Next Combo is already set, picked by Expr, winner.
It's AS2R with Both cars XFG and XRG
Thanks a lot for another fantastic racing guys, lots of us giving me feeling that we are doing good job in administration of this non professional league.
The best in this we don't wanna be angry on eachothers, soo please don't take any actions perssonally like Mikke in last race. We will don't take any futher actions on this but please Mikke, i've watched replay on Quali, and if this is a 'distraction' .. please ..
Like i said on event TS, there will be some changes, new regulations, new erning points for each events, new site, and we are thinking about small prizes for thise who will for example participate in most events in a year
Cheers guys, and have a great weekend!
Standings are up, etc
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Fras doing there great reviews after race .. Yes, Fras is out best race director