
The point is if people want to use chase view then let them, if they want tyre temps/clutch heat gauge/maps/time splits/etc then fine let them have them. I'd rather not race with any of the above (+many others besides)
I'd like a serverside option to have either a full on hardcore mode or an all things permitted mode. It's got nothing to do with a level playing field situation either, it's more of a challenge, the harder it is the more rewarding it is when you get to the end unscathed. But thats just me, i prefer the hard to drive cars in LFS because they're so much more rewarding when you get it right. I've not got too much interest in the tintops or the winged cars these days, they just don't float my boat, and even though the FBM is a fine addition to the line up, it has yet to give me that LX grin which is rapidly changing to an RAC grin thanks to the added engine inertia. Anyone who's raced me online will tell you i'm possibly one of the slowest guys online, but i really really don't care. I'm not here to set records or improve my win stats. I'm here because LFS replaced GPL with it's immersion/feeling and grin factor that i crave.
So to summaries, lets have a hardcore mode and an all options permitted mode and lets put an end to all this pointless bickering and have some fun

off topic, Hey JTbo