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Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :oh..sorry. I didn't read it right. You spoke about the same tone, (I thought about the same full phrase) yes, most likely you are right. This is not the same tone as the nationalists in those times. obvious

upd: unless it's being said by radical nationalists or Nazis. Which are a minority in the modern bandera movement.

Its not a problem Thumbs up

Respect to you

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :I don't agree with dfgjkl on many issues, I think you could see me arguing with him. But he's too brainwashed. I don't want to waste my time on it.

I agree , i was told earlier on in the topic that i was wasting my time, i just never listened. He cannot be blamed i know, its just very unfortunate

You though my friend seem like a very thoughtful and honest friendly person. Respect for that.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :
I see that you have studied Wikipedia, but here you already need to have real experience in communicating with Ukrainians.

I have a a good deal of experience with some Ukrainian people, the only reason i post wikipedia or other links is for the chance for other's to read to get some context to what i say without me having to write a big post on here. My issue is i'm an analayzer/analyst but not a very good writer, as in id tend to write such a big post which would then lose the meaning i was intending to put across to others.

I know that with Ukraine there's some questionable things, such as the use of those with the idealogy of the Asov battalion and the example you gave with EeOneGuy ,we all have these type of people, the Uk, USA and Russia all have people with Nationalist beliefs, what i have always summed up though is they don't amount to the reason for war. If they went on to commit crimes like Hitler had done then it would start to be a different story.

I could see that its easy for others to also say glory to the heroes without understanding or knowing the link with the past, and with only being meant at honouring those fighting for them.

dfgjkl linking my glory to Ukraine to nationalism is like some are trying to link the letter Z being used on tanks as being half swastikas, whilst there may be similaraties, people will always try to find a link to something sinister even though they're wrong.
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Yes, just like I said.
Therefore, I singled out the full phrase "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!"

Yes i know that if glory to the heroes is also said with it then it can be linked to the nationalist, its something that i and others never add to slava ukraini.

dfgjkl was trying to imply that by me saying Slava Ukraini it was used in the same tone as by the nationalist, where it quite obviously is a different thing since it was used long before.
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :When people talk about nationalists in Ukraine, they usually talk about the movement of Bandera and Shukhevych. Stepan Bandera is a Ukrainian nationalist who created the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) movement which tried to cooperate with the Third Reich and was involved in Jewish purges. Shukhevych, one of the supporters of Steban Bandera, collaborated with the Third Reich during the Second World War, and also participated in the Lviv pogrom, along with Bandera people, which claimed the lives of many Jews. Shukhevych's name is in the documents of the Nurber trial.

"Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!" This is a phrase that was coined by these nationalists. And it was often used by those people after which it became famous.

When they say "Glory to Ukraine!" and expect to hear in response "Glory to the Heroes!" (which is always the case when it sounds from the Ukrainians), then this is often a hint at the Bandera movement.
This is why a lot of people don't like it.

It first became popular during the Ukrainian War of independence between 1917 to 1921 , it was then used by Stepan from around the 1930s which then had the response Glory to the heroes.

Another variation dates back to the 1860s from a poem by Taras Shevchenko, with saying Glory of Ukraine
S3 licensed
Not sure if this will be related but when you set the Arrow keys for steering and accelerating and brakes it does not show as having the keys assigned in the settings.

This could be due to them being already preset for something under the buttons 2 menu(image 2).

In the first image i have set the arrow keys for steering and gas and brake yet shows them as blank in settings
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :

And also Russell has no problem with being wrong, he's a comedian, not a mainstream 'NEWS SOURCE' and his post's are reposted here for their comedic value, He frequently say's he's wrong. Thumbs up

If people don't like his comedy then I suggest you don't watch the videos. An easy way to not be offended..Wave

Because Russell does have a lot of people that follow him, being wrong can have a bigger impact than expected.

And i like Russell Brand for his comedy, he's a very good comedian and i've watched him on TV since around 2004 when he became a big hit on british TV due to Big Brother , an analyst though he is not though, even though he has the intelligence to become one.

The drones that Ukraine hold from Turkey had been sold over the past few years, the latest contract hasn't even seen the production start as of yet. And he does come across as hes saying that We or the West are selling them weapons when in fact we're giving to them out of our own security budgets.

Finally this isn't an argument, if i come across as arguing then i apologise as its not my intention.
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Car looks awesome,
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Quote from dfgjkl :I suspected but now it's clear

when you speak

zigging is customary

im don with you

Slava Ukraini , all the way. glory to Ukraine ! I don't get your point, i've made that quite clear from the beguinning Shrug

I want Ukraine to be victorious in defeating the invaders of its land, nothing more nothing less. Its just a shame that whatever the outcome is, many Ukrainians and Russian soldiers have and will die.

It boils down to what is right and what is wrong, and the invasion was wrong, just as the majority of invasions are.
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :you speak with emotion, not common were shown a terrible picture and emotions turned off the tap of logical thinking.this is the whole point of demonizing the enemy to hide the fact which actually led to the tragedy.I'm not a monster can you believe it's hard for me to see this for myself.

First you say "you can stop repeating your mantra about children! 8 years you give a f** about children of Donbas" then you say "you speak with emotion, not common sense." Well which is it ? If i speak with emotion that means i care.

Wait, you're trying to tell me that the killing of innocent people is justified because of an image like that, you lack common sense not me.

I see that there's a few things wrong in Ukraine but nothing that makes it acceptable to attack the country. Its not like they're recreating what hitler did.

Maybe if you got in touch with emotions, you would at least see that the death and destruction is wrong.
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :you can stop repeating your mantra about children! 8 years you give a f** about children of Donbas.

SSU is not a battalion,you think of azov! azov does not obey the president zeli.

The Security Service of Ukraine is a law enforcement agency similar to the Russian FSB.The tasks of the SBU include protecting the constitutional order of Ukraine, countering espionage and terrorism, as well as all other functions to protect internal and external security.

First of watch your tone, keep it friendly/respectful ,and you see i am a compassionate person, i care about everyone and being a father especially the lives of children, are you saying that you don't care about other peoples lives especially childrens lives ? that would be a bad on your side not mine.

Finally thats one soldier wearing it , while i see thousands of images of them that don't show them with the name on there uniforms.

Guess you also didn't see or care about the destruction shown in the video. ... 60&bih=1309&dpr=1

And even if they did all wear it, does that give the reason to do as hitler did and kill innocent people
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :bishtop do you realize that what you're talking buddy? I think no!
do you realize what it is СБУ/SSU?

Security Service of Ukraine - law enforcement body of special purpose, ensuring the state security of Ukraine. Subordinate to the President of Ukraine.

Are you still not catching up?

I know exactly who they are, hence my reply.

That is one battalion so does that make it okay for the deaths of children and innocent civillians ? Does that make it justifiable for an attack ? No - Far from it.

You catching up now ?
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :

1:18 ss galizien inscription on the back of an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine Face -> palm

Oh well guess that makes it perfectly fine to go and kill innocent children and civillians then .... Face -> palm

Putin is fast becoming the new hitler

Have you no reply to my previous reply to you ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :

How to best help the Ukraine ?, lets cancel their Foreign Debt...Hug

He starts the video with an incorrect statement.

"by selling them weapons" -- Incorrect

The weapons have been paid for out of our own security budgets in the form of security assistance ... ies-for-ukraines-defense/ ... y-assistance-for-ukraine/

The debt owed by Ukraine is from loans from the IMF and world bank starting in 2014 and not from the sale of weapons during this conflict.

Still agree that the IMF and World Bank(its not the UK or USA) could cancel or delay the repayments though.

Like i have previously said, Russell Brand does get things wrong.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :

I can't see any difference between this version and version B regarding arrow keys adjustment of brake balance / and anti roll bar.

As I can't find anything from a quick test, can you tell me which version you go back to, to see a different result?

If you set the control to keyboard and then use your keyboard arrow keys to steer left and right it raises and lowers the Brake balance.

Not sure if its like this in previous versions as i usually use a wheel, but just reproduced what this guy has experienced
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Oh yeah, no longer XF GTR in Blackwood Rallycross on entry screen.

Big grin Does feel strange with the XF GTR not being their to welcome us after all these years.
S3 licensed
Really nice update, looks good and with having the opportunity to join an event/leaugue at your fingertips it makes it much easier.
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Quote from superlame :Static

Ahh so be less easy to check between being just your IP or for some reason your ISP.
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :wrong agayne bishtop

thats is whay i wrote

I don't know bishtop you disapoint me Frown

Maybe its due to your broken english, not your fault obviously.


Quote from dfgjkl :Scawen Sir. nothing personal just discussing Shrug

I noticed that you do not like it when you (the West) point out your mistakes of the past.

The way that came across by saying you , in english is as if you implied that scawen does not like it, hence my reply. It was only after then you say you again but in brackets say the west.

I won't be a child and say you disappoint me though Frown

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I disagree you, bishtop

Disagree with what ? . Please at least say what you disagree with as i've made multiple post Thumbs up

If it was my comment about Nato, then if it all was about Nato , then is the rest of georgia next for the very same reason ? then after that would Finland be next with the excuse that if Finland became part of Nato then it would be too close for comfort if Nato placed Hypersonic missiles there.

Or do you disagree with what i said to Cargame ? i only stated what it said on the page he linked, he said that it stated Ukraine had the Missile, but on the page he linked it said that it was Russia whom had it.
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :I think most of the issue is that the investment from the esports side is at 0 for the moment for LFS.

If you look at games such as rF2 which is a horrible user experience and fundamentally badly made (Menus, Loading times, Game breaking Bugs, Cars and tracks etc), they have a huge investment from Formula E, Traxxion, VCO. I don't think they'd hold a candle to LFS if I must be honest, but in this case I'm perhaps biased.

Back in the days of ESL and OLFSL where (even if small) there was prize money, the interest spiked massive interest from the German/Northern Scandic Countries as well as the UK.

So I think to re-invent some interest on that front it would take some investment. I have thought about doing something myself, given that we can make our own cars for LFS now it opens up some options.

I personally might just organize something with some prize money or giveaways in terms of hardware over summer/start winter.

EDIT: I do know my point doesn't really refer to the point of the thread, but general attendance in LFS has dropped a lot for Leagues/Championships as a whole, not only people but also the ammount of championships.

Certainly having a prize of some type would increase numbers, if the League/championships lasted long enough that people wouldn't lose interest if they didn't do so well in a few races, always giving them hope of a comeback then it would work great.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :

Radio Transmitters is just an act for another propaganda, but seems like that didn't go as planned at all. Ukraine resist fiercely, more than they expected, but Kreml expected to go this way.


No they didn't expect it to go this way, Viktor Zolotov, chief of Russia's national guard and a member of Putin's security council, said progress had been slower than expected.

He also said "I would like to say that yes, not everything is going as fast as we would like," Zolotov said in comments posted on the National Guard's website.

Agree with you on that the issue was never really with NATO, but was a useful tool to use for propaganda, in turn attempting to make it justifiable

Quote from : (downed by older type of BUK rocket, only been left in service @Ukrainian army according to Dutch safety board)

When you read the link to the wiki page you posted it says the following

"The responsibility for investigation was delegated to the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) and the Dutch-led joint investigation team (JIT), who concluded that the airliner was downed by a Buk surface-to-air missile launched from pro-Russian separatist-controlled territory in Ukraine.[3][7] According to the JIT, the Buk that was used originated from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the Russian Federation[8][9] and had been transported from Russia on the day of the crash, fired from a field in a rebel-controlled area and the launch system returned to Russia afterwards"

It states the missile was had been transported from Russia on the day of the crash and was fired from within pro-russian terrority.

"On 28 September 2016, the JIT gave a press conference in which it concluded that the aircraft was shot down with a 9M38 Buk missile fired from a rebel-controlled field near Pervomaisky (Первомайський), a town 6 km (3.7 mi) south of Snizhne.[126] It also found the Buk missile system used had been transported from Russia into Ukraine on the day of the crash, and then back into Russia after the crash, with one missile less than it arrived with."
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dfgjkl :Scawen Sir. nothing personal just discussing Shrug

History teaches that no one teaches it.

I noticed that you do not like it when you (the West) point out your mistakes of the past.

3 bad men were literally removed sadam, kadafi, binladen - has the world become a better place? don't be silly...

maybe not one bad person is bad, but maybe this is one big conspiracy against that person? Cool

Obviously you don't read what others write, very obvious.

Scawen said earlier on in the topic that he was against the war in Iraq and if i remember correctly he even protested against it.

Quite simply nearly (if not all) everyone has also said that the wars in Iraq had been wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from superlame :looks like my ip is blocked for some reason. with anonymoux i can download.

Could be something to do with your ISP, do you know if you have a Static IP or Dynamic ?
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Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :I didn't mean to offend anyone, it just looks a bit funny to me. I start to write my comment where is that comment was last. Where you exchanged links without much explanation.

I would also like explanations with arguments where I am wrong, and where my argument is not enough.

All my post contain an explaination with the links. Sorry just slightly confused Thumbs up

No worries anyway i wasn't offended per say, i actually like to read a lot of what you say, and as i've said earlier on, i get the impression you're a decent guy Smile

Quote from ACCAkut :

Close this thread, deleting it outright may be better still. It's not going anywhere good and it's not giving anyone any valuable insight.

You're wrong on that, you see the majority of us can and do have a civilised discussion even when we do not agree with each other, it is only the few that come and ruin the discussion.

Quote from dfgjkl :Really?

it feels like it was written by a child who lives in the world of fairy tales.Oh yah remove bad man and whole world will live happy... Ya rightOmg omg omgPetals

I won’t repeat about the actor, already wrote.Face -> palm

and after this you get ofended?


If you don't remove "bad men" then you're allowing "bad men", allowing them is just as bad, while i agree that in some cases they can be replaced by someone that is bad, thats a chance that has to be taken as its better than doing nothing.
Last edited by bishtop, .
S3 licensed
Quote from superlame :no. tried from my phone on the same wifi. still nothing.

Preferred DNS Server

Alternative DNS Server

Is on my router settings

Have you tried with a proxy, if you use firefox then anonymoux is a good one, just to see if its to do with your IP address being blocked for some reason.
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Briton, Dutchman, and New Zealander are arguing about Ukraine and the USSR. To me, this looks like the start of a good joke Big grin

Il refrain from reading past this part due to the FACT you're wrong. We're not arguing at all. Were having something that's called a Discussion.

Quote from Avraham Vandezwin :I don't think Putin is the kind of guy who bows to international pressure. If he ends up being cornered, he will cause an incident with planetary repercussions. He's not going to kill himself alone in his bunker. And the international strategy boils down to cornering Putin, at the risk of pushing China to react.

Agree with you, he doesn't seem the type of person to bow in to pressure, and their is a story that Putin once told from when he was younger, due to a poor childhood they used to chase rats around for fun, one time he cornered a rat and due to it being cornered it tried to attack him.

He goes with this principle in life, things become dangerous and likely to attack if they're put into a corner with no way out.

Contrary to what Aleksandr_124rus seems to believe, we're well educated in geography and history in our schools and colleges and universities.

Quote from detail :That's simply not true.

There's a continuum of dialects of Slavic languages from Russian to Polish. If you start in Russia and go westwards to Poland, you'll see a change in Russian language, transforming into Surzhyk (a mix of language features from both), then standard Ukrainian, and more polonisms in the Western Ukraine. There's also a mix of Russian and Belarussian (трасянка), and between Ukrainiand and Belarussian in border regions.

But what you call "language" is no more than an arbitrary standard, taken by educated elite that had media to spread it. The "languages" and "filthy" mixtures of them only appeared after centralized school education came by, and radio/TV. Norway had a continuum of dialects with Sweden, and it took a couple of hundred years of centralized schooling to make Norwegians not understand Swedes in border regions. Before that, there was a smooth transition of dialects from one big city to another.

You can easily notice that in Siberia people speak with different intonation, and use a number of different words than in Central Russia. If you go to North Caucasus to big cities, where people forgot local languages and speak only Russian, you'll notice they have different grammar features. In Kyrgyzstan, some words that had no form of single number (сутки -- 24 hours, сливки) were regularized and now have this form (сутка, сливка). Everyone speaks like that, and that's their local normal language, even though educated muscovites (and your school teacher of Russian) will be absolutely mad of that.

Back to Ukrainian vs Russian, Russian has more Old Church Slavonic influences and other borrowings where Ukrainian preserved Old Russian lexics. At the same time Ukrainian borrowed lots of words from their western neighbors, e.g. paint from German "Farbe".

Grammar has also got different features. You can't pick some arbitrary grammar feature at all. (Unless you're a fanatic like Eliezer Ben-Yehuda.) That can only be a natural phoenomenon.

Ukrainian and Belarusian diverged from Russian in several centuries of the Great Duchy of Lithuania ( contemporaries called it Lithuanian Russia, BTW). They had different literature, that the literate class used, than Moscovia. And they diverged significantly so that unprepared Russians can't understand them.

The idea that some evil politicians made people pick incomprehensible words is a Soviet/Russian propaganda myth.

Very informative and interesting read. Thank you
Last edited by bishtop, .
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Quote from Avraham Vandezwin :The war in Iraq was a great trauma (especially for people of our generation). This has done a lot of harm to the concept of law. We could also talk about Libya. But these are just examples of the double standard that we feel we can impose on the rest of the world. "Do what I say. Do not do what I have done in the past or what I still allow myself to do before your eyes".

With regard to the crimes of the West (the wars of yesterday and today, but also colonization and its genocides, forced evangelization, slavery, the methodical plundering of planetary natural resources, the use of the atomic bomb, ecological devastation, our assumed consumerism and its effects...or our racialization of refugee status...the list is endless) who are we to teach lessons?

Our arrogance led us to proclaim "the end of history" to erase our debt to the rest of the world. But history catches up with us. Beyond the tragic fate of Ukraine, this is what is in question.

The double standard today authorizes other nations to perpetrate the worst atrocities in the name of equity, or the right to self-determination. Israel has raised the "double standard" as a concept [Three Ds]. It is a sign of anti-Semitism recognized to disqualify all criticism of the annexation of Palestine. Emerging nations invoke the double standard to justify their right to pollute and dispose of (even destroy) their natural resources (which we consider to be the common heritage of humanity since we no longer control them) Putin would be entitled to to invoke the double standard about international sanctions following his invasion of Ukraine...

I have big doubts like you. For Putin to stand trial for his crimes, he would have to either volunteer or be removed from office and handed over to an international court. These scenarios are unlikely. Labeling Putin a war criminal has another more immediate effect, however. It says there will be a "before" and an "after" Ukraine.

Putin played big. It seems that he has already partly lost. The West could perhaps do without Russian gas and oil. It will be more complicated for nuclear power. But the West will not be able to keep up the pressure on Russia without the support of China. And China is increasingly claiming its status as a non-aligned country.

The real question is, "What's behind the invasion of Ukraine?" The control of the Black Sea, of course. Putin already has some strong allies there. But the invasion of Ukraine could also hide something else.

Our navel-gazing has made us forget that Russia and Japan are still officially at war (the end of the Second World War has not happened for everyone). Following Japan's adoption of international sanctions against Russia, Russia redeployed to the Kuril Islands in late March. 3,000 men with missile batteries (the islands of Kouriles are less than 9,000 km from the USA...).

How would China react in the event of an armed confrontation between its hereditary enemy (Japan) and its contemporary best friend (Russia)?

I am not a collapsologist. But even if we escape the worst, this crisis will have considerable repercussions. After the health crisis and the economic crisis it caused, the conflict in Ukraine could be only the beginning of very large upheavals for which we should reflect and prepare (as far as possible).

This seems more urgent to me than testing our knowledge of wikipedia. It's just my opinion. And I prefer to be wrong.

You do speak a lot of sense. I personally think this is Putins retirement plan though, so to speak. He is 70 years old soon and even though he may live quite a while longer, his actual intentions may be a slightly longer plan.

Heres a video apparently based from some Russian soldiers and their experience up to now.

It would be a grave mistake to believe that Putin has any boundaries on how far he will go or what he would do