The online racing simulator
Is there any way to put autobanned for users in other countries?
Quote from Popughini :Is there any way to put autobanned for users in other countries?

No, since LFS and Lapper can't detect from which country someone is coming.
Not to mention the fact that it is relatively easy to pretent coming from a different country using proxy servers etc.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :
Quote from Popughini :Is there any way to put autobanned for users in other countries?

No, since LFS and Lapper can't detect from which country someone is coming.
Not to mention the fact that it is relatively easy to pretent coming from a different country using proxy servers etc.

Is there any way of showing the time from one node to another node?
Quote from Popughini :Is there any way of showing the time from one node to another node?

Yes, if those nodes are at actual splits, Lapper has functions to calculate time between splits.
If the nodes are custom made, you need to built that function your self, by storing the time at node 1 and 2 and then calculate the difference between that.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :
Quote from Popughini :Is there any way of showing the time from one node to another node?

Yes, if those nodes are at actual splits, Lapper has functions to calculate time between splits.
If the nodes are custom made, you need to built that function your self, by storing the time at node 1 and 2 and then calculate the difference between that.

there any way to do that only to push a button every 6 seconds?

hay alguna forma de hacer que solo puedan apretar un boton cada 6 segundos?
That might be possible, but it would be easier to use the scheduler of Lapper and run a task every 6 seconds (so run the task every minute at 0,6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54 seconds).
Quote from Yisc[NL] :That might be possible, but it would be easier to use the scheduler of Lapper and run a task every 6 seconds (so run the task every minute at 0,6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54 seconds).

How do I hide the button is being pressed and then appears at 6 seconds?

Como hago para que el boton se oculte al ser presionado y aparesca a los 6 segundos?
With a scheduled event there isn't a need to display a button at all.
Just make it execute a piece of code every 6 seconds.
Maybe you could explain a bit more, what it is you want Lapper to do, since I am not totaly sure what you want.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :With a scheduled event there isn't a need to display a button at all.
Just make it execute a piece of code every 6 seconds.
Maybe you could explain a bit more, what it is you want Lapper to do, since I am not totaly sure what you want.

I want you to just click on that button and hide the 6 seconds to reappear

Quiero que al darle click a ese boton se oculte y a los 6 segundos vuelva a aparecer
Should that button be a central button for all players, or one for every player?
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Should that button be a central button for all players, or one for every player?

The button is for all players, but when you click you want them to hide and reappear six seconds

El boton es para todos los jugadores, pero cuando uno le de click quiero que se oculte y a los 6 segundos reaparezca

openPrivButton( "event",78,120,20,10,10,-1,ISB_DARK,"^1EVENT",ButtonEvent );

Sub ButtonEvent( $KeyFlags,$id )
PrivDelayedCommand( 6, ButtonEvent2 );

Sub ButtonEvent2( $KeyFlags )
openPrivButton( "event",78,120,20,10,10,-1,ISB_DARK,"^2EVENT",ButtonEvent );

I have placed the OpenPrivButton in the OnConnect Event, so that everyone who connects to the server, gets that button.
As soon as you click it, ButtonEvent is called, which closes the button and then executes a DelayedCommand after 6 seconds, to go to ButtonEvent2.
In that event, the button is opened again and when you click it, ButtonEvent is called again.

I hope this is what you want, since you can't draw global buttons.
There is a way to work around that, but I haven't got time to work that out right now.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :

openPrivButton( "event",78,120,20,10,10,-1,ISB_DARK,"^1EVENT",ButtonEvent );

Sub ButtonEvent( $KeyFlags,$id )
PrivDelayedCommand( 6, ButtonEvent2 );

Sub ButtonEvent2( $KeyFlags )
openPrivButton( "event",78,120,20,10,10,-1,ISB_DARK,"^2EVENT",ButtonEvent );

I have placed the OpenPrivButton in the OnConnect Event, so that everyone who connects to the server, gets that button.
As soon as you click it, ButtonEvent is called, which closes the button and then executes a DelayedCommand after 6 seconds, to go to ButtonEvent2.
In that event, the button is opened again and when you click it, ButtonEvent is called again.

I hope this is what you want, since you can't draw global buttons.
There is a way to work around that, but I haven't got time to work that out right now.

With me it worked! Thank you!

Another question, as I do that the bump 2 cars colliding is expelled?

Gracias me funciono! Gracias!

Otra pregunta, como hago que al chocarse 2 vehiculos el que choca sea expulsado?
I'm still not sure I totally understand what the button should do for you and any other players.
The way I made it now, is that every player gets his own button and when he clicks on it, his own button will go away for 6 seconds.
But when I click my button at let's say 22:30:00, it will come back to me at 22:30:06.
While if you click yours at 22:30:02, it will come back to you at 22:30:08.

On the other hand, if it was one button shown to all connected players (that isn't possible, but there is a way to pretent it is the same button for everyone), it would come down to the first player clicking it, then it goes away on everyones screen and will come back to everyone after 6 seconds.

I have no idea what you mean by "the bump 2 cars colliding is expelled".
Lapper can't detect colliding cars at all, so if you are looking to make that work, you can stop here and now.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I'm still not sure I totally understand what the button should do for you and any other players.
The way I made it now, is that every player gets his own button and when he clicks on it, his own button will go away for 6 seconds.
But when I click my button at let's say 22:30:00, it will come back to me at 22:30:06.
While if you click yours at 22:30:02, it will come back to you at 22:30:08.

On the other hand, if it was one button shown to all connected players (that isn't possible, but there is a way to pretent it is the same button for everyone), it would come down to the first player clicking it, then it goes away on everyones screen and will come back to everyone after 6 seconds.

I have no idea what you mean by "the bump 2 cars colliding is expelled".
Lapper can't detect colliding cars at all, so if you are looking to make that work, you can stop here and now.

Ok thanks for the help!

Button and it worked, thanks for answering questions.
Someone could make a ranking system using the system timer 0-100 speed?
Someone could make me a message when you walk through the 302 node say speed? please
Quote from Popughini :Someone could make me a message when you walk through the 302 node say speed? please

Event OnLapperStart()
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 302 , DisplaySpeed,"" );

Sub DisplaySpeed( $userName ) # Lapper Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . " ^7drove " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("InstantSpeed") . GetCurrentPlayerVar ("UnitSpeed") );

Quote from Yisc[NL] :
Quote from Popughini :Someone could make me a message when you walk through the 302 node say speed? please

Event OnLapperStart()
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 302 , DisplaySpeed,"" );

Sub DisplaySpeed( $userName ) # Lapper Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . " ^7drove " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("InstantSpeed") . GetCurrentPlayerVar ("UnitSpeed") );

I run me! Thank you
Please! Drift Points counter in real time, like this one

See Bass-Drivers post -

The easy way is to use his .exe file, although you could also code lapper to work in real time too.

However, whatever you use (.exe or code) on a server, and more than about half a dozen people on track, your lapper will lag very badly.
There a system that shows when there is contact between two cars?
Quote from sinanju :See Bass-Drivers post -

The easy way is to use his .exe file, although you could also code lapper to work in real time too.

However, whatever you use (.exe or code) on a server, and more than about half a dozen people on track, your lapper will lag very badly.

EDIT: Added updated LFSLapper.exe

Update: Stop spamming the gooddrift event
Update: Execute OnDriftScore event while drifting ( previous version was executing all the time)
Update: It counts the driftscore during the drift. When stop drifting it count the driftscore + the totaldriftscore. (Previous version: it counts the driftscore and totaldriftscore at the same time. could cause insim lag with many drivers in the servers)
Attached files - 128.4 KB - 423 views

Could someone test the LFSLapper.exe above.

This is because the first exe i uploaded had some lagging issues.
On 21:38 i uploaded a new one with some changes.

I have removed a loop that executed a new event i created:
Event OnNotIdle( $userName ) # Player event

Also it checks the speed of the driver every second instead of every millisecond( also for idling)

Hey guys, im having some problems with the drift points counter.
Is there any way to make the lap point couting work properly on practice sessions? It only starts to work after complete 1 or 2 laps