The online racing simulator
Calling Canadians
(46 posts, started )
Calling Canadians
Giday Eh!

Just wondering how many Canadians race on a regular basis and if we could get together for some good racing with nice low ping?I have played on a couple of Canadian servers and had lots of fun but can't always find them.
Im from canada. But don't know of any canadian servers.
Maybe you could make a league for north americans only....or even international but with a north american time?
League Of The Americas - servers in Texas...we have 43 Canadians already registered, about 50% are active in leagues. Races at 9:30 PM EST. Thursday Night Thunder tonight....sprint race at combos voted on by members.
Is the server named LOTA? I don't think I've seen it before. Texas is on Central time right?
oh man...race with them core or lota guys and all you'll see is their rear bumpers...but a damn good bunch of guys none the less

I've been running the IGTC races and my server is usually set to follow their sched...I think it's offline ATM but it's usually on 24/7
Quote from Toddshooter :Is the server named LOTA? I don't think I've seen it before. Texas is on Central time right?

LOTA League server 1 (/2)

You can also check for more info!
Quote from Toddshooter :Is the server named LOTA? I don't think I've seen it before. Texas is on Central time right?

All of our racing happens on LOTA League Server 1, and also on LOTA League Server 2 if a series has enough drivers, like our current Grand Touring Cup.
Quote from banshee56 :All of our racing happens on LOTA League Server 1, and also on LOTA League Server 2 if a series has enough drivers, like our current Grand Touring Cup.

And Banshee does not only see my rear bumper on the track, but also on the forums!
Im usually running these league races, not lately though since work is hectic, hopefully i'll find time to get a few races in with my fellow canadians\americans.
Quote from RMachucaA :Im usually running these league races, not lately though since work is hectic, hopefully i'll find time to get a few races in with my fellow canadians\americans.

Oh no you don't... You just don't have the time... repeat after me..

I don't want to be one more position down on the grid. It is bad enough now.

Plus, if Banshee ever does get behind me, I get punted sooner or later.

You also might want to check out the CHOPS guys too. The host Sunday fun races and are a good team.
Regular LFS racer and I'm currently competing in the LOTA Grand Touring Cup.

Starting on the 15th though I am competing in the FinalGear weekly races which has drivers from all over the world. Good guys but freaking fast, just like the damn Core drivers .

The way to beat a Core driver is to let them make a mistake while you have a consistent race.
Hey Mischief007 I used to live in London when I was a kid. Went to Sir Wilfred Laurier High school.
Toronto maself. Howdy ^^
Nova Scotia!!!
My mother is ^^

And Im proud of it ^^
Quote from Toddshooter :Hey Mischief007 I used to live in London when I was a kid. Went to Sir Wilfred Laurier High school.

I live about 10 minutes from Laurier by car. I've lived most of my life in south London.
I keep looking at the LOTA servers but nobody is ever on them. I would go and race but nobodys home. Oh well.
Todd, there are sure to be some racers on the LOTA servers tonight. We just came out of an off week in the schedule, and our next race is Thursday. I'm certain there will be people getting some final prep work in tonight and tomorrow!
Great thanks for the update.
Go Canada. I'm also a LOTA racer .
Calgary Alberta (Western Canada) Racer here.

But I kinda suck. No team and no Leagues yet. Need more practice.

toronto here
Middle of nowhere
I live in Northern ontario. And I mean NORTH not Barrie or Sudbury.

Sioux Lookout here
Barrie here

My sister taught in Kasabonika Lake for a while.

Calling Canadians
(46 posts, started )