The RIP Thread
(405 posts, started )

Po północy dniu 14.01.2014r. w wyniku wypadku samochodowego zmarł nasz najwspanialszy wnuk, syn, brat, oraz dla wielu niezastąpiony kumpel Tomek. Zawsze uśmiechnięty, pomocny, z setką marzeń, młody człowiek posiadający olbrzymią pasję - wyścigi. Zginął podobnie jak jego największy życiowy idol Ayrton Senna, czyli za kierownicą samochodu.
Informację tą podajemy tutaj dlatego, że Tomek miał bardzo wielu przyjaciół z zawodów online na całym świecie i napewno chciałby Wam przekazać, żebyście się niczym nie martwili. Wierzymy, że Tomek nie chciałby widzieć na Waszych twarzach smutku, więc zapamiętajcie go równie szczęśliwego jakim był zawsze za kierownicą samochodu.

W imieniu rodziny prosimy o nie składanie kondolencji.
Pomódlmy się w ciszy.


Translated via Google Translate (not corrected by my own, but you will get the point)

After midnight on 14.01.2014r. as a result of a car accident, died our greatest grandson, son, brother, and many irreplaceable buddy Tom. Always smiling, helpful, with hundreds of dreams, a young man holding a passion - racing. He died, like his biggest life idol Ayrton Senna, which is behind the wheel of a car.
This information we give here because Tom had many friends in online competitions around the world and you certainly would like to pass you to be nothing to worry. We believe that Tom would not like to see on your faces sad, so remember him as happy as he was always behind the wheel of a car.

On behalf of the family, please do not submit condolences.
Let us pray in silence.


Well, this is absolutely shocking and I don't know what to say. It's just unbelievable. His brother shared the info as well.
Genuinely lost for words.. can this be confirmed by any other source I seriously don't know whether to believe it not?
Quote from vipex123 :Genuinely lost for words.. can this be confirmed by any other source I seriously don't know whether to believe it not?

+1. I am still in shock, and would rather believe it's false, misleading information. Well, this whole information taken from his facebook account. And yeah, there is an only one source, which is provided next to the story. Maybe there is a possibility to find out more on major polish press, not a regional one. I would like to ask some of polish guys here to help us out, providing more information from polish press, if there is such information.
I cant believe this...
I am absolutely speechless and shocked that this is true.
I just can't believe this. Tomek, you will be missed.
This is very sad
Sorry for my ignorance, what is his username here?
His username is imol.
Did he had a car / drivers license? Never heard him about it or see something on Facebook?

Considering the care to translate it in three different languages on Facebook and the choosing of words I have to think this most probably is all true... Which is hard to accept.
Quote from FireMike15 :His username is imol.

Yeah i know that username but i guess you guys driving the leagues and stuff knew him better.
Very sad news
Quote from Boris Lozac :Yeah i know that username but i guess you guys driving the leagues and stuff knew him better.
Vary sad news

He was one of the best and sim racing will miss him massively.
Quote from :Did he had a car / drivers license? Never heard him about it or see something on Facebook?

Considering the care to translate it in three different languages on Facebook and the choosing of words I have to think this most probably is all true... Which is hard to accept.

Yes it was his car.
He told me years ago that he's having a very small suzuki or something like that and told me about that he loves racing with this thing on streets. No doubt that he was riding too fast.
****... in the last few months I started to talk with him much better as in the past our different personalities and rivalry meant we usually argued with each other but with a couple extra years of age I got to know what he was really like - I'd call him a friend. I was always surprised how he could care so much about simracing stuff so openly. It will feel weird to race LFS without him there. Will miss him for sure R.I.P
He is online at lfsforum now, trolled?

Edit: (username IMOL; currently viewing Nitor Velox thread)
NO WAY. That's all I can say about this, and I know that it will take a while for this to sink in.

A lot of people know that we (as in the entire LLM team) were far from being in good terms with Tomek, but we never EVER expected or wanted to hear of something as extreme as what just happened, we were all taken by surprise when hearing of Tomek's passing.

There are a lot of rivalries in the LFS Racing scene, but when someone dies, no matter how much you might have hated that person, those rivalries are immediately put aside. With that in mind, we will pay tribute to Tomek with a message on all our cars at every event we take part in from this point on as a sign of mourning.

May you Rest In Peace, Tomek "IMOL" Nogiec.
Quote from Speed Senna :He is online at lfsforum now, trolled?

Edit: (username IMOL; currently viewing Nitor Velox thread)

It would be a very sick joke if it was a troll, seeing as people had access to his facebook to post that then theres no reason why they wouldn't be using his PC and simply looking @ what people are saying for him. Also if there was 1 guy in LFS who wouldn't joke about that it would be him
I know little about Tomek but it is always sad to hear something so devastating.. Rest in Peace Tomek
Quote from IsaacPrice :It would be a very sick joke if it was a troll, seeing as people had access to his facebook to post that then theres no reason why they wouldn't be using his PC and simply looking @ what people are saying for him.

That's true, but I'm wondering if the family is able to make those things at same day when he died (for example if my mom dies, i would cry and sit for a week and then recover little by little).

But anyways

if you, Tomek, really passed away, R.I.P.
Quote from IsaacPrice :It would be a very sick joke if it was a troll, seeing as people had access to his facebook to post that then theres no reason why they wouldn't be using his PC and simply looking @ what people are saying for him. Also if there was 1 guy in LFS who wouldn't joke about that it would be him

It could well be his girlfreind. She is very aware of LFS and Tomeks teammates, so I'll assume she knows about the LFS Forum.
My thoughts exactly.
I cannot believe it... Even though I haven't been racing much on LFS lately, Tomek is one of those I've still been talking to. A great guy, I really liked talking to him. I will miss him deeply!

RIP my friend!
Shame to see such a young people die
This should give rest of us sign to be more cautious.


The RIP Thread
(405 posts, started )