Quote from mclarenmatt :

Lol did you see the advert that accompanied this picture? It's quite old but was rather good
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Lol did you see the advert that accompanied this picture? It's quite old but was rather good


*Lock on Stare*
Haha, he has big eyes. Cute and creepy at the same time
Quote from MR_B :

*Lock on Stare*

that reminds me of one guy in my grade...creepy
Quote from james12s :thats not what hes saying, i too fail to see how pics like that are funny, they used to be ever so slightly humerous but not anymore

Same as the facepalm pics.
Not funny, but useful.

Haha this one is good FUUUUUUU

Quality as always gills!

This isnt a picture, but still made me lol. clicky!

lol at Ronaldo's. Lost part of my rerspect for him because he's dating Paris Hilton (of all girls, when there are girls a lot more fit and hotter than her)...saying this just in case you guys wonder why a guy from Madeira is basinhg another guy from Madeira
Quote from Senninha25 :lol at Ronaldo's. Lost part of my rerspect for him because he's dating Paris Hilton (of all girls, when there are girls a lot more fit and hotter than her)...saying this just in case you guys wonder why a guy from Madeira is basinhg another guy from Madeira

Maybe he dated your GF some years ago?
Hes homo. Yo dawg is right.
SHAME ON YOU, SIR!!! :chairs:
what? That girl is 18 in real life.
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies
(5404 posts, closed, started )