The online racing simulator
LFSPoints V2.4.0.8
(187 posts, started )
Quote from mauro01 :
EDIT: i think it's' a LFS game problem: the replay don't save the qualify session

Qualyfication is a diferent session, so you need to save the mpr before starting the race
I've lost the original source for this program, so I've started to write it again from the beginning. I've no idea when it will be finished, so I can't say when I will be able to release it. I am going to focus first of all on recreating it for MPR files first, then I will start to think about the InSim version again. I'm writing it for .NET 4.0, as the new version of .NET has some interesting data-structures which will make everything a lot easier. I think that .NET 4.0 final will be released by Microsoft before I am finished, so it should all work out OK.
sounds good, look forward to the release.

let me know if you want a tester
Any news about this?
Respect to the author for this program is very handy. But lacks some features.
1) Support for other languages.
2) Not enough features, which limits the number of pilots in the team standings. For example: 1 or 2. Obtained in the team standings are the two best results of the pilots of the whole team.
3) Remove the pilot from the list

Like everything else satisfies.
Quote from DarkTimes :I've lost the original source for this program, so I've started to write it again from the beginning. I've no idea when it will be finished, so I can't say when I will be able to release it. I am going to focus first of all on recreating it for MPR files first, then I will start to think about the InSim version again. I'm writing it for .NET 4.0, as the new version of .NET has some interesting data-structures which will make everything a lot easier. I think that .NET 4.0 final will be released by Microsoft before I am finished, so it should all work out OK.

OK - so it's only taken me a year, but it's almost finished. As I mentioned I no longer have the original source for the program, so the idea behind this next release is to recreate the original functionality of 2.4, with a few tweaks and improvements. Once that is released I can then see about adding some new features, such as the long, long, long awaited InSim support, for which I have a better, simpler idea of how to implement than I did before. I'm not sure exactly when it will be finished, but we're talking days or weeks, rather than months or years.

I'm actually quite happy with it, it's vastly more polished than the old version, also the source code is much better written, which will make it easier to expand and maintain in the future. Just the result of an extra four years learning about programming since I wrote the initial version.
This is good news. We will wait for release of the program, as really useful and handy utility.
Thanks for this program!!! I've been using it since the 2nd revision (I think) you've helped me sort out points in a few different leagues.


1. Is it possible to include racers who did not finish races in the race results?
2. Is it possible to include the racer's names with their chosen color choices?
3. Do you have a website?
4. How can I donate to help you? After all you've helped me a lot, thanks again!
The answer to the first three questions is 'no'.

I've not released a new version of this for a few years now. I do have a rewritten version, which is a lot nicer than the old one, but it doesn't have as many features (lacking team support mainly), so it has never made sense to release it.

In terms of donations, as I'm no longer actively working on this, there's no reason to pay me any money. Anyway, you're the first person that's ever offered.
Here is the version I had been working on. It works great for basic driver's championships, but it might have a few bugs here and there as it's unfinished. As I posted previously, I lost the original source code for the program when my old hard disk died, this was meant as the replacement.

Warning: although the program works OK, some of the source code is quite poor. Normally I try to improve the code before I release a program. This stuff is just raw and untweaked (although looking through it now it doesn't look that bad really).
Attached files - 156.5 KB - 510 views - 150.8 KB - 467 views
Hey DarkTimes,

Thanks for posting those, but I'm using 2.4 and its working well and has points allocation for teams, so I'm gonna keep using that.

As far as the Source Code is concerned, I have no idea how or what to use to mess with it. Is it a Java project? C++?

What software do you use to alter it? I wouldn't mind giving it a try, if you don't mind me messing with it.

Thanks again
It is written in C# and uses the .NET Framework. You can edit it using Visual Studio 2010 Express.

I just posted it because I don't really have time to work on it anymore, but it seemed silly to let all that effort go to waste. Maybe someone will finish it for me, or maybe someone will learn something by looking at the code.
Does this program support single player replays?
Nope, sorry. SPR relays only contain hotlap data for the current player, so it's not possible to create a championship from the available info.

Also, I've kinda given up working on this app for the time being. If I were to revive LFSPoints I would do so as a web site, instead of a desktop app. A online league management web site sounds like a fun idea, but I would need to determine if there was an audience for it. There's not much point in launching anything like that at the moment though, as LFS itself is pretty much dormant until the next release appears. With the current LFS situation the number of interested users is only ever going to decrease, which means the site would become less and less useful over time, which gives me less and less enthusiasm for building it.
OK, thanks!
Thanks for this program ,
I have a problem
in one mpr two driver named : "Ali gh (GT) " and Ali A (GT) " your software plus them point together , if you want I send this mpr ,

best regards
Reza Ardalan
its a wonderful tool for admins, but in the new westhill 2 and 5 not work, any upgrade?
I do not know if it will work:
In the tracks.xml file I added this part for the Westhill configs:

<Track ShortName="WE" Name="Westhill">
<Config Km="4.40" Miles="2.73" Num="1">National</Config>
<Config Km="5.75" Miles="3.57" Num="2">International</Config>
<Config Km="0.0" Miles="0.0" Num="3">Car Park</Config>
<Config Km="0.48" Miles="0.30" Num="4">Karting</Config>
<Config Km="1.31" Miles="0.82" Num="5">Karting International</Config>

Replace LFSPoints\Data\tracks.xml with the attached version from zip.

ok, I tried loading a WE2R replay from cityliga.
Normal LFSpoints: crashed
LFSpoint with new tracks.xml: worked
No further testing because I am not familiar with tool anyway, and please note that it is unofficial.
Attached files - 852 B - 260 views
i try!! thanks!
nice!! works!!!! really very very thanks!!
problems again!!
why in some tracks can see the positions, gap, lap times, final positions, etc, etc, but in the championship windows doesnt work, no add points.
Sorry my english
Did you enter a points system?
P1 = 20 points
P2 = 16 points
P3 = 14 points

And did you make sure the pointsystem is assigned to each race?
yes yes, in some races works fine, and some races doesnt work, all races in open config tracks
upload some replays? One that works, one that does not.
For me it so far always worked on open config too. (on new Westhill too.)
To me always had a problem, the latest version is doing very well, but does not have the option to penalize a driver points, which is what I need, only penalized with seconds

LFSPoints V2.4.0.8
(187 posts, started )