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S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :I am not condoning wrecking, but in real life if you are

1. not up to speed
2. not 'aggressive'

you will get destroyed, especially in tin top racing...

what you get is guys who want to make real strong moves, and if you not ready for it, or just wimping around you will get engulfed.

Its a begining server!! You shouldn't be there engulfing anyone.
Move up to the next server and let the platinums engulf you if your into engulfing.

Quote :You will notice that the fast drivers, that are blamed for all this, once they are all racing together there isn't any major contact, nor is there much complaint between them. The reason for this is because they are used to it. It's how you gotta's the same in real life.... and that's a testament to how good racing in LFS is.

I've raced against lots of drivers that were so much faster than me it was laughable. But the really good ones didn't ever touch me! They could drive where ever they wanted on the track and pass with no problem

Quote :I am in no way saying to win you should wreck people, but I am recognising the fact the the driver who is indecisive, not aggressive, and non-ballsy enough can cause as much carnage as anyone else. Of course they look blameless, but it's something I see time and time and time again. The driver that is indecisive and unpredictable is the one that can cause all the trouble for themselves.

No your not, BUT you are saying if a faster driver takes out a slower driver its the slower drivers fault.

Quote :sometimes ppl don't understand how much of a nuisance they are.

Maybe you're the nusance and just don't realize it!!

All or none
S2 licensed
I like to race the UF1 on smaller tracks but only if I can actually race people and not just myself. Gets a little boring putting in laps so slowly all by yourself.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :My connection is absolutely murdering my finish rate. Keeps dropping out during races...

Same here!! Looks really bad in the stats. Do we get yellow flags when we drop out?
for me
S2 licensed
I know for me that most of the people I raced agains't aren't racing there anymore and half the time is spent telling people it's not a crashing server. I know I should report them but sometimes I try to teach instead.And like you said we are mostly males here and we have short attention spans as well as other things
Easy now Back up the bus buddy!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Fox_Mulder :Well you've called us. Now what?! Organize hosting and times and lets get this show on the road.

At no time did I state that I was looking at adding more scheduling time to my already overloaded calendar!! I was looking for a place to race with low ping and people in my own time zone. One day when my kids are grown and my wife has left me for a younger man, I might have the time! But for now I will leave it for others.
I'd like some of that action!
S2 licensed
Hi I'm willing to join in as well just tell me where and when. Going to try out thoughs new sets from earlier in this thread and come a calling.
steal from bump and jump
S2 licensed
I was wondering if anyone else likes the bump and jump position indication that is on the bottom of the screen? I would like to have that in regular races too. I find it handy to know who i'm coming up on or who is coming up on me.(This is usually the case.) It's good too know how much room to give so you don't get punted off the track!
S2 licensed
Quote from KSheppard :Barrie here

My sister taught in Kasabonika Lake for a while.

I work for the goverment and ship stuff there everyday. Small world eh.
Middle of nowhere
S2 licensed
I live in Northern ontario. And I mean NORTH not Barrie or Sudbury.

Sioux Lookout here
S2 licensed
Great thanks for the update.
S2 licensed
I keep looking at the LOTA servers but nobody is ever on them. I would go and race but nobodys home. Oh well.
Great Changes
S2 licensed
Thanks you again for all the hard work. It is always interesting getting in discussions here.
S2 licensed
Quote from STROBE :When it comes to scoring points on the lower servers, I have to side with the higher licence = no points argument, and quite strongly too.

Suggesting that bronze & copper drivers aren't entitled to points scoring positions unless they beat the silver, gold, platinum and titanium drivers is a little rediculous, imho. Isn't the whole point of the Race 1 server to provide an environment for new or less skilled drivers?

Copper/bronze drivers should progress to the next level by going faster than the other copper/bronze drivers. And surely, if you're getting quick enough to beat the other copper/bronze racers, you're getting quick enough to compete at silver level. Isn't that the whole fundamental idea of the tiered servers? To allow racers to compete amongst their own level, and the better guys score points to move onto the next level?

Suggesting that new drivers have to be running at platinum pace in order to progress when the server has platinum guys on it is just the equivalent of raising a finger to all the new guys. "Hey you there, with the copper licence. Want a bronze one? Try getting another 30,000 miles of experience and a setup for every track before you dare think about that, muahahaha..."

+1 to that!!!
We don't understand each other
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :

In my opinion you guys are approaching this problem from entirely the wrong angel. You are finding yourselves unable to get points because you are not fast enough to beat the leading drivers, so in order to solve that problem you are demanding the system is changed in your favour, to the detriment of the fast guys.

I didn't say I wasn't getting points. I was talking about higher license drivers going onto server#1 the learning server. Why can't the platinum drivers get thier points on a higher server? I don't think bronze drivers should be competing for the same points as a platinum driver. I think you should look back through these post and find where I said it wasn't good for new drivers to race with more experienced drivers. You won't find it, because I think the oppisite and stated this in a previous post. It is good to race against them just not good for the points.

Quote :Why should the fast guys get punished because other people are not prepared to apply themselves with the same amount of effort?

How is a platinum driver getting punished by not getting points from beating 10 new drivers? If they are looking for a challenge and want to really race they will race people at their level. Correct?

This is getting like a conversation about religion by two or three people of differnt faiths. How about we just agree to disagree and move on? OK
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :todd honestly if youd spent half the time you posted here about how you should get more points for being slow(er) lapping to improve your times you wouldnt have a reason to post by now

I have to do something at work! They take a dim view of my steering wheel though, so I can't put in laps while I'm here.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :If those people were fast enough to deserve a better license, they would be beating the guys with the fancy licenses.

So what your saying is we should give up, not try, and just be happy being cannon fodder for the platinum drivers? We will always be down here at the bottom and not worry about the points at all because they are there for others not us? Your making me cry my friend!
So if a bronze driver wants points they have to be able to beat a platinum or gold racer on a consistant basis to get to a silver licence? And then to get to a gold license you have to beat the platinum and uberplatinum to get gold?
Last edited by Toddshooter, .
S2 licensed
Ok Thanks now I'll know when they're mad at me and not hitting on me. :-)
S2 licensed
Hey Mischief007 I used to live in London when I was a kid. Went to Sir Wilfred Laurier High school.
S2 licensed
Quote from csurdongulos :add kick for abbreviations of swearing, like: wtf, ffs and any other similar "phrases"

What does FFS mean?
S2 licensed
NP I was just kidding. I'm too sarcastic sometimes. :-)
S2 licensed
Sorry didn't know doubles were against form etiquete.
Sorry forgot to add a smile!
Going to stop posting now because this is a thread about improvements.
S2 licensed
Sorry for taking over the thread I will stop posting about this here now.

thisnameistaken you can PM me if you want to discuss this further. :-)
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Says the guy who's obsessed with the points and is lobbying for the acquisition of points to be made easier...

Where did you get the impression that I'm obsessed with points? And why so angry relax!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :origninally? I was on the top 20-odd racing against Biohazard et al for my points - it was just as hard to keep up as it is now, even if driver x now has Platinum or whatever.

So maybe on this point I need to rethink my stance a bit!

Quote : I was driving the cars i enjoyed driving, not to "own teh nubs!"

Which is my point you wanted to race for fun not for the easy points.
You must have misunderstood the concept of Progression
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Do you think people like SparkyDave were slow until they got the "platinum" label, and then suddenly they became much faster? Think this through logically, please.

I think some people are overly obsessed with the points. In a very pathetic and sad way. And I mean that most sincerely.

To progress means you progress not magicaly turn into pumkins at midnight or platinum at 2:00PM. Platinum drivers started at bronze pace and got progressivly faster while gaining points all the way. I think you might need to rethink your point of veiw.