Here, Gypsies are ethnical, mostly not respected (for a reason), when settled in bigger groups sometimes they integrate.
I know Irish gypsies only as Mickey from Snatch...
btw. you are out of the only feature I like in EasternEurope. I can understand most of Slavs with just a little practice (thus doesnt aply to Hungarians, Balts, Romanians and DDRs) :P
Lately I was communicating with 4 ppl in 3 languages - native, Slovak - which is easy to understand for me even not knowing syntax, and English. We used English or GoogleTranslate Polish/Slovak. Sometimes I was thinking in 3 languages messing up which one to who
Unless you find them on purpose. Then to stop them you should call them terrorist attacks and fight like terrorism - cutting off means, supply, communicatin, logistics. If you insist accidents on purpose are just accidents you will loose.
Here in Poland we have a lot of accidents on purpose. We lost.
The reason of not enough power would be investigated - engine failure, fuel contamination etc.
I didnt notice that
But I think it is better to check times than perspective.
From first apex to pit lane exit:
- F1 - ca. 2s
- LMP1 - ca. 3s
- GT - ca. 5s.
Nice you burnt it all in archive - one day it could be a treasure
Racesims communities are worthy to remember - I think one of the best utopia communities out there. Grouping nerds, geeks, hackers, real life racers, speedmaniacs, ricers, doriftos and real life gangsters due to one and all agreed measure - laptime - no real bolster on hierarchy which was clear every race
Cmon, it is place to be fun not ridicule - a Polish chemist Filip Walter made refraction of crude oil which enabled making of engines to make electricity... so what...?
Tesla was a Serb from Croatia living under Austro-Hungarian Empire and made his discoveries in USA... BTW. Croats, Serbs and Bosniacs are the same nation divided by alphabet, religion due to historic rule