Scawen really should have posted it on April 1st.
lol "April fools! It's real!" everybody would automaticaly jump to the conclusion its an april fools joke so it's not real then bam, that punchline.

Ye would have been funny, oh the missed opportunities in life.

On T:

I didn't know the other track sections were drive-able while not being the primary track selected. I thought the car would fall to the underworld if it got passed the barriers.
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
Well, you get reset/spectated actually past the boundaries as it is now.

Can't you see 20 MRTs blasting around it in an epic little go-kart championship.
Quote :- Improved collisions with unmovable objects (e.g. red barriers)

Billboards on the highway BL2 also will behave as in version LFS S1 H6? Tell me please.
Attached images
LFS 2011-04-13 18-49-58-92.jpg
The good thing is the start/finish aint too far from there, so you could actually have a proper race on it, with a fun sprint to see who gets there first (the little FE oval). But I'm just really looking forward to making lots of new destruction derby maps, all mine were always so limited by those barriers and the object limit.
One problem I see with that Mini-Oval on FE. The cones are not missing in any layouts. So by Scawen's definition of these open tracks, those cones will still be blocking it. Obviously you can still drive there, but it will be annoying for the cones to be respawning and it will also make it to where leagues will not be able to use it.

Can you confirm this Scawen?
Scawen didn't say anything about Rockingham in his first post.

So, by using LFS Forum Logic (patent pending), that means this patch has Rockingham, because he didn't say it doesn't. Right?
Quote from Qurpiz :Scawen didn't say anything about Rockingham in his first post.

So, by using LFS Forum Logic (patent pending), that means this patch has Rockingham, because he didn't say it doesn't. Right?

I think "(not VWS or S3)" he means that the Rockingham is S3 content
Quote from PMD9409 :One problem I see with that Mini-Oval on FE. The cones are not missing in any layouts. So by Scawen's definition of these open tracks, those cones will still be blocking it. Obviously you can still drive there, but it will be annoying for the cones to be respawning and it will also make it to where leagues will not be able to use it.

Can you confirm this Scawen?

Not sure how hard this is to code but one possible solution could be to just make all the hardcoded trackside objects editable like any other object in shift-u mode, so a server admin could easily remove them if necessary.
Thats difficult. If you are able to remove ALL hard coded objects then it is in some cases easier to set a good time and will lead to server configuration differences (thinking about FE chicanes for example, KY2 T1 etcetc).

Online hot lapping will become worthless.
At this point, with shifting and clutch macros, hotlaps are already worthless.
Someone proposed an InSim change to cover that 'problem'

(not in this thread)
ah, I didn't do any research obviously so my post is invalid.
This might be a stupid question and not a simple fix/update, but stick with me please.

How hard would it be to enable spr quality recording inside a mpr but only for the point of view of the person who saved the mpr replay?

It's very hard to form the question properly, but this is the idea: 29 drivers on the server, when I join the track and start doing my laps, at the end I'd save a replay and it'd be a typical mpr of other 29 drivers with 250 ms precision (if I'm not mistaken) - BUT from my point of view (person who saves the replay of his driving) it'd have spr precision and "Output lap data" option would be enabled.

Obviously for the sake of leagues and people not stealing setups etc, a server side replay would be just as a regular mpr, and any replay saved by someone who was just spectating would be also just a normal mpr as it is now.

IMHO, this would be VERY nice to have cause it'd be the first step to having an option to export telemetry from an actual race.

Another option, avoiding this mixing of spr and mpr issues, would just be to have Output lap data enabled in the ESC menu while driving on a server (but it'd have to have the option of outputing sequential laps unlike it does now where you can't start a lap until previous one had finished exporting). Basically just make .raf files of lap after lap until you stop driving. Don't know if this would adversely affect framerates, but I didn't notice such an effect in spr.
#393 - 65D
I see there is a lot posts with excitement. But I didn't actually understand very well the configuration thing. No flags, no racing positions, no maps. I feel its not exciting/realistic to drive. I don't know what to think.

Quote from PMD9409 :One problem I see with that Mini-Oval on FE. The cones are not missing in any layouts. So by Scawen's definition of these open tracks, those cones will still be blocking it. Obviously you can still drive there, but it will be annoying for the cones to be respawning and it will also make it to where leagues will not be able to use it.

Can you confirm this Scawen?

I solved this and the objects at Blackwood chicane by a simple method : In the track editor, I took a list of the X and Y coordinates so LFS can detect those particular objects when loading. Then I switched them off in configurations they don't affect, so they became objects that do vary between configurations - that means they are now invisible in the open configuration.
so wait when the new patch is out i can press shift+u in the game and edit the whole track and be able to drive anywhere?

Am i right?
Quote from eddy678 :so wait when the new patch is out i can press shift+u in the game and edit the whole track and be able to drive anywhere?

Am i right?

Are you really that dumb? Read the first post, or ask your mother to read it to you.
Quote from Mango Juice :Are you really that dumb? Read the first post, or ask your mother to read it to you.

Ffs i was only asking a question no need to be all angry towards it

I will read the 1st post
Quote from eddy678 :Ffs i was only asking a question no need to be all angry towards it

I will read the 1st post

Thats the problem
No one reads the OP or the thread itself that contains all of the info

Half of this thread is people asking questions that have already been answered, making it more timeconsuming for Scawen to actually respond to relevant questions (meaning questions that havent already been answered)

Thanks Scawen for being so forum friendly lately. Makes everyone happy :P
Sometimes people belived you quit your job but by the looks of it you're working harder than ever.

We're giving all the credits to you atm but Im sure if Eric had some posts aswell, then he could get some credits too :P if he got a couple of minutes

Cant wait for update though
This thread is closed

New test patch coming soon (not VWS or S3)
(1152 posts, closed, started )