The online racing simulator
The LFS Jaffa Cake Challenge
(348 posts, started )
Friday night -

First, all I can say is... DAMN YOU TRISTAN....

Ok, I managed 6. I have video, but I have to:
A) compress
B) conjoin two parts

A word to all would-be competitors (yes you, Dustin)

This is WAYYY harder than Tristan makes it look in his most recent video. It's rediculous, and possibly demonic. I saw his eyes during loading, it's not normal. REALLY.

I have plenty of cakes left, however I'm skeptical (but not hopeless) about my further competitiveness in this event. Holy cow you pigs. You have HUGE FREAKING CAKE HOLES.

I'll be back

If anyone wants tonights footage posted, I will post. If not, I'll wait till the main event so to speak. I had 0 (zero) practice runs before tonight.

Rock on crazy b**tards.


(one too many pints perhaps, maybe part of the problem)

Edit: PS
My wife's gonna be choked, there's crumbs & sh!t everywhere!
Tristan is known to have a rather large mouth so I have 2 theorys

1) he is a bigger mouth than we though
2) he went through some compression hacks to make his turbo eject more boost.
Speaking of compression, I'm not convinced that Tristan's cakes were not subjected to just that.

Comparing Madman's "3 stack": It's about the same width (when on it's side) as Tristan's "4 stack"... Something is amiss. I motion that the attempt must be redone, showing the removal of the cakes from their non-squished, UNopened box, and further their air-proof packaging proving that they have not been compressed prior to the attempt.

Not to seem distrusting, however it's just too convenient that they would "slide off his magazine" if he showed us a closer look.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Here is a preliminary pic, of the only ... (erm - proud? ) ... Canadian who's been lucky to locally locate these tidbits of chocolatey orangey gooey decadence. It's a good thing I spent $38.00CAD (!!!illepall ) on them because they're delicious. I'm off to learn now from the previous attempts, I haven't seen them yet. Following some analysis and planning as well as a careful study of the rules, I will be uploading a video account of my attempt.

If yah have a good beer store...locate "OatMeal Stout"'s scottish...ask Mooney...try one of those beers to chase it down with...makes it easier to

Quote from nutty boy :The upper floor. THat's how Madman does it. 2 floors on his mouth.

His lower Jaw un-hinges.
Are you implying I cheated!!! :jawdrop:

I can assure you that no cheeky compressage took place, and that 4 cakes really do fit vertically between my teeth. The only bit that was maybe slightly suspect was when I had to rearrange my cheek after the first two - not to compress them but so that I could move my jaw!

If someone can equal or beat 8 I will of course try more, but if no one challenges me then I will do a rerun to prove once and for all it was no fluke, with no cheating
I've looked again at Tristan's four-stack and they look fine. I don't know how he got eight in there either, but it looks legal enough for me.
I know it's kinda late...but I'll be grabbing some Jaffas on Friday...and having a gob is only small so I'll try and beat nutty boy

4 days left till my attempt
stop it your all making me hungry.
OK, this madness threatens to go to far. Some of you idiots will continue stuffing jaffa cakes into your mouths until one of you dies of suffocation, choking or maybe even jaffa cake poisoning, so I have to call an end to it!

The final date for submissions, unless we have any entrants who request a later date, will be a week from now on Monday the 16th of October. On Tuesday, we will crown the champ.

Please, somebody beat Tristan. Thank you.
I did a preliminary test today and got a lowly 5, so there's no point entering
Quote from Leifde :I did a preliminary test today and got a lowly 5, so there's no point entering

ahh but how did you stack them. i got 5 onn my first time
but the secind time i treid and could fit 6 in. its all about your method
Five and six are pretty good numbers. Seven and eight are just inhuman - don't feel bad if you can't keep up with the freaks.
what happened to your enty kev ?
I was never on the entry list, indeed I did not at any time suggest that I myself would be entering.
Please enter Kev. I'll even cheat so that I get banned if you do (maybe, no promises, it depends how degrading your video is!)
I think my camera does do some USB pluggage-type webcammery nonsense, but I've no idea how to work it. The day I turned 30 I also forgot how to set the video recorder and lost the ability to send text messages.

Besides, I'd lose.
Yeah, anything above 5 just means that your mouth is too big
Quote from thisnameistaken :I was never on the entry list, indeed I did not at any time suggest that I myself would be entering.

what about your gf then ?
Quote from tristancliffe :Please enter Kev. I'll even cheat so that I get banned if you do (maybe, no promises, it depends how degrading your video is!)

Banned for movable aerodynamic device? :P
Quote from Shotglass :what about your gf then ?

I'm still waiting for that video.

Also, Am I allowed to give Bob that video. Hello Bob.
right then, ill be stocking up on Thursday, need to get my jaffa technique first though!
My Jaffa supply has suddenly come into being today
Will be attempting later, when I have chance to get psyched up
I've bought another 24...

The LFS Jaffa Cake Challenge
(348 posts, started )