(13603 posts, closed, started )
I've got to make a choice Advanced Legends or Rookie Solstice?
ooh.. well I'm currently doing Legends, waiting for my TT session to expire before entering the next race.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :ooh.. well I'm currently doing Legends, waiting for my TT session to expire before entering the next race.

AFAIK there is no penalty for withdrawing from a time trial/practice/qualifying when you've done your laps so you don't have to wait.
Quote from Electrik Kar :This iRacing is going to force me to go out and get a wheel finally. I'm itching to see what it's all about.

You can rent mine. $20 per month - the pedals are an extra $16 per pedal.
So... Anyone got a spare activation code?
Quote from xaotik :You can rent mine. $20 per month - the pedals are an extra $16 per pedal.

How much if i change to full 900 degrees mode?
Quote from Boris Lozac :How much if i change to full 900 degrees mode?

In order to do that you first have to rent it for 3 months. By then I'll probably change the pricing policy - we'll see.

Disclaimer: This is a limited invitation-to-rent since I only have one wheel.
Damn fellas, you should be on stage, chortle, chortle
Quote from danowat :Damn fellas, you should be on stage, chortle, chortle

Bah - there you go putting a damper on my mediocre business venture just because you're a fan of owning a wheel.
I rented a computer for three years. That was painful.
LFS for life people say:

damn I miss being able to drive on the right!!!!!!
I want a race when I WANT a race...
Why can't I just race with my team mates?
I miss the huge T1 pileups
Whatever iRacing has, LFS has the LX6!!!!!!!
Well all of the above will be fixed as soon as there are more racers available and they get their multiplayer procedure thing tuned, no? I'd imagine a super7-a-like will eventually be added given their popularity and the fact that due to the dollar/euro ratio it'll likely be more popular in the EU than they likely anticipated. The only thing standing in the way will probably be the pricing policy and who knows - that might be adjusted as well...
Quote from xaotik :The only thing standing in the way will probably be the pricing policy and who knows - that might be adjusted as well...

The pricing policy has an interesting feature that might make it hard to adjust: they could certainly shift the monthly or yearly rental fees up or down without much trouble and without too much resentment (assuming it wasn't a massive hike upwards relative to inflation). But the one-off pricing for extra tracks and cars is a tough one: if they decided they had priced this too high, and were tempted to move it down to get more people to sign up, they risk alienating their current customers, surely? I wouldn't like to buy Sears Point for $20 and then get told a few months later that it was now going for $10.
Similar thing has happened to some xbox360 DLC, released at a certain price point, then after some time it gets reduced, or even made free.

However, this is how pretty much everything works in retail, be it software, CD's, DVD's, clothes, food etc etc, discounts after a certain time, special offers, etc etc
Quote from jtr99 :I wouldn't like to buy Sears Point for $20 and then get told a few months later that it was now going for $10.

Could be used as a marketing tool as well though: in-game rebates in the form of "iRacing dollars" so you can spend on other content for example. Give the customer that nice cozy feeling that you are a just businessman.
Quote from StableX :LFS for life people say:

damn I miss being able to drive on the right!!!!!!
I want a race when I WANT a race...
Why can't I just race with my team mates?
I miss the huge T1 pileups
Whatever iRacing has, LFS has the LX6!!!!!!!

Erm, WTF. You can only drive on the left ?
Quote from Bean0 :Erm, WTF. You can only drive on the left ?

sadly, this is true.......

However, if looking at this in a fun way, it's like you are on holiday every time you drive (keep off Silverstone!!!!)
Quote from danowat :Similar thing has happened to some xbox360 DLC, released at a certain price point, then after some time it gets reduced, or even made free.

Ah, i see where you're coming from Paying for online play is not a new thing for you then for sure (damn Massa, now i use "for sure" too), a service that should be free in the first place (xbox live) and DLC content also, imagine LFS charging for it's "DLC's" from 2005..

Anyway, can someone post a picture of those cockpits in all their glory?
Quote from Boris Lozac :a service that should be free in the first place (xbox live) and DLC content also, imagine LFS charging for it's "DLC's" from 2005..

Most downloadable content that I've seen for other non-indie PC games usually contains quite a bit more in content than the content we've gotten from LFS since 2005 though. DLC is just a form of distribution, instead of going down to the store and getting another shiny box to collect dust on a shelf - it doesn't mean it has to be free... but anyhow, LFS's pricing policy and EULA is as it is so there's no point comparing really.
Quote from StableX :sadly, this is true.......

However, if looking at this in a fun way, it's like you are on holiday every time you drive (keep off Silverstone!!!!)

I have no passport, I drive on the right on my holidays too.

I really am starting to think this game isnt for me.

I don't like ovals.
I don't like single seaters.
I don't like LHD.
I think what is going to kill them isn't the price of the subscription itself but the addon content. I think a lot of people won't have a problem with paying for the subscription, I myself am considering whether it is worth it.

The price of the extra content is ridiculous though, I was looking at paying $15 at getting the Skip Barber car, until I realised that to actually race it each week I'd have to spend a further $45 on tracks...
Quote from Bean0 :I don't like RHD.

Contradiction leak detected - repair squad under way.
Quote from danowat :Similar thing has happened to some xbox360 DLC, released at a certain price point, then after some time it gets reduced, or even made free.

However, this is how pretty much everything works in retail, be it software, CD's, DVD's, clothes, food etc etc, discounts after a certain time, special offers, etc etc

Of course you're right Danowat. Retail games are a great example. I just feel there's something different about the iRacing content because of the strange combo of paying a monthly fee (stop paying that and you have no access to anything) plus the one-off charges for the license to use a particular car or track.

A retail PC or console game gets cheaper if you wait six months after release, and then cheaper again after a year, etc. People seem to accept that because they're now buying something that's no longer "cutting edge", etc. But in iRacing, you've bought a license to use that car or track in perpetuity, including updates and improvements to that object (at least that's how I think it works.) Add the ongoing monthly fees into the mix and I can just see it generating more resentment from loyal customers than the downward slide in price of a console game does.

Xaotik's suggestion that they'd probably sort it out via rebates in iRacing dollars is a good one; I think that would be the smart way to handle it.
Quote from xaotik :Contradiction leak detected - repair squad under way.

Another thing that pisses me off is the lack of info.

I have to trawl through threads filled with shite like that because there is no public area on the official forums, not that I can find anyway.
Quote from Bean0 :Another thing that pisses me off is the lack of info.

I have to trawl through threads filled with shite like that because there is no public area on the official forums, not that I can find anyway.

I suppose it's because game is not public yet. I would assume part of the forums being opened once it's officially released.

Edit: Just had my first screwup free race. SR got nice boost although I got rammed before green lights and had to restart plus serve stop-and-go for "jumping" the start.
This thread is closed

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