#76 - wild
Quote from 5haz :Session 4

Time: 19.38 Lap:19

Involving cars 93, 54 and 66

Car 93 begins to make a pass up the inside into turn 2, I leave car 93 a reasonable amount of room to pass through on the inside, however car 93 decides to try and take a wider line, bumping me towards the outside of the track and causing me to lose the back end, collecting car 54 as I did so.

Yeah sorry about this incident. That accident could have been totally avoided really.

Yeah I admit maybe I was a bit too high in that turn. You gave a little less space than I'm used to tbh. Sorry once again.

Although that incident could have been totally avoided if you went a little higher. From the replay it looks liked you turned into me a little more instead of slightly away. I just think it's a racing incident, but let's see what the boss says
Quote from fermevc :

1. If SC is on track, there`s no overtaking, speed is limited,etc...
Q: Is it allowed to leave a pack after T3, then slam the throttle and rush towards the pit entrance with 200mph, while others are doing 85mph?

Quote from Rules :The Safety Car will turn its lights out as it crosses the start/finish line to start
its inlap, and will pull into pitlane at this time. Once the Safety Car is clear of the track, the
leader holds Safety Car speed until the Restart Zone which is marked on the
track with orange cones on the wall, identified by two sets of cones. Set one is in the entry to Turn 3, Set 2 is at the Exit of Turn 3. Starting in this zone, the leader may begin to go regardless of if the green is out or not.

Quote :
2. Please try to solve "speed limit" issue during SC, `cause nobody maintains constant speed, and nobody leaves enough gap between the cars. There was so many back slams and Yellow flags during SC, it`s embarrassing to broadcast.

Okay, I'll solve that if you solve world poverty.

We can only insturct people to leave enough space and keep a steady gap, but ultimately it's up to the drivers. If someone continues to crash into people's arses in every practise he is most likely not allowed to participate in the actual race but still... There isn't an ultimate solution.
Quote :
3. Can you move people from ventrilo to some other "room" if they`re gonna shout while "team drafting" (eg. "go inside now, not now, i don`t have enough speed", etc...). I`m sure that RC can speak to them even if the others can`t.
It wasn`t so distracting, but better to stop it now.

You can have your own subchannel if you ask for one. You can ask one for for your team, or people who agree on channel rules can share one. But we won't tell people to stfu unless they are not talking about anything meaningful.
Session 4

Lap & Timecode: Lap 62, turn 1; ~1:00:40

Cars involved: me (car 6), 61 and 78
Description of incident:
Hits me under SC, 61 just doesn't brake and spin me and i hit lots of damage. 78 saw all of this but just hit me aswell .

(i've red car 16's post)
Quote from fermevc :
In lap 27, I was spuned by car 33 during SC. When I looked at replay, it seams that he didn`t touched me, but I was catapulted. I`m afraid that was some lag issue, or LFS bug, so no hard feelings m8. If I was lagging, I`m very sorry for that.

Yep, probably the weirdest lag related incident I've never seen. I'm sorry to see that it caused you some damage. That was probably my fault, as this connexion(I'm not at home atm) was quite instable sometimes.
sesion 4
I dont know what is realy happend in the end off lap 11 for me , I was watched car 66 (who was in line before me) and his rute when he take the corner 3 before the end-start line , than try to get the same rute to go close to the wall , and find myself crashing in to the wall. The car was damaged going to the wall on the another side track made some hard moments to car 33 Leprovete and car 62 Fargo and i take lift from gas to not made a bigger incident and that is this moment:

Then suddenly car 322 Basco , go to spin without a reason like I hit him , but my car is far away from them , or maybe this is not true?
Enormus lag or bug in LFS?
I think that my car was hit car 322 according to LFS and LFS was reacted sending car 322 in to spin , made a bigger crash on start lap12.
I m appologize any inwolved racers , and take full responsibiliti for that incident.
And restart after SC on lap 25 there was not "Green flag" mark anywhere.
Attached images
Quote from Ki-Men :And restart after SC on lap 25 there was not "Green flag" mark anywhere.

That's because the Green Flag message in the centre of the screen was covered up by a Blue Flag Message - There's nothing we can do about that - LFS Just gives priority to it's own messages over RCMs.

And you may ask where the


In the text window is? Well that certainly would have been there, it just isn't shown in the replay (check all the other restarts if you don't believe me), for a reason that I don't know.
restarts in session 5 were a hell of alot better than any of the kyoto250 starts.......nice job fellas
#84 - 5haz
Quote from wild :Although that incident could have been totally avoided if you went a little higher. From the replay it looks liked you turned into me a little more instead of slightly away. I just think it's a racing incident, but let's see what the boss says

That would be because I was expecting you to take the inside line, instead of trying to take the middle of the track.
#85 - wild
Quote from 5haz :That would be because I was expecting you to take the inside line, instead of trying to take the middle of the track.

I couldn't really take the inside line, Goober was coming up my inside
Quote from z-ro 8 :restarts in session 5 were a hell of alot better than any of the kyoto250 starts.......nice job fellas


i forgot to change for 2nd gear in one of the restarts!!!
i have to practice my restarts!!!!!!

but the race was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from JO53PHS :That's because the Green Flag message in the centre of the screen was covered up by a Blue Flag Message - There's nothing we can do about that - LFS Just gives priority to it's own messages over RCMs.

Isn't that what vent is for?
Quote from buck77 :heheh

i forgot to change for 2nd gear in one of the restarts!!!
i have to practice my restarts!!!!!!

but the race was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in every post you use alot of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kinda annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote from aroX123 :in every post you use alot of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kinda annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \o/

lets try again...

so sorry, mate.



now I'll use '...' instead of '!!!' k? ^_^'
Quote from aroX123 :Session 4

Lap & Timecode: Lap 62, turn 1

Cars involved: me (car 6), 61 and 78
Description of incident:
Hits me under SC, 61 just doesn't brake and spin me and i hit lots of damage. 78 saw all of this but just hit me aswell .

(i've red car 16's post)

To the admins and arox I will apologize again I just lost my concentration.

I am not contesting that this was my fault but I realized my error and I elected to restart behind arox immediately after I bashed into him on that restart (check the replay). It honestly wasn't intentional and I hope my actions after that will convey that
Quote from lizardfolk :To the admins and arox I will apologize again I just lost my concentration.

I am not contesting that this was my fault but I realized my error and I elected to restart behind arox immediately after I bashed into him on that restart (check the replay). It honestly wasn't intentional and I hope my actions after that will convey that

I accept it since it's only practise you just dont do that in the real race.
Also, it's not only your fault! it's that other guy saw us infront spinning but yet he doesn't brake and hits me again :S
Quote from aroX123 :I accept it since it's only practise you just dont do that in the real race.
Also, it's not only your fault! it's that other guy saw us infront spinning but yet he doesn't brake and hits me again :S

I am "the other guy" and I've just watched this incident for the first time since Friday. I watched it from within my car and again from within yours.

From my perspective, as soon as safety car was announced when we were in t3 I immediately started easing off. You and lizardfolk continued at racing speed for a little while longer which gave space between myself and both of you. You then came together (more on that in a moment) by which time I was right on top of you and I couldn't really move out of the way until I was sure where you are going to be after spinning. I just clipped you because my car received very little damage.

After watching the incident in your car I would say that you had some responsibility for the crash between you and lizardfolk because in my opinion, and only my opinion, you continued at racing speed for far too long. Deko writes a message, indicating to slow down, and you break quite hard when lizardfolk is right behind you.

The major incident was between you and lizardfolk, so you can sort that out amongst yourselves, but in my opinion with my experience, I have had very little to do with the incident in question. As I have already said, you had just spun at high speed and I had to wait until I was confident your car was not going to spin or you are not going to drive it to either side before I decided which way to get around you safely.

In Deko's decision-making process I will trust.
Imo i watched th Replay and this is what i have found.

AroX broke way too hard in front of Lizardfolk there was no chance we was going to slow dow for that, it was if he brake tested him

Lizardfolk should of been prepared to slow down as there were near stationary cars ahead.

Smegfirk touched aroX and by the looks of it he didn't see him till he was about to hit him, even though he was right in front of him seems lagg may of been involved.
Quote from LFSn00b :Session 4

Lap & Timecode: Lap 38, turn 2, ~40 minutes

Cars involved: 98 and 17

Description of incident:
Pushing me into the wall causing me to have serious damage.

This incident started with Car 17 inside 98. Car 24 was coming inside 17 in the middle of Turn 2. Car 17 starts to head towards the outside wall with the natural racing line. Car 98 does not turn towards the wall at the same rate, leading both to contact and the crash. This incident results in a WARNING for both drivers to leave more room when racing.

Quote from LFSn00b :Session 4

Lap & Timecode: lap 45

Cars involved: 98 and 17

Description of incident: PIT manoveur me INTENTIONALLY causing me to hit #707 and making me DNF.

Car 17 was black flagged during this race for this.

However, the episode from the incident at about 40:15 to car 98's retirement around 48 minutes involves the following events:

-Car 98 shoving Car 17's rear end during the final lap of the SC for the incident at 40:15. Car 98 repeats this in the first lap of the SC period for an incident at the restart.
-Car 17, after dropping a couple lanes lower before turn 3 during SC, moves back up to fully in queue, where Car 98 is present. The resulting contact is caused by Car 17 turing up, expecting no car to be there. Car 17 loses two positions.
-The car between Cars 98 and 17, Car 81, has a slide under SC, and loses his position. With Car 17 now right behind, for about three-quarters of a lap, he pushes the rear of car 98, in much the same way as 98 did to him. However, entering Turn 2, still under safety car, Car 17 turns sharply to the right, placing a PIT maneuver on Car 98, spinning him, and causing 98 to be hit by another car.

The behavior by both cars is extremely unacceptable. These penalties are based on the overall severity of their actions.

For Car 98, nikopdr, for his shoving, which shows intent to disrupt, but not punt, car 17, earns him a Monitoring Penalty of an additional 6 sessions to attend, as well as being placed on 6 month's NDR Probation.

For Car 17, nathan246, for the shoving, which had more force than Car 98s shows, and the PIT maneuver, has earned this driver a 6 month exclusion from NDR events.

As a note - the difference between the penalty here and scania is that the intent here was quite clear. The intent with the scania incident is what ultimately led to simple probation for scania.

NDR does NOT tolerate revenge wrecking, nor any other behavior to "get back" at another driver(s). This behavior does NOT belong on ANY racetrack, real or simulated.

Quote from Agarash :Session 4

Lap & Timecode: leader's Lap 27, between turn 2 and 3; ~28>30

Cars involved: 51 and 353

Description of incident:
Crashed me under SC while chatting.

Car 353 was not fully accelerating at the point of contact, but was distracted by the chat, and the slowing of the queue ahead. A WARNING is issed to Car 353 for this incident, and is reminded to not chat where possible in the session, and if so, ensure that you are also paying attention to the tarmac ahead.
Quote from 5haz :Session 4

Time: 19.38 Lap:19

Involving cars 93, 54 and 66

Car 93 begins to make a pass up the inside into turn 2, I leave car 93 a reasonable amount of room to pass through on the inside, however car 93 decides to try and take a wider line, bumping me towards the outside of the track and causing me to lose the back end, collecting car 54 as I did so.

Cars 93 and 45 were in a draft pattern, and were attempting to draft around/with Car 66. Car 93 was staying at the dividing line between the lowest two lanes, leaving room for Car 45 to come inside. Car 93 turns in more, as if Car 93 was going to be on the bottom. This incident is officially deemed a Racing Incident.

However, a general comment. Might perhaps be a wise idea to make an effort to trust the guy inside you, that there just might be someone with him. Leaving good amounts of room is a good idea. To win in this race ,you need to survive the 270 laps first and foremost. Leaving minimal gaps on lap 26 will NOT help you get there. For the first 260 laps, you need to play the give & take game. Find people during these sessions to work with, build up trust with fellow racers. Take advantage of someone to draft with. Keep a clean race, and go for it in the last 10 laps.

Quote from aroX123 :Session 4

Lap & Timecode: Lap 62, turn 1; ~1:00:40

Cars involved: me (car 6), 61 and 78
Description of incident:
Hits me under SC, 61 just doesn't brake and spin me and i hit lots of damage. 78 saw all of this but just hit me aswell .

(i've red car 16's post)

Car 6 slows as he apporaches the queue, and 61, continues with full throttle indicated. Car 61 reacts to Car 6, but too late, and punts him. Car 78 had too little time to sufficiently react to Car 6 pulling down as he was recovering. Car 61 started the incident and is issued a WARNING for this incident....all need to remember that full-throttle is not advisable during cautions, but smooth movements should be that norm.
Not a protest!
I just wanted to remind all racers to obey these rules:

1. No tire warming - causes yellow flag during SC, `cause nobody keeps steady pace!

2. Pitting during SC and pitting while green - Look for the cones after T3 and enter between them during SC period, and during normal racing conditions (GREEN) enter using apron before T3!

3. No overtaking during SC - Even if lapped car is in front of you, hold your current position. If you lose your position during SC (spin, error,...), don`t try to regain position. Stay at position that you ended up after recovering!

Q: Why don`t we use "ideal racing line" (shown when you press 4) for single file formation during SC?

Now, everyone is using his own path without any sense to the racer behind him, and I think that this is the main reason for bumps during SC.
In session 6 i didn't even pass the Start/finish line before i got taken out, that effectively riuned my race the other 3 accidents i got hit in also helped.
I'm #51

Practice Session Number: 8
Lap and Timecode: leader's lap 23, my lap 22 - timecode 22:30.000
Cars involved: 51 and 38
Description of Incident: crashed me while leaving his pit stall
Practice Session Number: 8
Lap and Timecode: my lap 25 - timecode 24:51.000 - 26.16.000
Cars involved: 51 and 38
Description of Incident: passing me few times under full course yellow
This thread is closed