Coilovers for me
shameless cut/paste from ukmkivs
Okay so today was the day...been very excited!!
My mate Jason kindly offered to fit my JOM coilies. So we got cracking, with a 10am start.
Getting the car on the ramp
Wheels off ready to work
Here's what we went to put on
While Jason got started on getting the old struts out.. (if at first you don't succeed hit it with a hammer..[whistle]
I started to prepare the coilovers for years of happy motoring by applying far too much FK coilover protection spray, then adding much more copper grease than strictly necessary, with yet more coilover spray and then MORE grease.
I also took the time to sort out the front struts to prevent any knocking issues in the future.
One of the old front struts came out just as I got a busy with the threadlock
Removing the springs to get the topmounts
While both bearings etc were fine, one came off without an issue, the second one, the bearing split. Very tedius work putting it all back together, only 2 little balls down, greased up and put back together
It should be noted when fitting that you need to grind/drill this section back in order for the bolt to be able to pass through. What I suggest after seeing this done is to put it in and use a titanium drill bit and get it down that way - it's better to do it that way than to take too much off. After we had done one with the drill we did the second one on the bench as we knew how far back to go.
And putting back in place
Now onto the back:
This all was really easy all things considered
all gone [

And finally done
On Tuesday the car is going back to get the ABS sensor thing fixed, my buddy will also do my alignment for me in his lunchbreak.
initial impressions are that - it handles much better and the ride is actually very good, much better than the FKs in my friends Corsa and about the same as my friends Weitecs in his Mk4.
I have the adjusters all the way down in the front, it's not much lower than my Eibach set up to be honest [

] at the back it's not even half way down so lots more lows available there. But hoping the front will go down a bit further.. but even so there's far less body roll [

] If it doesn't go lower might talk to DPM because otherwise something would be wrong..
On my list now are to replace both top mounts/bearings (both are fine at the moment but as a matter of principle) - something I just didn't have enough money to do now, and also I need new droplinks both sides, as the rubber around the balljoints has gone which while isn't a big deal is now an MOT failure thanks to the new rules. It can wait though no great rush as my MOT is August [whistle]
Pic I got about 20 minutes after they got fitted