The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )
Looks like a render. No pedestrians in cars, no pedestrians on streets and the graphics look 10 times better than what uber computers churn out.
It's a render, and it could look much better if the guy who made it had put textures on all cars, as well as putting pedestrians and used some texture filtering. By the way, there are some repeated textures, and some incorrect ones as well. Just like an adboard which has building windows textures. It's not bad, though. Looks good
Quote from Velociround :GTA IV also limits by ammount of RAM. If you have 1GB RAM, it won't let you choose High textures. If you have 2GB RAM, you'll be able to choose High textures. I don't know about 1,5GB RAM or variations of this because I only tested with 1GB and 2GB. I have a 9800GT 512MB, and when I remove one of my two 1GB RAM sticks it doesn't let me use High textures. When I put it back, GTA IV lets me choose High textures.
If it's not that, I don't know what else it could be.

i have 4 GB ram and a 512 mb graphics card.
this is pretty random it seems.
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :i have 4 GB ram and a 512 mb graphics card.
this is pretty random it seems.

so do i , and i can only set it to medium
That's very, very weird.
But since you two have that much RAM, there's a great fix for the problem:

Create a commandline.txt file on C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\
Edit the text file and put -availablevidmem 2.2 on it. Save the file and open the game. This command will force the game to use some of your RAM as video memory and will allow you both to choose high textures.
The number is a multiplier: it'll multiply your current video memory. In this case, 500 . 2.2 = about 1100MB of video memory. You can set it to higher values, but I keep in mind the game also needs your RAM to store information, so you shouldn't use all of your RAM as video memory.
ill give it a shot...^^
already had the commandline.txt cuz of gamepad activation.
edit: works.
thanks for the tip ^^
Got the legal copy of it, i messed over 5 hours to set it up for windows 7. I was hoping that "now i can play this massive game in multiplayer". I played SP with cracked version before. In multiplayer, the lag is just huge. It doesnt even matter what connection u got - its just so damn slow and laggy. Many many people complaining about this as i saw when i googled it. Dissapointed a bit
Well given that GTA4-PC is notorious for it's troubles, I can't imagine you're helping yourself by running it on an unsupported OS. :-/
Quote from STROBE :Well given that GTA4-PC is notorious for it's troubles, I can't imagine you're helping yourself by running it on an unsupported OS. :-/

I can run it pretty well on both Windows XP and Windows 7.... I haven't had any problems with GTA IV since I first installed it on my PC
It was just like - install, open, play... it works!
And it runs much faster on Windows 7 when compared to Windows XP on my computer.
I decided to have a go on GTA last night. Unfortunately, the server i was in was full of american kids, around 10 years old i would guess.

These kid's kept on bitching everytime i took a shot at them or killed them, telling me to stop. I put up with this for a while until i eventually ranted at him saying "stop your bitching. One of GTA's aspects is to kill other people, its the point of the game" etc. etc.

After i said this, one kid tryed to be funny and said "i cant understand your language". At first i thought he meant my accent, but no...He actually thought there was a "british language" and an "american language". I then tryed explaining to him how there is no british or american language, there all just accents and americans SPEAK english, but he was'nt having none of it. I wish i could have recorded the conversation as it went on for 10 minutes, but i still cant believe this guy thought i was talking "british language". Dont kids goto school anymore?
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I decided to have a go on GTA last night. Unfortunately, the server i was in was full of american kids, around 10 years old i would guess.

These kid's kept on bitching everytime i took a shot at them or killed them, telling me to stop. I put up with this for a while until i eventually ranted at him saying "stop your bitching. One of GTA's aspects is to kill other people, its the point of the game" etc. etc.

After i said this, one kid tryed to be funny and said "i cant understand your language". At first i thought he meant my accent, but no...He actually thought there was a "british language" and an "american language". I then tryed explaining to him how there is no british or american language, there all just accents and americans SPEAK english, but he was'nt having none of it. I wish i could have recorded the conversation as it went on for 10 minutes, but i still cant believe this guy thought i was talking "british language". Dont kids goto school anymore?

Thats why i dont play it online on Xbox 360, most of my friends list is taken up entirely of my 12 year old brothers "mates" and he plays GTA IV online and the things they do would just piss me off instantly and before anyone says make him get his own xbox live account, no because im not the type of prick that makes every single member of his family that uses the console have a different account.
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I decided to have a go on GTA last night. Unfortunately, the server i was in was full of american kids, around 10 years old i would guess.

These kid's kept on bitching everytime i took a shot at them or killed them, telling me to stop. I put up with this for a while until i eventually ranted at him saying "stop your bitching. One of GTA's aspects is to kill other people, its the point of the game" etc. etc.

After i said this, one kid tryed to be funny and said "i cant understand your language". At first i thought he meant my accent, but no...He actually thought there was a "british language" and an "american language". I then tryed explaining to him how there is no british or american language, there all just accents and americans SPEAK english, but he was'nt having none of it. I wish i could have recorded the conversation as it went on for 10 minutes, but i still cant believe this guy thought i was talking "british language". Dont kids goto school anymore?

im sorry to say this, but i think american and british english as different too. i know the lanuange is mostly the same, but they sound so different to me i instanly think they are different lanuange. altrought i can still understand both of the accents by just learning one
I would understand abit if your from finland and you said it, as english is not your native language. But, to have someone from america say it, who's native language IS english, is shocking. I dont have hard to understand accent (no jordie accent for example) and no other americans i have talked to struggle to understand me.

It just turns out this kid is an absolute 'tard.
ITT: Europeans realize Americans are dumb.
Don't act so surprised

I was reading that ATI's 4870 and 4890 cards were having a trouble with this game. As I'm soon to upgrade my PC (either one of those cards or dual 4770s), I was wondering what the current situation was for these graphics cards and for the PC version in general.
Quote from luftrofl :ITT: Europeans realize Americans are dumb.
Don't act so surprised

Pah, that's a long and well known observation, allthough it get's frowned upon if it's discussed in here. If it's any comfort to you, I wouldn't regard europeans in general any more smart than americans.
Halp - Halp !

I already sent message to R* too, but no reply yet. Something messed up my game and i cant get access to MP, says that i need to recover original files. So, my question is that will my savegame(s) stored on LIVE account? My progression is 33.75% and its not easy to play anymore - i want to reinstall, but i wanna be sure that i wont lose my savegame. Also, ive done pretty much missions for now and my "Complete the first mission" achievement is still locked ... No cheats used.
Your savegame files are stored at your PC separetly from the game, and reinstalling it won't affect them, tested myself. Unless you are going to format your C: harddrive...
Alright, i kinda know where the savegames are. I will backup them for safety and reinstall the game. Thanks m8
if you're on about pc version then if you have a live account it will save to that so even if you delete it off your pc you will still have it when you next install it.
I already got my problem solved, it also asked to "keep save games?" when uninstalling. But yea, got the problem solved and multiplayer is working again
Does somebody has timecyc file with FarClp set to 3500?

Thanks in advance
does somebody have/know where to get a speedo?
ive searched the web, but all i found is a trainer with a speedo...
i dont want/need a trainer, just a speedo...and a working savegame afterwards, cuz im not gonna start over just because of that.

The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )