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S2 licensed
Quote from S3ANPukekoh3 :Why the feck did they decide this less than 2 weeks out from the opening round of the season??? What Fecktards...

O/T Slightly but McLaren have two teams working for them. The ones that worked on the 2008 car while the other worked on the 2009 car. So the ones who did 2008 will be the 2010 car now. Obviously I don't know how much overlap takes place between the two 'teams' but if you got that many people, missing a few weeks development of the 2010 isn't too much.

Regarding McLaren pace though: The amount of different wings/diffusers that a team run in 1 season I see no problem with them running different oens on different days. Maybe they will be slower than is expected maybe they wont, but I know I wont count them out until qualifying on saturday.
S2 licensed
Suddenly the porsche test driver regretted asking for more feel to the steering.
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :What does it say here? (attachment)

I couldn't unlock lfs on uni computers so had to crack it to play s2 content but if you crack it it says s2 licence down there too (well it used to anyway so I would assume still does.) The only real way, as previously said, would be go online and see if you can get on S2 servers/content.
S2 licensed
I'll make it for you Do you have pictures of the back though?
S2 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :Because american cars can't turn, they suppose to go straight down

No drag strips are 0T, 1T circuits are ovals cause the 1 turn is always left

Seriously though, the more teams in F1 the better IMO. As long as they don't have any expectations to be challenging for the win in their first season and stick it out to improve I don't see any reason why the couldn't do well. Will be interesting to see though.
S2 licensed
Not going to make it but for anyone that is, heres some high res pics of the car
S2 licensed
Xbox 360, got it for the games that are on it.
S2 licensed
I ticked yes but with limitations.

The reason: For the road cars (uf1, xfg, xrt, al) I think things like the fine control we have now should be removed. I am no expert on set ups but use incriments of 10 (e.g. 0, 10, 20) not into hundreth of a degree whether for suspension, arbs or differentials.

For more track/sportier cars (fz50, lx4, lx6 al) should be more adjustable due to the cars they are.

Race cars (FXR, FZR, FOX, BF1 al) Should be almost like they are now but maybe a little less adjustable.
S2 licensed
Quote from RS1T :if i knew that my 24 pounds was paying the dev's salaries and not towards the development of the game, then i would not have bought s2. Also many users are from europe where VAT is a LOT less than in the UK...they have no excuse for charging so much for an unfinished product

Errrr. . . . . So if you went out and bought any game where do you think the money goes? Do you think all the over developers pay with magic pieces of gold? Ofcourse some of the money you are paying for a game (Whether complete or not) is going the pay the wages of the developers.

Anyway Scirocco: Shame its being delayed but lfs is the most stable game I know of and it is because of reasons like this. It will be all the better for the delay so can't complain.
S2 licensed
Sounds like a good idea
S2 licensed
Based off seat wtcc car. Enjoy.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I've attached to this post a possible fix for the polygon bug seen by some people in the CMX Viewer.

Please could the people who saw missing parts please try this and let us know if it fixes the problem?

It's only the exe, just open the zip file and replace your VIEWER_S2.exe file.

If it works I'll update the main CMX Viewer download.

Just came on to add my name to the list of bugged cmx and I find a fix. All sorted now, thanks again Scawen.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :Oh Hai

I lol'd the most at this one so winner.

Anyone else think it looks like he is answering the phone?
S2 licensed
In all these pages probably been used before but oh well.
S2 licensed
Jenson was startled when Rubens unexpectidly turned up the volume on his mp3 player.
S2 licensed
I like it Though I think you should either lighten/saturate the blue and orange more or lighten the grey to give some contrast to the skin.
S2 licensed
Surely this should be in the skins section not gen chat?

Quote from pab :hi ive looked every ware how can i get flags & stuf to put on my car help thank,s

Define "flags and stuff" then we can better help you. Do you mean country flags or chequered flags? by stuff do you mean numbers?patterns?stripes?sponsor logo's? etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from piggy501 :I'm guessing paint and the mud is brown spray can but I could be wrong...

We wait for an update. I can't look at the skin file at work so I can't tell if it is paint or not lol.

Quote :O/T: Greboth did your avatar always do that?

Always do what? be animated? I have had many avatars but this one has always been a gif
S2 licensed
To me a 'drift' is anything more than the optimum slip angle and less than a spin. So any time you have to start counter steering (or even winding off some lock)
S2 licensed
How did I miss this important date
Happy Birthday Scawen. Hope you had a great day and got lots and lots of presents
S2 licensed
From switching from a mouse to a wheel your times are likely to be slower while you get used to the wheel but once you are used to it then, personally I think, its easier to go faster due to the analogue controls.

So yes get a wheel.
S2 licensed
While I like the general design of the skin and the colour choice is ok. The dirt splatter looks really fake and the jaguar cat on the side is really bad quality.

What program are you using for skinning?
S2 licensed
I won't be home until the weekend but if still not done I will give a go for you. Add me on msn
S2 licensed
Quote from Imprez :Is there beer in this club? I´ll join

Where's the beer? Has to be cookies too. Ive not joined this before I don't think. I don't always drive properly (i'm lazy lol) but I am glad lfs is harder and more realistic.
S2 licensed
He got the links wrong in the img tags that why (these are links you need to put in your img tags as you need the direct link to the image)
88 -
Digital camo -
National Guard - ... tionalguardlogo145gv1.jpg
Mountain Dew -
Mountain Dew -
Last edited by Greboth, .