i think hikki is under estimated i think once he setles down (seems to be doing that fine) i think next season hamilton will have a hard time keeping him in his #2 spot, just somthing about his driving.. he reminds me of button a lot but with a bit more venom, and i think button would be a title contender if he had the car to do it in..
alonso.... hhmmm im scepticle about the farrari seat.. i carnt see em droping kimi or kimi jacking in, massa?? hhmm possible but 80% no but if there was a seat i really dont think they would go with alonso, plus i think if kimi got wind that they wanted alonso he would walk out, not becasue he is worried of having alonso as a team m8 speed wise he just dont like the man LOL i carnt see them getting on some how...
massa gets a lot of stick imo, last race everyone was sqeeling about his performance, massa is quick and can handle a F1 car , anyone that knows anything about car setup could see as plain as day the car was fubar...
in his interview all he kept saying was "i dont understand" everyone took it as "i was dribbling in my helmet all the way round and making farting noises" it was the car he didint understand, you saw him as time went on leaving the gas untill the car was dead strait and the thing still bit him... make no mistake massa is one of the top drivers...
i hope honda keep button and rubbens and im over the moon that ross brawn is now at honda, and i think that next year will be a LOT diferent maybe not challenging but close to it, im really looking farward to see that unfold...
for its renault that look doomed... unless alonso turns round and says lets get stuck in and sign me up for 3 years and lets get back to wining ways (witch i dont see) renault look screwed big time, i think next year they wil be keeping force india happy unless alonso stays, witch in my opinion would be alsono's best bet, i wouldnt go to farrari for a pension.....
as for quali
nice job by lewis, mclarean seem to have the edge here although im not sure i liked how lewis's car seemed to today seemed a bit twitchy to me, so may not be as strong in the race... hikki's car seemed great looked like it was on rails round there... think massa might cause em some strife on race day

kimi has got a job to do and if anyone can he can... i love to see kimi a few places back on the grid, it just seems to light is fire...
or just swap them about a bit
gona be a good one folks