Will do.

Please do read the whole post next time though. Makes it easier for me to "carry on".

tortoratortora 10:19 pm
since i dont have a phone, text me through this...so i can get off facebook haha
Erin DeRosa 10:21 pm
yeah its way easier x]
tortoratortora 10:22 pm
it really is O_O x)
Erin DeRosa 10:23 pm
yeah o_o poop :]
tortoratortora 10:24 pm
why do you always say poop...i dont like talking about that :x D
Erin DeRosa 10:26 pm
haha idk I always have x]
tortoratortora 10:27 pm
well whatever floats your boat :o
Erin DeRosa 10:27 pm
whtever bops your cock
tortoratortora 10:27 pm
hahaha xD
Erin DeRosa 10:28 pm
hehe :]
tortoratortora 10:29 pm
so hows being single treating you :/
Erin DeRosa 10:30 pm
like shit why would you ask that Dx
tortoratortora 10:30 pm
just trying to gauge how much of an ass i should feel like
Erin DeRosa 10:31 pm
did you get what you were aiming for?
tortoratortora 10:31 pm
i was aiming for something along the lines of "it actually is pretty nice"
Erin DeRosa 10:32 pm
oh well yeah :/
tortoratortora 10:32 pm
sorry :(
Erin DeRosa 10:33 pm
tortoratortora 10:34 pm
what are you doing?
Erin DeRosa 10:35 pm
giving lily a bath hbu? :o
tortoratortora 10:36 pm
just chillin :o
Erin DeRosa 10:37 pm
tortoratortora 10:39 pm
not really
Erin DeRosa 10:40 pm
yeah I know.. have you gotten any sympathy yet?
tortoratortora 10:40 pm
what do you mean
Erin DeRosa 10:41 pm
like has anyone said anything to you about things.. saying theyre sorry or whatever
tortoratortora 10:42 pm
not a single person.
Erin DeRosa 10:42 pm
really? D: im sorry :[
tortoratortora 10:42 pm
yeah...not your fault
Erin DeRosa 10:46 pm
I know but still :[ I got.. like four or five :x
tortoratortora 10:47 pm
well idk, doesnt matter :/
Erin DeRosa 10:48 pm
yeah it does..
tortoratortora 10:48 pm
well whatever :x
Erin DeRosa 10:54 pm
way to stay positive chris x]
tortoratortora 10:55 pm
oh ya totally x)
Erin DeRosa 10:56 pm
can I ask you a really serious question? and I just want you to say an HONEST yes or no.
tortoratortora 10:57 pm
yeah sure
Erin DeRosa 10:59 pm
is there someone else? and/or are you interested in someone else?
tortoratortora 11:00 pm
there is nobody else...i decided it was time for us to become friends before the week i spent in maine..during that week i sorta
started liking someone else, but they are from maine so nothing would be easy
Erin DeRosa 11:01 pm
who is it
tortoratortora 11:02 pm
well isnt this going to sound horrible in every way...tasha; it has nothing to do with the rumor, the rumor was false, and when
the rumor started we were truely just friends
Erin DeRosa 11:03 pm
chris what the ****
tortoratortora 11:03 pm
im sorry, i cant help what i feel...nothing happened between us, and i decided we should be friends before any of this happened..
Erin DeRosa 11:05 pm
youre lying
tortoratortora 11:06 pm
i swear to god.
i have no reason to lie.
Erin DeRosa 11:08 pm
shes 18.. I knew it.. I could be really mean right now.. to both of you.. but I wont put our friendship on the line like that
tortoratortora 11:08 pm
age is a number. what did you know? if you knew anything you "knew" something before anything was up.
Erin DeRosa 11:10 pm
wow.. and dont be like that chris you already know im taking this really hard
tortoratortora 11:10 pm
i know, you said answer this honestly, and i did...im sorry.
and what is going through your mind?
Erin DeRosa 11:11 pm
I respect that but you just word things so douchy.. and im heated honestly
tortoratortora 11:12 pm
im sorry...and what do you mean i word things douchy? i am bad with my words :(
Erin DeRosa 11:12 pm
no shit
tortoratortora 11:15 pm
Erin DeRosa 11:15 pm
well what
tortoratortora 11:15 pm
not going to say it.
Erin DeRosa 11:16 pm
say it
tortoratortora 11:16 pm
Erin DeRosa 11:16 pm
chris please say it
tortoratortora 11:17 pm
its nothing important, just my thoughts right now, and there is no reason to say it.
Erin DeRosa 11:18 pm
theres every reason to say it just say it
tortoratortora 11:18 pm
there is no reason...it doesnt add to the conversation at all.
Erin DeRosa 11:18 pm
just say it you already brought it up
tortoratortora 11:19 pm
as you would say "i could say something mean but it would jeapordise our friendship" or something like that
Erin DeRosa 11:20 pm
say it idc.. cant make me feel any worse
tortoratortora 11:20 pm
i care about our friendship
Erin DeRosa 11:20 pm
so do i, but say it
tortoratortora 11:21 pm
not going to...what are you doing
Erin DeRosa 11:21 pm
say it chris, its better to say it than to not
tortoratortora 11:22 pm
no it isnt. if we were going by that then you would have said all those "mean things to both of us"
Erin DeRosa 11:22 pm
well not to her MAYBE but if you do I will
tortoratortora 11:23 pm
Erin DeRosa 11:23 pm
if you tell me I will tell you
tortoratortora 11:24 pm
i dont nessesarilly wanna know...i have probably already heard it :/
Erin DeRosa 11:25 pm
no you havent just. say. it
tortoratortora 11:25 pm
i guerantee i have
and you got me mad, and now im not really mad, so i have no reason to say it at all now.
Erin DeRosa 11:25 pm
I KNOW you havent just say it chris
Erin DeRosa 11:26 pm
and howd I get you mad?
tortoratortora 11:26 pm
i was going to say you were acting bitchy...dont hold that against me..i diddnt say it, diddnt wanna say it, and no longer wanna
Erin DeRosa 11:27 pm
of course I was! you would too
tortoratortora 11:28 pm
i would what?
Erin DeRosa 11:29 pm
act like a bitch too if you found out I liked an 18 year old guy who lives in aother state WHILE we were still together..
tortoratortora 11:30 pm
no i really probably wouldnt...i know and understand you cant control your feelings. and i decided we should be friends BEFORE i
liked her
Erin DeRosa 11:32 pm
yeah, but you never told me that, so thats why I was so mad... I never knew we were just gonna be friends before you liked her..
tortoratortora 11:32 pm
what do you mean i never told you that? and told you what?
Erin DeRosa 11:32 pm
tortoratortora 11:33 pm
what did i never tell you? and what do you mean?
Erin DeRosa 11:35 pm
you never told me you just wanted to be friends before you liked her, so liking her while we were still going out, regardless of your decision to become
friends, without telling me, was wrong..
tortoratortora 11:36 pm
i wanted to break up, but i also said i would do it in person...i never got the chance. and saying i wanna become friends=breakup
Erin DeRosa 11:37 pm
yes but you still liked someone while we were together and that pissed me off.. im sure you'd be mad too
tortoratortora 11:39 pm
i understand why you are mad. nobody can control their feelings, so how was i suppossed to deal with that
Erin DeRosa 11:39 pm
yes they can.. does she like you
tortoratortora 11:40 pm
well i cant. you can trick yourself into believing one thing, but you will feel the same.
and ya
Erin DeRosa 11:41 pm
tortoratortora 11:42 pm
Erin DeRosa 11:47 pm
nothing -_-
tortoratortora 11:47 pm
Erin DeRosa 11:47 pm
tortoratortora 11:47 pm
Erin DeRosa 11:49 pm
tortoratortora 11:50 pm
what are you doing.
Erin DeRosa 11:50 pm
venting to someone who actually cares
tortoratortora 11:50 pm
i care.
Erin DeRosa 11:51 pm
no you dont. you dont gve two shits
tortoratortora 11:51 pm
yes i do, where do you get this idea..?
Erin DeRosa 11:52 pm
the way you talk to me and treat me
tortoratortora 11:53 pm
what are you talking about! i talk to you like i talk to everybody, i am bad with my words..what do you want from me.
i treated you as good as i could..bought you everything you wanted
took care of your needs your wants
Erin DeRosa 11:55 pm
you THINK you did, and I let you think so because I didnt want you to feel bad... but honestly you didnt
tortoratortora 11:56 pm
honestly i diddnt what exactly.
Erin DeRosa 11:59 pm
you didnt take care of me to the best of your abilities, and you didnt give me what I needed.. and what I needed was to be happy with what we had and the
way you made me feel and the tthings you said made me feel like just the opposite
tortoratortora 12:00 am
well im sorry for that..i helped as much as i coud.
so you basically were never happy?
Erin DeRosa 12:03 am
I was at first.. but then you changed
tortoratortora 12:05 am
when was this...or did you realise it after i was a ****ing retarded prick of a ****ing person.
Erin DeRosa 12:06 am
youre not a prick or anything chris why would you say that?
tortoratortora 12:07 am
cause im a ****ing faggot
its pretty obvious. i cant make anybody happy. everything i cant control hurts me.**** IT
Erin DeRosa 12:08 am
and idk exactly when it was.. I just stopped beng happy after a while
tortoratortora 12:08 am
me=fail at life
Erin DeRosa 12:08 am
chris dont say that please.. youre gonna make me cry.. wait I already am
tortoratortora 12:08 am
another thing messed up.
Erin DeRosa 12:09 am
no you dont chris
whats that other thing..?
Erin DeRosa 12:10 am
btw your little girlfrend likes you -_- congrats I wish you guys the worst
tortoratortora 12:10 am
what dont i?
and what other thing..?
and understandable.
Erin DeRosa 12:11 am
you dont fail at life, but this friendship is already failing
tortoratortora 12:12 am
oh i fail at life...i let this friendship fail.
Erin DeRosa 12:12 am
thats no life.. its just me, and you dont care about me or my feelings anyways so its a win-wn for you :D
tortoratortora 12:14 am
Erin DeRosa 12:15 am
why not?
tortoratortora 12:15 am
cause we spent the past 3 months and we both thought the same thing in the end.
Erin DeRosa 12:17 am
spent the last 3 months what?
tortoratortora 12:17 am
going out and seeing how compatable we were. toward the end we both (you admitted) felt we should be friends.
Erin DeRosa 12:21 am
I didnt say that.. I said I thought we should break up. and what about compatible? and what exactly do you in tasha have in common? you said "me and tas
ha have ALOT in common"
tortoratortora 12:23 am
break up, and that means you diddnt wanna be friends? at all? :(
we were going out for 3 months to see if we were compatable,,?
Erin DeRosa 12:24 am
I did, but honestly now im not sure.. I need to talk to you in person -_-
tortoratortora 12:25 am
the ONLY reason we wouldnt become friends is for relationship related things. we are done dating. so that shouldnt matter anymore
how did this convo turn so frieken mean
Erin DeRosa 12:26 am
cus you treat me like im nothing to you and thats not the only reason
tortoratortora 12:27 am
give an example.
Erin DeRosa 12:28 am
the way you make me feel
tortoratortora 12:29 am
i was convinced you were happy. i diddnt know to change. and thats not an example
Erin DeRosa 12:31 am
yes it is.. and even if you disclaim that, I still feel crapy when you talk to me honestly
tortoratortora 12:36 am
well take some time, when you are ready to become friends; work this out, discuss, make me feel like even more of a (insert extre
mely offensive word here) then text, or facebook, or whatever me.
or we can try to work it out here...
Erin DeRosa 12:39 am
I really want it to work.. and ve calmed down a ton, but I still need to talk in person to get al of my feelings out and explain better
tortoratortora 12:40 am
i REALLY want it to work, as friends obviously. and in person idk how that will work..picture us talking about the same things
i just picture me saying the wrong thing, as usual cause im dumb, you getting pissed...and me just cowering in the corner.
Erin DeRosa 12:41 am
I wont flip out on you I promise
tortoratortora 12:41 am
ok, we just need to find a way to meet
cause connor told his grandmother who told his mom who told my mom, who is expecting the next time i go over to be a breakup..
so next week will be the best cause i dont feel like cramming in stuff
Erin DeRosa 12:44 am
tortoratortora 12:44 am
normal conversation, or goodnight?
Erin DeRosa 12:46 am
tortoratortora 12:46 am
do you want to have a normal conversation, or just call it goodnight?
Erin DeRosa 12:47 am
well if you wanna go to bed goodnight, but if not thats fine too
tortoratortora 12:48 am
i dont really, do you?
Erin DeRosa 12:49 am
nope im still talking to a few other ppl anyways
tortoratortora 12:49 am
Erin DeRosa 12:51 am
pooooooop your girlfriend is mean to me.. glad you like her :[
tortoratortora 12:52 am
first off she isnt my girlfriend.
second is she just defending herself?
Erin DeRosa 12:54 am
soon to be girlfriend* same thng.. and she stopped talking after I told her... nvm
tortoratortora 12:55 am
not nessesarily...and what did you say..:d
:x *
Erin DeRosa 12:55 am
nothing its mean to you kinda :+
tortoratortora 12:57 am
dont care anymore, i have heard so much tonight getting told "goe die in a hole you dumb little ****er with no life" wont phaseme
Erin DeRosa 12:59 am
I would never say that o_o EVER and she shut up after I told her she was getting my sloppy seconds :x I cant help but laugh at her.. x]
tortoratortora 1:01 am
play nice O_O
Erin DeRosa 1:03 am
well, I shut that bitch up so now I dont have to play at all :D ugly whore..
tortoratortora 1:04 am
*allows her to vent*
but to clarify she is a virgin :x
Erin DeRosa 1:05 am
uh.. I didnt say she wasnt dont get me mad
Erin DeRosa 1:06 am
and obviously she is.. shes an ugly bitch with an also ugly body
tortoratortora 1:08 am
sorry trying to reach understanding between everyone..(and isnt whore someone who has sex alot?)
and looks arent everything even
though your pretty
Erin DeRosa 1:09 am
yeah I know.. but they do count a LITTLE at least you cant deny that
tortoratortora 1:09 am
ya they do, but her pictures kinda suck on fb :X
Erin DeRosa 1:10 am
her face sucks ayways -_-
tortoratortora 1:11 am
what are you doing?
Erin DeRosa 1:12 am
change the subject? cus you know it true :D good work chris, you nabbed a keeper :] *ahem*
tortoratortora 1:13 am
im trying not to argue, and i think her face is perfectly fine.