And I JUST found out (after 6 months) that there has been a dispute couple years ago between my sister and some woman - turns out that woman is my girls god mother. Whelp!

Now the whole idea that her parents simply don't want me to be with her isn't so crazy after all. All starting to shape into some Romeo and Juliet shit...

What a day... :guilty:
No committing suicide.

As Emperor of the Forum, I refuse to allow this.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :No committing suicide.

As Emperor of the Forum, I refuse to allow this.

Romeo only committed suicide because Juliet was a dumb bitch. I don't think this applies here.
Thanks for the laugh.
How dare you back talk the Forum Emperor!
I had a similar situation when younger DD, however we were the same age (17).

Didn't work, because it got to a point to where she thought it was "me vs dad".

But no situation is the same really, just go with the flow, and as Dustin said, don't kill yourself Romeo.
10/10 would fap again
Bleh, I'm also in a stupid situation myself right now.

I haven't said much to the girl for the past 2 days and when she asked me something I would mostly shortanswer her and avoid convo's. I just feel a bit pissed and annoyed.

The guy she works for at trackdays, driftschools etc... is also here and whenever we go somewhere it seems like I don't exist anymore for that time. When we are alone, we talk and laugh allot and it's really nice. But once we go to the mall or something and it's the 3 of us, she just sticks with him and it seems like they're ignoring me for that time. Not sure if it's on purpose or if she is just concetrated on other stuff for that moment.

He also acts different. If she is on the track shooting pictures and the others guys are here he always is loud, and says stuff like "I like Danica Patrick but it's a shame she has such small tits". She knows I never say stuff like that even when she's not around. He is 20 years older then here and far from attractive, I know she won't fall for him but it kinda sucks being threated like that. I will tell her today how I feel and I don't like it at all. But with no one around.

And she thinks he's not like that. Also for the first few days we where together the others would barely wait for us when going somewhere. After that she got pissed a few times at him and now he's all acting nice and caring when they're alone and he seems to ignore the others too.

Kinda stupid, because this is the end of our holiday and don't want to end it like that. We're now going somewhere and I hope I can tell how I feel....

She has a crush on him.
It's only like that when he is around. She is so different when we are alone. Maybe she is just scared that he won't like it. And then i won't understand why she only wants to sit next to me. Always when she goes to bed she talks on whatsapp to me for a very long time. She kinda knows what hour i wake up and also then keeps sending me. Maybe i just made a wrong assumption that she might've liked me allot but i'm confused at the moment.

And 2 days ago when we were in the car, she was constantly teasing me with some stickers and laughing at me. So really, what the f*ck?
As I said, she has a small crush on him, she knows it herself.

Teasing you with stickers doesen't mean anything, or maybe it does(punch her to make the deal).
Give it some time, if you start acting like a jealous dick at the moment, then it might be over.
Or she might be a bitch who doesen't know what she wants.
Ah, im not jealous. Just confused not knowing whats going on. I'll just wait and see. And with the stickers was really teasing/flirting. I know well enough the difference between that and just playin
went to an under 21 club with my 'friend,' her sister, and her friend.

her sister and friend are both taken, so i got to be that guy with 3 gf's for the night so guys werent all over them, but an interesting occurrence happened.

dancing there = grinding 100% of the time, which is why im playing bodyguard by the way.

my friend, the single one (who i also fancy :hide had a guy start dancing with her, and i hesitated because im not sure if she cares because she is single...i ask her if she wants me to tell him she is taken and she said i played bf yet again.

shortly after i ended up telling him she's taken, her sister tells me to dance with her to "make sure no other guys try."
not wanting to be that friend that starts creepily grinding with her, i just stand there, and her sister yells out she wants to dance with me, so i just go with it..ends in the next hour and a half of us inseparable.

by the end, we are pretty much holding hands walking through....90% sure il have a gf within the next few days

previously (2 nights ago), she wanted me to sneak over her house in the middle of the night and chill in her basement with her for a few hours. ended in wrestling, tickle fighting, and us getting pretty close, but nothing quite enough to seal the deal.

^bad idea in reality, but nothing bad happened. brought a can of wd-40 to silence a door so i could get in/out...worked well

Now that's some clever thinking.
Quote from logitekg25 :

by the end, we are pretty much holding hands walking through....90% sure il have a gf within the next few days

And AIDS, from all that grinding.
Quote from Rappa Z :WD-40

Now that's some clever thinking.

not even sure if your kidding cause it worked perfectly

on that note, confused as hell on the current situation...........women.....

I just mean that you don't usually see someone think so preemptively.
Quote from Rappa Z :I just mean that you don't usually see someone think so preemptively.

high stakes are high (story to kill time)

her family consists of her, her two sisters, her dad, and her mom. her mom owns a salon.

everyone was out except her and her sister...the neighbor broke in, and started going through their stuff...911 was called, and as 6 or so cops were on the lawn the dad comes proof so no warrant.
the dad knocks on the door with a baseball bat, and he says "your going to be gone by tomorrow night, or im going to come in there... you have 24 hours to leave."
he was gone that night.

her mom's client said she would pay later, never did. he went to where her husband worked, calmly said the money will be in the mailbox by 10, and it was there.

thats who i am dealing with if i get caught sneaking in. i am going to prevent crossing him at ANY cost.

we have planned this a few times but have either chickened out, fallen asleep, or the stakes were too high that night. so we knew exactly what was happening. the wd-40 was in my room so i grabbed it.

in other news, tonight during a movie i whispered in her ear that i liked her....couldnt hear her response cause we were among her sisters whispering :banghead:

just got a text "i like you chris...more than a friend" cause i needed to clarify.

this was way more stressful than it needed to be
Make sure you wear protection when you holds hands, you don't want aids.
Quote from logitekg25 :the wd-40 was in my room so i grabbed it.

Don't use WD-40, it'll just attract a bunch of dust and dirt into the hinge. Use white lithium grease, it is a more permanent lubrication solution.
Quote from logitekg25 :
just got a text "i like you chris...more than a friend" cause i needed to clarify.

this was way more stressful than it needed to be

well sounds like everything went rather well.

and that WD-40 thing there simply is no situation that can't be solved with either Wd-40 or duct tape. Ok, duct tape may sound weird here
She cant say no if she is dead
My EX was a bitch.
WAS, now she's dead.
Quote from bmwe30m3 :Make sure you wear protection when you holds hands, you don't want aids.

you have been trolling alot harder than usual, nice and mature
Quote from wheel4hummer :Don't use WD-40, it'll just attract a bunch of dust and dirt into the hinge. Use white lithium grease, it is a more permanent lubrication solution.

its an interior door, so shouldnt be too much of a problem...not too concerned as it will gradually be louder until it returns to how it was.
Quote from ACCAkut :well sounds like everything went rather well.

and that WD-40 thing there simply is no situation that can't be solved with either Wd-40 or duct tape. Ok, duct tape may sound weird here

everything went quite well, and i was thinking just that as i tossed the can on my seat and noticed the duct tape that was already right next to it

and up next is problems you know the answer to, but dont want to accept it!

texting the past two weeks ALOT, last week even more so due to vacation (every day here talking alot). i asked her last week if i text too much and she said no.

last night she fell asleep texting me, which usually results in it pickup up where it left off in the morning; this morning nothing. this is maybe 2 texts each way after she said she likes i text her? do i give a day's space?

ik the answer is pretty obviously give it a day, but we probs want to see eachother, so why not text?!

im just gonna give it a day.

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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