border to mexico) its own priority? It isnt to just fall on america, we are mire concerned about what comes in (such as actual mexicans and drugs)

That argument holds no water when the US is a country known for sticking its nose in other countries' business.

Quote from sinbad :In all seriousness, though, I am surprised that Mexico do not police their border more appropriately, except for that in terms of available resources, they must have far far less with which to do that, but I still think that the USA has a responsibility as the "bigger country" to address this problem, and it isn't doing so. It's like nobody cares what happens with American guns until they kill Americans, even though the "war on drugs" is also, in part, being fought against people with those weapons (people whose power is derived from them also) by US forces and by Central and South Americans.

I'm given to believe that law enforcement in Mexico is a cesspool of corruption. That'll have more to do with it than anything else. Doesn't help that the baddies there are 100% amoral and finding yourself at the wrong end of them would be scary as shit. Seriously, the things they'll do down there is absolutely appalling. As much as the US has blood on its hands for allowing guns to cross the border (among many, many other things), the Mexican Cartel has proven that it doesn't need them anyways.

When it comes to other countries, though, no one can say anything about gun laws affecting crime rates there. It's a far, far more complex issue than that.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Incidentally every war that was won with guns was also lost with guns, by the other side. Wars may be fought with guns but they are won with money.

^ This. ^
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Basically, you need to find that ball sack of yours, and find where the heck your balls are in them, and then you need to go and confront her about it.

Just to clarify; don't confront her about your ball sack. (Yet, anyways) She *might* get put off by that.

Quote :Klutch: Bus and train isn't that popular/efficient here, however he does live in NJ so it may be different there.

My folks live an hour and a half away. The bus ride takes 3 hours, and costs $50. Each way. I hate the damn bus.

That being said, if it was to get to the girl I wanted, it's not even a speed bump, really.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Despite the fact that i look like a fag and a wierdo with no friends, i have pretty decent social skills when not on the internet.

Despite your best efforts to the contrary, I do actually believe you are a reasonably intelligent person.
S2 licensed
'Different faces' haha awesome.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :it doesn't sound too much like friendzone, especially with the drunken calls, which generally means you're obviously on her mind at these points.

Man up and take her out somewhere, just you and her, NOT to get drunk or at a party
Don't ask her, just go "Lets go out tomorrow night, just you and me, no excuses"

Do not cancel something like that though, easiest way to have her disinterested and get yourself cockblocked.

Pretty much that ^.

Just man up. Worst that can happen is she'll say no and be weird and not want to talk to you anymore. And then you can go back to not talking to anyone again.

... Wait. That's not encouraging, is it?

Quote from BlueFlame :It's kind of oxymoronic that avid internet users and somewhat reclusive people are asking for and giving relationship advice.

I'm definitely not a recluse. My girlfriend won't let me.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :

Saw that one coming. LOL

Quote from Rappa Z :As much as I could bitch about the friendzone, at least people get out of it. I'm now in the fatherzone. I'm pretty sure no one ****s their father.

Quote from ACCAkut :a guy I know got "brotherzoned" by the cute girl that moved into his flatshare. Seriously, she even added him as "brother" on facebook

Unless you live in Alabama, then it's not a problem. Or maybe parts of Georgia. Or Carolina. Or any of those back-woods southern areas, really.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :But this drives me to ****ing fury. Maybe my standards are too high but if your significant other feels the need to search your phone then I think there's a serious issue somewhere in the relationship.

Quote from PMD9409 :If you have something to hide in your phone, then there's a serious issue somewhere in the relationship.

I have nothing to hide, but it'd still piss me off if my girlfriend went looking. If she's looking, then she's suspicious. If she's suspicious then she doesn't have trust. If she doesn't have trust, then, well, what's the point?

Quote from el pibe :well.. things are doing better.... but i do have a set of conditions.

to regain her confidence, i have to

1. stop talking to my friends of the opposite sex and talk to my bros instead.
2. cut contact with any random rave girl that i know
3. and not bitch about her via text message.
4. not showoff my achievements (like that bj thing)

and about the cellphone.... i never put a password on my iphone untill 2-3 weeks ago, when i got pissed that she always kept changing her code so i couldnt use her phone. so in response i did that to her, i would only put a code wuen i am with her..... it worked. last night
idk why i took it off
and yeah. i have nothing to hide on it thats why there is no code on it.

so yeah.

1. Unreasonable.
2. Unreasonable.
3. Don't give her a valid reason to bitch. If she bitches anyway, then get rid of her. Same goes the other way; if she doesn't give you a valid reason to bitch, then you won't have to bitch.
4. Common sense.

Now, for the phone lock part; you're are openly admitting that you are hiding something from her. Regardless how small that thing you're hiding is, you're still hiding it. Either she doesn't mean THAT much to you, or you're too immature for a relationship. Or both. Probably both.

Quote from Klutch :She sounds like a cow.


This made me laugh so hard. "Moo."

Quote from el pibe :I dont want a rave girl, neither rebound sex or bootycalls. my gf is all i need, and to get her i need to solve this shit up so yeah... lfsf helps as usual lol.

While I'm typically not a one-night-stand kind of guy, I'd take the raver chick over the clingy suspicious girlfriend. But as to the "my gf is all i need," aren't you like 15? You don't know what love is, your relationships are short and inconsequential (as long as everyone is disease free, anyways).

My 2 cents.

[EDIT] Also, for the record, "I almost cheated, but I didn't so she shouldn't get mad" is asinine. The fact that you even contemplated it that means you're a shitty person. And she should dump you.
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Oh dear, the police are distressing to people who are breaking the law. What an atrocity.

Made me lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from awerdas :BUT HOW tell me please

You can't do it for free. You either buy S1/S2 or you add 3 pounds to your account and you can upload skins to LFSWorld.
S2 licensed

Got it for $120 just before Christmas... Not bad for a $400 phone that's only been out 2 months...

So far, I love it. Better than the piece of crap iPhone in every way so far. (Even things that I initially didn't like have turned out better)
S2 licensed

Screenshots by plm5. Thanks for the permission JJ72!
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Why lol? It looks horrible, the producent tries to slap their stupid logo (DC) on it and belives it makes it INSTANTLY cool
The other is just more...well it looks a lot better IMO!

Horrible or not, it's much closer to the popular style right now (unfortunately). I hate all this ugly bright colour BS going on at the moment. It all looks like baby puke, and no one looks good covered in baby puke.
S2 licensed
Quote from Keling :She was probably leaving the dog at home for too long. Snow dogs need to go out and fly or they'll be like that.

My neighbour's Samoyed destroyed the fence after being left in the backyard leashed for less than 48 hours. They've never left the dog alone for more than one day since then.

Oh I'm aware I know Huskies (and other sled dogs) are extremely intelligent, but also very active and get bored very quickly. And no one likes to see what happens to their belongings when their sled dog gets bored...

That's the reason I don't have one yet. My place is too small and I'm too busy to be able to properly take care of one at this point. Well, that and my girlfriend being allergic. We got kittens instead.
S2 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :

there, fixed it.

Yup. That's my cats...
S2 licensed
After the most recent build (375) and a FFB tweaker that a user uploaded I'm finally enjoying myself driving in this one with the Z4 GT3. Honestly feel that, now, it's my favorite GT car in a sim. LFS still takes it for street cars and small formulae, and rF2 has it for vintage F2s.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :you may be able to categorize hanging in that as well, because I didnt see any specific items for it.

That was my assumption.

The high incidence of suicide is an interesting stat, though; and I Agree that could be an indicator of intense levels of mental health issues in the country.

...Or maybe it was all men who lost everything to their bitch wives in the divorce. Either or.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Of course its CGI. What did you expect?

As I said, I got surprised by it. Might not be a movie I'll watch a second time, but it was well worth the fiver that I paid.

Fiver? Damn, a movie here is almost $13! And don't even get me started on the monumental costs for popcorn and a pop...
S2 licensed
This is a pic of my girlfriend's friend's room. He has a husky.
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Quote from Racer X NZ :Good snacks for ur Husky........

As dogs, their far too intelligent. And as such their really hard dogs to deal with.

Now a Doberman is a great dog as they are really stupid, easily trained, but really stupid.........

The Reds are dumber than the blacks...........

I'm fully aware of how difficult Huskies are to deal with. Very intelligent and highly active, they are very easily bored... which leads to destruction of valuable property.