I've got two things to say.
1) The picture of that Romanian bird seems to draw Scawen. If you want him to reply to one of your posts, simply change your avatar.
2) I swear he included support for all those 'obscure' languages so he could attract a userbase who didn't complain so bloody much (or at least when they did he wouldn't understand it).
Seriously, take what you're given and be appreciative you bunch of whingers! I don't seem to recall reading in the terms and conditons that Eric had to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week on the textures for the alpha release patches of stage two of the game or that posts by Scawen constitute contractually binding obligations on him to deliver specific updates.
I'm honestly not brown nosing. The terms are pretty short, clear and concise as to what you get (the right to play on S1 or S2 servers depending on what you paid for) and state pretty clearly that updates to the game are to be expected (for better or worse, depending on your opinion of any given update).
<mumbles>Bunch of unappreciative Gen-Y'ers.</mumbles>
OK now I'll brown nose:
Thanks for the kick arse game Scawen. Can't wait to see where it goes over the next few years and kudos for getting into a position where you can work from home while your kids grow up. Please keep giving us updates on where you'd like things to go, whether they do or not, and look after the family.