here's a quickie. another one to come
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Work in Progress
Hi folks,
well I know that I am not skilled in any kind by doing this, but to move forward I started a bit playing around and below this you can see the first result. Most of you will see the mistakes or which parts I claimed....but well enough talked:

(Click for Hi-Res)

Will improve it as good as it gets
Heheh Soper. For mixing all 3 cars together, I think that is a pretty good job.

I'm not sure that is how I'd hope to see the RB4 GTR made, it is pretty close

From the side, the rear looks monstrous compared to the front. But hey, you mixed up the cars to make something interesting, so it's a job well done
..i waaant thaaat
Ya know what.. I think I'm going to make that. I'll splice the parts together from the cars, do a little custom work, and throw 'er in rFactor. That looks pretty sweet Fox
Quote from d6nn :here's a quickie. another one to come

Interesting top left hand corner of the border. Is that a trademark of yours?
he just wanna save webspace

Gimme, gimme now!
My favorite car & track combo..
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Quote from Huru-aito :My favorite car & track combo..

you deserve a wtf lol for that!!!
Here's a W.I.P. XRG skin from me at south city
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wip pro.jpg
Quote from al heeley :Here's a W.I.P. XRG skin from me at south city

nice, these are some real lookin pics nice job guys
Quote from pdanev :RB4 GTR

Gimme, gimme now!

I was just talking online in LFS last week about wanting a RB4 GTR
Quote from al heeley :Here's a W.I.P. XRG skin from me at south city

i dont know that skin but is it cameleon lookalike?

btw: pity, theres no mirror skin by default no paint.
Finally i got round to doing a new picture, its not very good as I spent today's PS talent storage on my new skin :P so here you go:

(I attached a skin pic cos i'm proud of it for a PS newbie like I)
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My Seventh Edit.jpg
TBV Skin.jpg
HAHA spud, that first pic is awsome

I like the GT wheel and custom interior. I have an Alpine head unit in my XR's
Spud, on ALL of your edits you need to work on your blur. It looks out of place and bad. Its always leaving some places unblurred that you ment to be blured (for example, in that last pic you posted look above the black XRT's lights, above the mirror of the car the camera is in, near the front window to the right, and under the black XRT) The same thing shows up in every one of your edits At least the pictures have nice action
Dont Drink and Drive
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Quote from Vendetta :Spud, on ALL of your edits you need to work on your blur. It looks out of place and bad. Its always leaving some places unblurred that you ment to be blured (for example, in that last pic you posted look above the black XRT's lights, above the mirror of the car the camera is in, near the front window to the right, and under the black XRT) The same thing shows up in every one of your edits At least the pictures have nice action

And if anyone is wondering why the #plate is blurred then that isnt blurring, thats censoring LOL
Quote from Shinanigans :Interesting top left hand corner of the border. Is that a trademark of yours?

not quite, but a change for the usual frame
be nice
totaly outta ideas
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How about near-death experience pictures?
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My Eigth Edit.jpg
Quote from Soper :Hi folks,
well I know that I am not skilled in any kind by doing this, but to move forward I started a bit playing around and below this you can see the first result. Most of you will see the mistakes or which parts I claimed....but well enough talked:

(Click for Hi-Res)

Will improve it as good as it gets

imo thats beautfil

Quote from Soper :Hi folks,
well I know that I am not skilled in any kind by doing this, but to move forward I started a bit playing around and below this you can see the first result. Most of you will see the mistakes or which parts I claimed....but well enough talked:
(Click for Hi-Res)
Will improve it as good as it gets

You're right, you have no skill at this whatsoever... illepall
That looks great man

Edited pics
(14105 posts, started )