The online racing simulator
Hi! :wave2: But, your not the best noob there is.
I'm new.
I got the g25 for tdu, however the beta ended, and there are alot of issues with TDU, after the beta ended, I remembered that a friend recommended Live for Speed; so I had to try it, I was convinced after under ten minutes of playing, and bought s2 license. You all have to excuse my English if I spelled something wrong, Please correct me
Welcome, forget your life, you have just entered a domain which you will never leave. We serve marshmallows every now and then so be sure to get yours!
lol I knew she joined let the noobing begin
Hi all ,
I purchased my S2 license two days ago and have been having a blast online already!
Mainly racing the FOX on the redline racing server at Aston Club, i had a lot of 2nd and 3rd places yesterday and am already putting in 1.01.14's. EDIT: 1.00.95's
I think I'm going to be around here for quite a while...look forward to racing with you all
Hello and welcome!! It took you long enough.
Welcome, interesting that you picked FOX as your first car. Enjoy the game to its fullest (meaning try all the cars and tracks) and I hope to see you on the track sometime, just be carefull of Jakg and Tristan.
Thanks for the welcome
I chose the FOX as my first car as i come from a NetKarPro background....i just jumped in the first single seater server with a lot of drivers, and a love affair was born!
Quote from th84 :Hello and welcome!! It took you long enough. sure did. I actually drove LFS years ago (demo) and wasn't too sure about it.
Due to a lack of pickup racing in NetKarPro i thought id try out the S2 demo to see how it had progressed. Needless to say i bought a license within 12hrs
ive had licence for 2 weeks now, and i love it! im using keyboard atm due to selling my DFP becasue my dad has ordered a G25 for me, so i needed to put some cash towards it, it arrives in about 2 weeks,

Hey, people. I'm a noob so be gentle. I'm coming from an addiction to Sony's Gran Trurismo and its hard getting used to damage and the fancier physics.

I've been trying my hand on the STCC 1b and 1a servers but I'm thinking I should probably stick to someplace less serious until I get the hang of things.
Hey people, my names anthony.

Ive been EXTREMLY passionate about cars since i was about 2 years old. So i found this game, lurking a KA24DE-T forum, and ive been playing the demo for a few days. I got the logitech steering wheel from GT4, which definatley makes this game alot more fun.

Anyways, ive been having a lot of fun with the demo, and im buying s2 tommarow. Hope to meet some cool people, and race some of you guys in the game.
Hi guys.
And a warm welcome to you all. Having a wheel puts that extra into LFS and makes it a proper simulator, those getting a G25 are lucky as it will more then help them with learning LFS.
Hi how are you all doing? Just recently got a new computer capable of running LFS and the like (had a very old laptop beforehand).

Coming from a console background, i've finally become bored of the limited offerings they have. The likes of Forza and GT4 are good games but are too limited as sims/level of customisation. The ever increasing list of things Forza 2 is having stripped from it finally convinced me to take the plunge into the world of PC gaming.

LFS looks like it offers a lot and I'm certainly enjoying it so far.

I understand that to get the most out of it i ideally need to join a league and probably invest in a steering wheel (though i don't find this game too difficult to cope with using a 360 pad)

Hope to race with some of you soon online
Quote from Dark Elite :Cool.

Yeah, something like that

Hope to catch you in a race sometime, is your racername the same as your username here?


I'm not sure
Quote from Kinetic Frenzy :Coming from a console background, i've finally become bored of the limited offerings they have. The likes of Forza and GT4 are good games but are too limited as sims/level of customisation. The ever increasing list of things Forza 2 is having stripped from it finally convinced me to take the plunge into the world of PC gaming.

I'm a n00b to LFS and come from Consoles, also. I'm not sure that agree with your characterization of GT4. One of the things I liked about the game was the high level of customization that would actually make a difference that could be felt. I would very like LFS to have the same sort of thing (beside the existing suspension adjustments.)

However, I do understand that LFS is attempting (I think) to be more of a Racing simulation, and like a real ALMS or similar series, the cars are more or less identical in power and performance. I'm pretty sure that this issue has been hashed out in great detail by the Old Timers in other threads.

Hi, guess I´m the latest noob here. Ben looking for a good racing simulator and I got addicted to the rallycross tracks in LFS.
Hi all

Dabbled round with LFS a while ago and bought S1 license. Never really got a chance to play online though.... Just upgraded to S2!! Whoo-Hoo. Haven't been able to play online yet as I'm not yet properly setup. Got my G25 sat in a box, just gotta get me a cockpit sorted then I'm away. Hope to hang on to your tail-pipes soon!!

:snail: Hi folks, I'm yet another newbie ... my main hobby is working on and racing old (ish) cars, but I like to play racing games when its cold and wet outside

I used to play "Car and Driver" on the PC many moons ago, and its nice to see this game has the same feel of being a sim first and foremost. Many racing games later and I've got up to Forza on XBox 1 ...

Having got a lead so I can use an XBox controller on my PC I figured it was time to have a bash at this game too; if my initial impression is anything to go by I'll be putting my hand in my wallet for it soon!
Okay, I bought the damn thing! I love it!
Welcome new guys, and Arg_Hamster congrats on your license
Yo! My name is Max. I have been playing the demo for a while now, and am gatting a bank account so i can buy an S2 liscence.

currently driving with a logitech controller, and doing pretty good ( 1.30 schwartzwald, reverse in the xrt) Well, that's not THAT great, but, it's a start...

EDIT: I know there's a real place like that in Germany... that's called a "Pun", yo.
Sup guys,

You can usually find me in the illskillz rally server, just started a team with Sleepee called Team Window Lickers, love the demo and hope to get into S2 soon

New players say hi here
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