I was wondering when someone would make a thread like this, it's good to see some faces..
Here's mine, while i was in army last summer.. and yes, that's a broom i'm holding, and no, i am not copying Tristan..
If that is Venice, i suggest to you all to not do that.
Pigeons in Venice are like rats, not only you risk some unexpected poo on you, but they bring disease so beware...
Sorry for spam, but i feel better now that i saved some tourist hair
I will see if i got a pic of me.
No im not the guy in the avatar.
So,since everyone is doing that, this is me(the guy with the glasses,the other one is my teammate). I dont have many photos of myself since i hate seeing me. This is the only photo of me with short hair i guess,noone took a photo since theyre gone XD